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Trapped In A Skeletal Coffin Called ''My Body''

Chapter 19- Fluff

Frank’s POV-

As I was working at my part time job, which happened to be a shitty gas station, I received a phone call.
I picked up, seeing it was Gerard’s therapist.

Me- Hello? Is anything wrong?
Mr.Hopel- Hi Frank, well yes there kind of is…

I held my breath.

Me-Tell me
Mr.Hopel- Well a stupid nurse, came to weigh Gerard in, and he’s put on 5kg which is amazing by the way, but the bitch of a nurse wasn’t impressed and she was really putting him down about it, and trying to force feed him, and because he didn’t cooperate she slapped him, luckily I came in then and tried to calm him, right now hes in his room in bed and wont come out, he said he wants you….

Wow, that was a lot to take in…

Mr.Hopel- Frank? Are you there?
Me- Y-yeah sorry, yeah ill be right over!
Mr.Hopel- Okay see you soon.
Me- Bye

I hung up and left since my shift was over in 10 mins anyway…

I arrived at the hospital a few minutes later, and practically ran to his room, greeted by Mr.Hopel himself who was standing outside, waiting for me.

‘’Hi, Frank, I was just wondering if you could sometime get him to eat a little, as he hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday lunch time, and ive asked my boss, and he said it was coo for you to stay over night if you wanted.’’
‘’Okay, sure and yes ill stay. Thank you’’ I replied, going into Gee’s room.

He was curled up into a ball on his bed, I could already tell he wasn’t asleep though.
I put my bag down on the floor, and layed into the bed next to him, wrapping my arms around the ball of Gerardness.

He turned over to face me, and his face lit up, seeing it was me, and I kissed him gently on the lips, he kissed back, and cuddled me.
After a few minutes of doing this I spoke up.

‘’Gee, sweetie do you want to talk about it….?’’

He nodded.

‘’Okay, tell me what happened baby’’
‘’S-she told me that I was skinny and im worthless b-because I wasn’t fat enough for her, e-even though ive put on so much weight… a-and she t-tried to force me to eat spaghetti, b-but I didn’t open my mouth b-because I was scared of her, a-and she s-slapped me…. She hates me….’’ He finished.

I hugged him closer, and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

‘’Gee, im so proud of you for slowly getting better, you know that baby? You are not worthless, its okay that you didn’t eat the spaghetti, sweetie, I know shes a bad nurse, ill try and get her fired. I love you.’’

He wrapped his legs around my waist, trying to pull me as close as possible.

‘’I love you too… can you please not go….?’’ He asked.
‘’Im not going anywhere….’’ I replied, playing with his hair.

I started humming softly, and I heard him sigh, deeply, from relaxation, and his breathes evened out. He must be asleep.
I kissed his forehead, and fell asleep too.


I woke up to Gee fiddling with my hair.
When he saw my eyes open he smiled, widely.

‘’Morning Frankie!’’ He exclaimed, kissing my lips quickly, but I pulled him back in and kissed him longer.

He giggled into the kiss, making me smile.
When we pulled apart he said, ‘’Lets have a bath together!’’
I chuckled at his enthusiasm, ‘’Okay, but I don’t know where the bathroom is’’
He smiled, and grabbed my hand, dragging me to his bathroom, shutting the door and locking it.

He turned on the bath water and stripped off.
I did the same, and noticed that he doesn’t have any new cuts, and I smiled, as his older cuts are barely noticeable.

I also took note how I cant see all of his ribs and bones now.
My baby was getting better.

He saw me staring at him, ‘’What…?’
I grinned, ‘’You’re so beautiful…’’
He blushed and smirked, ‘’Let’s go in…’’
I nodded, and as I was about to get in he quickly said, ‘’I want to hug you this time!’’ He got in first, and demanded me to sit in front of him and lay against him.
I smirked, and did as he said, resting my head on his shoulder.
He wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed me.

‘’I love you, Frankie.’’
‘’I love you too, Gee’’




@daughter of the dead
I know it's really shitty but they're some fucked up people in the world, unfortunately.

xXGothicRhyanXx xXGothicRhyanXx

sorry reading that just made me extremly pissed cause no one should be treated like that

@daughter of the dead

after reading what the nurse bitch did to Gerard

Excuse me mrs. bitch i dont think so your ass is grass!!!!!

XD sure I'll do it later today

xXGothicRhyanXx xXGothicRhyanXx