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He's Not Dead, He Only Looks that Way.

“That’s all I will ever want.”

The drive took all night, mostly all day. Frank was emotionally exhausted. How much heartbreak and lies does he need to go through? Maybe being in his own hell wouldn’t have been so bad. Nothing could really compare to the pain he was feeling right now. He barely even slept. His mind was too distracted about Gerard. If that wasn’t Gerard, where did he go? Was he still inside the body, trapped? Not being able to speak out or make movements? Or did he just disappear?

The car parked close by a streaming river, but only because that was the end of the road where they needed to go to. Davy insisted that they continue on foot, and Lindsey agreed. They helped Frank out of the car and led him over rocks, stepping on crunchy leaves, and pass the tall trees that shaded their way. Frank kept stumbling along the way, mainly to distract the demons from continuing walking. He was scared to what could be up ahead. It took about 40 minutes on foot to be where they needed to be. There was a bike trail that was extremely wide, but further down the road, there was a large trunk of a tree that blocked the path.

Davy circled around, “This place is vacant. No one come here-it’s too far from town.”

Lindsey crouched below, touching the soft dirt, “I don’t understand why we’re here out of all places.”

“You don’t need to know.” Gerard’s body appeared behind Lindsey who moved away. He grinned, “Ladies and gents, today you will give the performance of your lifetime through fighting. And do not question whom you’re fighting-no mercy, you hear me?” He smile faded, “If you die, then tell me before doing so, so I can take back what is mine .. this body is rotting in the inside, it’s not suitable enough and I suppose getting all my power back will help me get back to my old self.”

“I don’t understand,” Lindsey said, “Why is Gerard’s body rotting?”

“Like I said, it’s not a perfect size for me.” He added in, tapping his cane against the ground, “I can last another week in this body before it completely dies and then, there will be nothing but a lifeless corpse.”

Davy stepped in, “Gerard will die as well?”

“Yes.” Brendon said.

Lindsey clenched her jaw, “No, he won’t. Take back your powers from us, we don’t want him to die-”

“I would, but the thing is, I need you all to fight. And if you die, Lindsey will lose Patrick, Davy will never see Jenna again, Frey will lose Haley, and Frank .. Frank will be unprotected from me. The next orange moon is closer than you think.” Brendon grinned, “Whoever survives during battle, you get what you want. If you’re on the brink of death, I will take away your ability and you will die as a mortal.”

Frey whimpered, “You’re not giving us a choice to fight?”

Brendon yelled at her, “You are my demons! You are mine, and you do what I say. There is no choice.”

Lindsey felt hot, furious. She wanted to take down Brendon but she knew she couldn’t lash out on him without putting Patrick’s life in danger. She pushed her hair back and crouched her eyebrows, almost tearing up, “So, I have to live to see Patrick again? But then Gerard will die? But if I give you my powers and die, I save Gerard but kill Patrick?” She tucked her lips in, “That’s .. that’s so cruel.”

Davy felt his stomach tighten, “Gerard or Jenna?”

Frey glanced at Haley who kept her eyes low. Haley’s hand slowly made her way and held Frey’s hand. When her hand touched Frey’s, Frey felt her heart break.

Frank stared at the demons and screamed, “You’re all idiots! Of course you should pick Gerard! You’ve known him for generations and he’s helped you. Don’t be selfish, you owe him that.”

Brendon looked at Frank, “You love Gerard, any idiot can see that .. are you willing to put Gerard before your friends' happiness?”

Frank growled, “That’s an unfair question.”

Brendon laughed, “Nothing in life or after life is fair, Frank.”

Frank walked toward Brendon, “You disgust me.”

Brendon chuckled at Frank, “As do you.”

Frey murmured, “Please .. let us know who we are up against .. you seem so sure that we could possibly die.”

Brendon stared at his precious demon, “You’ll see.”

The wind howled through the trees, the afternoon was darkening by the clouds that were reeling in from afar. The leaves of the trees were being swayed by the wind, and the ground underneath the demons, devil, apparition and soul was being shaken. The atmosphere around the group escalated quickly, alerting them.

Lindsey’s head looked up to the clouds that swarmed in. The clouds could be an act of nature .. or an act of heaven. She told the others, “Angels, they’re coming down-prepare yourselves!” She looked at Davy, Frey, and Frank, “And please don’t die.”

Davy glanced at Frank before abruptly carrying his body away from the scene. Brendon watched, but was not angered. Davy place Frank behind a large tree trunk, hidden in tall grass, “Stay here. We don’t want you to get hurt.” He broke apart the binds his wrists together, "Stay hidden."

