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He's Not Dead, He Only Looks that Way.

“There is no way out.”

Frank walked near a bridge on which cars zoomed by rapidly. He stopped and stared at the bridge, making quick judgments and analysts that pertain to the bridge before walking on the side where a sidewalk was provided. His shoes dragged along the sidewalk as he mindlessly kept walking forward. The sound of cars passing by rung in his ears but he didn’t budge. He knew what had to be done.

Frank stopped in his tracks and glanced beyond the bridge he was standing. He stared out into the tall trees and hollow ground. Frank smiled a bit before climbing onto the ledge. Cars honked behind him before there was a sudden stop of a car.

A man called to Frank, “Hey! What are you doing? Get down from there!”

Frank’s balance on the somewhat thin ledge was surprisingly well. He looked down before glancing over his shoulder to meet the eyes of a stranger, “There is no way out.” Frank didn’t give any hesitation as he threw himself off the bridge.

His body felt heavier as it fell. He was in pain, feeling the harsh wind pushing against his body-to him, it felt like small needles pricking against his body over and over again. Frank’s last thought was, “I hope whatever is on the other side, makes me happier.”

Frank’s eyes abruptly opened. He sat up quickly before looking around-he was in his room. His body ached for some reason but other than that, he was alive. Frank’s eyes widen-wait, he was alive.

Frank dove off the bed before rushing to his door. He tried turning the knob but the knob burned his hand, making his body finch in response, backing away from the door.

“Yeah, don’t do that.”

Frank turned around to meet the eyes of a man with striking jet black hair. The man added in, “You can’t leave-well, not yet.” The man sat on the edge of Frank’s bed, “You’re probably confused. So, let me at least get one thing clear-you are dead.”

Frank didn’t reply. He was more scared than confused.

The man patted on the empty space next to him, “Do you wanna sit? Get comfortable?” It was a nice gesture, but even an idiot could sense that this guy was bad news. Everything he did or say had a cynical smirk to it, “No?” He asked, “Wow, if you don’t take kind offers, I doubt you’ll do any good with being my slave.”

Frank flinched, “What the fuck are you talking about?”

So you do talk!” The man laughed, “Well, that’s good.” The man crossed his right leg over his left, “What you need to know is I’m a demon. You’re in hell. And you either get to burn in hell with horrendous torture or be my slave up on earth.” He smiled innocently.

Frank took a few seconds to process what he had just said, “You’re a demon? I’m dead-in hell-this is hell?”

The man chuckled, “No. This is a conference room. Hell is .. well .. hell. This is just your room. I needed somewhere to talk to you about this little deal without being interrupted by cries of agony.”

Frank bit his lower lip, “Okay .. but ..”

The man rose his hand up to gesture Frank to silence, “My name is Gerard. I’m a demon from hell and I want you to be my slave. We’ll live up in earth for a while because of my feeding and curiosity for humans.” Gerard’s eyes darkened, “You’re not special by the way. You weren’t chosen specifically.”

Frank’s body froze, “I-I didn’t say that.”

“You were thinking it.” Gerard rolled his eyes, “You just got lucky, kid. I grabbed your soul in a bucket of others.” Gerard smiled, “Anyway, so about the deal.”

“An eternity in hell or being your slave?” Frank looked down, “How long do I be your slave for?”

“Forever-literally.” Gerard stood up from the bed and walked over to Frank, “You just do what I say. Whenever I say it. I’m going to be honest, I’m gay so other things I might ask for will be .. sexual.” His hands brushed against Frank’s arm, “What do you say? Can you handle it?”

“If I say yes .. I won’t go back to my old life, will I?”

Gerard was surprised that Frank hadn't mentioned what he just said, but then again, Gerard didn't know anything about Frank.

“No, baby, just you and I. We’ll be harassing, killing, and fucking in a day’s work.” Gerard laughed before holding out his hand for a handshake, “So?”

Frank took in a deep breath before reaching out his own hand and shaking a demon’s hand, sealing the deal.

And so it begun.


I suck at editing, js.



Ughh I finally got my acc back and I'm wondering why you left this...?

WhiteCorpse WhiteCorpse

I am badly missing all the characters in this story. i really hope you're doing good and that you update soon :)

Helena Way Helena Way

omg this chapter was so intense and sad.... love it tho... cant wait for the next chapter.. update soon <3 :)

Erin_mcr Erin_mcr

Poor Jenna.

aww hope ure feeling better.. love this chapter.. ahhh im excitd to see what happens.. update soon <3 :)

Erin_mcr Erin_mcr