Davy rushed back with the others just as soon lightning struck down from a distance. Frey left Haley and stood by Davy’s side, “Angels, huh? Well .. only one way to kill them.”

Davy grinned as he pulled a hidden dagger from the back of his jeans, “Cut their fucking hearts out.”

Another strike of lightning hit against the earth’s gravel. The wind had become even more fierce, blowing through the demon’s hair. Every act of nature seemed out of line, and it only made the demons stand their ground .. and in a slow act, everything was dying down for a second. The wind was slowing in strength, the lightning had stopped. The demons stared up into the white clouds that only made the area darker.

With a loud crack of lightning, bodies fell from the clouds, facing each demon one by one. Frey was knocked down by a female with long wavy blonde hair. The blonde targeted her from the sky, making the perfect impact. Her spear was held against Frey's throat, “Do not move, young one.” Her bright hazel eyes darkened, “Or your head will be separated from your body.”

Before Lindsey could make her move to help Frey, a figure stomped in front of her, breaking in the ground beneath him, “I wouldn’t go near Sarah, she’s pretty crazy-luckily you have me.” The male looked up and locked eyes with Lindsey. His brown eyes stared into hers, “Now, we can either shed blood, or .. well, actually, there isn’t another choice, now is there?” Lindsey stared at his wings which spread out-they were huge. Bright white with streaks of grey.

Davy could see his opponent coming from above him. He reacted quickly and grasped onto their ankle, attempting to throw them down onto the floor-but the angel was quick to use her other foot to kick under his chin, causing him to fall back onto the dirt. His dagger clattered onto the ground, away from his reach. The angel's wings softly caressed the air, making her feet touch the land and face her challenger.

Davy spat out blood and could feel his blood boil-until he saw her. His heart stopped, “You’re .. you’re here .. “

Brendon stepped in front of Haley, “I’ll handle the two that are coming down, love. You stay where you are.”

Haley smirked before resting her head on his back, and wrapping her arms around his waist, “Yes, master.”

Two more bodies collided onto the ground, smashing it in. Mikey and Ray stood side by side, facing Brendon. Mikey growled, “Really? My brother? You really want to die, don’t you?” He grasped onto the handle of his dagger, “You are the most arrogant bastard-why won’t you stay dead?”

“You can thank my brothers for my arrival.” Brendon giggled.

“Oh, believe me. Once I’m done with you, your brothers will pay for their mistake.”

Brendon awed him, “So now you are taking situations into your own hands? I see you took my advice.” He grinned, “Now, what should we do? Make a deal, perhaps? Or whoever sheds the most blood wins?”

Mikey tightened his jaw, “I’m going to reel you out of that body whether you like it or not.” He glanced at the cane Brendon held so tightly on, “And I’m breaking that cane of yours to end you for good.”

Brendon smirked, “Blood it is.”

Frey, in response, kicked Sarah off her body. She quickly went to snatch the dagger from her hand, but Sarah happened to be quicker and jab the blade into Frey’s leg. Frey didn’t flinch, but her leg was unable to hold her. Frey chuckled, “Now that’s not fair .. I think I came across something like this once.”

Sarah grimaced, “It’ll be easier to cut off your head.”

Frey tossed her bangs away from her eyes, “We’ll see about that.”

Lindsey stared at the angel across from her. His skin was copper, making his wings stand out more. His voice was rough, “I’ll make sure the last thing you see before your death is my eyes.”

Images of Patrick flashed in Lindsey’s head. She grinned, “I don’t think so.” She took a head start and slid in between his legs to revive back up onto her feet and use her right leg to kick onto the side of his body, sending soaring through the air and smacking against a tree. He wiped is bloody nose, but didn't take much damage. He made the quick reaction to stand back up on his feet and punch her jaw, causing Lindsey to toss her head back. Blood erupted from her mouth before Lindsey punched his stomach, making him let out a big, ‘oof’.

While battles were happening behind the scene, Davy was on his knees, staring up to the woman he never thought he’d see again. His blue eyes lightened, “I have so much to say.”

Jenna frowned upon him, “Keep your mouth shut, I don’t want to hear it.”

Davy insisted, “No, I have to. I shouldn’t have killed you. It should’ve only been me, not you. Fuck, Jenna, I just want you happy, I want to be there for you .. even if it means as a friend.”

Jenna’s expression relaxed, “You .. you’re suppose to be vicious-blood thirsty-that is why I was training-to fight you because I thought you’d be .. trying to kill me again.”

Davy frantically shook his head as he tears formed in his eyes, “Not ever again.”

Jenna felt the air in her lungs leave. She was speechless and surprised. She stammered, “N-no. I won’t believe you.” She grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him in, “I can’t believe you-you killed me!” She cried before throwing him onto the ground, “Fight me!”

Brendon was too fast for Mikey who was growing tired of Brendon’s doges. Mikey screamed, “You coward! Do something!” He charged again, only to be thrown onto the dirt by Brendon.

Brendon rolled his eyes, “Is there any point to this? Just let me rule earth-” He moved the side, causing Haley to shapeshift into a mouse and scurry away so she was safe from Mikey. Mikey’s breath was rapid, “You are so pathetic.”

“Says the one who can’t hit me.” Brendon laughed.

Frank was witnessing the fights that caused tension, pain, and blood. He didn’t know what to do. He was watching Lindsey getting punched repeatedly, he watched Frey flip over Sarah and grab onto her shoulders in the process before slamming her down onto the dirt. The most sad of them all was watching Davy get beaten up by his love, with no intention to hurt her.

Jenna screamed at Davy’s bloody face, “Fight me!” Tears rolled down her cheek as her punches became more weak. She kept going and going until Davy hugged her legs and cried, “I won’t hurt you .. I won’t fight you.”

Jenna froze before collapsing onto her knees and reeling in Davy. His weak body which dropped blood from the gashes Jenna caused pushed against her soft skin, making the pain go away. He nuzzled into her, loving her warmth. His bruised lips passed along the words, “I love you.”

Jenna cried, wrapping her arms around him as the demons and angels around them slowly started to realize the setting. Lindsey was knocked onto the ground, slamming her right cheek against the dirt. Her eyes were directly pointed to the scene. She slowly sat up, staring at the angel and demon who held onto each other. The man she was fighting was confused, staring at Lindsey, “Why have you-” He looked and finally saw Jenna grasping onto Davy.

Sarah glanced at Lindsey and noticed it too. And then, Frey and Ray. Brendon and Mikey, who were further away, were the only ones who didn’t see the odd display. Everyone stared as Jenna cried, “I’m so sorry.”

Davy mumbled, “Don’t apologize .. please don’t ever apologize.”

His soft words threw her off guard again, making her brown eyes light up and tears streaming down her cheeks. Her hands cupped his cheeks. She stared into his eyes, “It’s going to be hard to forgive, but I will give you a chance.” Davy let out a cry when he noticed her smile. He grinned as tears tumbled down his cheeks. He reeled her back in and sobbed, “That’s all I will ever want.”

Lindsey got up onto her feet, “This .. I’ve never seen this .. “

Her opponent added in, “No one has.” He glanced at Lindsey, “My name is Sage.”

Lindsey looked at him, “My name is Lindsey.”

Sarah inched closer to the two, “This is an abomination,” she felt her heart kick and her eyes water, “but why do I feel so moved? Why do I feel like this is okay?”

Frey snapped her leg back into place, “Because it’s love.”

Frank was smiling softly, peering through the tall grass. He got up slowly and walked onto the bloody soil, close enough to see the two in better view. Ray moved next to Frank, “Mikey wouldn’t approve-or Brendon.”

“Who cares?” Frank asked, not taking his eyes off the couple. He said, “It doesn’t matter what you are. Demon, angel, soul-it’s just love. It’s pretty crazy .. “ He paused, “I need Gerard back. I want to feel what they’re feeling.”

“There’s only one way to do that. We need his brothers otherwise your demon friends have to die to get him out of his Gerard’s body-but he’ll be strong again.” Ray looked at Frank, “They're our only option.”

“Did you hear that Joe, Andy? We’re their only option.” Pete appeared in front of Ray. Ray rolled his eyes as Pete smirked, “Lemme hear it again Ray-this time slower.” He chuckled. He paused, “Well, well, well-looks like the angels don’t know what to do.”

Lindsey muttered, “It is your fault, wasn’t it? That’s what Mikey said.”

Pete locked eyes with Lindsey, “I’ll fix it. I need Brendon locked down on his throne anyway. I still need him to keep watch over hell.”

“How do you plan on getting him out of Gerard’s body?” Frank asked.

Pete winked, “Leave that up to me.”


Ok this chapter gave me the feels with Davy and Jenna because I can relate .. xo


Ughh I finally got my acc back and I'm wondering why you left this...?

WhiteCorpse WhiteCorpse

I am badly missing all the characters in this story. i really hope you're doing good and that you update soon :)

Helena Way Helena Way

omg this chapter was so intense and sad.... love it tho... cant wait for the next chapter.. update soon <3 :)

Erin_mcr Erin_mcr

Poor Jenna.

aww hope ure feeling better.. love this chapter.. ahhh im excitd to see what happens.. update soon <3 :)

Erin_mcr Erin_mcr