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Unforgettable *Ferard*

*Chapter 3*

"Take a Picture it will last Longer..."Next thing I know Gerard Pulls out his phone and takes a picture of me...
"Thanks..." He said Smiling

I Just stared at gerard as he smiled turning his cell off and sliding it on the table,
"Delete it..." I said staring at him, I actually didn't mind but I didn't want him to think that I liked the attention and that I find him attractive, even though he already knows I'm gayI just didn't want him to think I kinda liked him because I'm just a 17 year old boy, and he's most likely going to think that all I want to do is Fuck him in the ass,
I was obviously not paying any attention I just stared at him feeling my face growing red...
"Ah, sorry yes?"
"I deleted it..."
I stared at him and nodded..."Oh...Okay cool thanks..."
"How old are you?"
"And you've been out on your own?"
"How about you Gerard?"
"22, stop changing the subject, who's bob?"
"Mikey, so what kind of person is he?"
"Yes?" I asked staring right at Gerard....
Gerard then just shook his head, "I'm going to get you a pillow and blanket..." He got up from the table while biting his nails, I stood up and picked up our cups and bowls...I put them In Gerard's dishwasher then walked into the living room...
"I'm so fucking stupid ruining everything...I should have killed myself when I was 15." I said whispering to myself...
"I'm glad you didn't..." Gerard said to me while putting the pillow and blankets down...
"GoodNight Frankie..." Gerard said while turning
"Gerard, I'm sorry really...I'm not used to somone actually caring about me getting hurt, or being 17 and don't have a family to support me, So when somone really wants to help I push them away...But yeah I'm really sorry..." I said while wrapping my arms around my body...
"It's fine, I'm going to bed night..." He said with his back still turned away from me he then continued walking towards the stairs...
I made a bed on the couch and just sat down and stared at a bookshelf and saw some really interesting comic books I jumped up and ran to it looking to see what kind of things he was interested in
The Dark Knight Returns
The Doom Patrol: The Painting That Ate Paris
The Sandman: Preludes And Nocturnes
Thats cool those were some of them the rest I just skimmed past, I then saw a picture of Gerard with somone else, He looked exactly like him except he has dirty blonde hair, slimmer features then Gerard, Gerard looks so cute in this I can't stop staring...
I let out a tiny laugh to myself, I then grabbed the comic book The Dark Knight Returns and sat back down on the couch, I began to read it but soon fell asleep...
*Time Lapse*
I woke up it was still dark outside I looked at the clock that was above the bookshelf it was 5:01 A.m, all of the lights were off except the lamp in the corner near the t.v and bookshelf,
I was covered up and the comic book I was reading was put back up, Gerard Probably came down I stood up I have to pee so freckin Bad, I started heading down the hall and saw the bathroom light on I was about to knock until I heard a silent moan, Then it got a bit louder, Then I heard, "Fuck frankie..." It was silent but I was able to hear it through the door...I quickly turned around and ran back into the living the living, room I am totally freaking out, shit hes masturbating to me, I just met him, And I'm Not even ATTRACTIVE! Then after a few minutes the toilet goes off, I quickly jumped onto the couch covering myself up with the blanket, closed my eyes, I then heard the bathroom door open I heard footsteps walking into the kitchen, I quickly messed my hair up and made it look like I just woke up...I then sat up and rubbed my eyes pretending to make it seem like I was sleeping then Gerard came in eating a bowl of cereal, "How long have you been awake..." He said while taking a bite of his cereal, "Just woke up..."
"Sorry If I woke you, I like waking up early and getting my food..."
I smiled at him and shook my head, I went to stand up because I still have to pee, I then stood up and saw I had a fucking Boner! I quickly covered it up with my hands, Gerard didn't notice thank goodness
"Uh, I'll be back..."
He was staring at the television trying to find a T.v show, I just started running to the bathroom I ran into the bathroom locked the door and stared at myself in the mirror, I then stood in front of of the toilet, pulled my pants down and thought about Gerard, Gerard Jerking me off, I started pumping, I bit my lip so that I can stop myself from saying Gerard's name even though he literally said mine not to long ago while he was jacking off, I thought about me and Gerard together having sex,
with that thought I came into the toilet...
"I'm so fucking stupid I whispered to myself..."
I soon came out of the bathroom and see Gerard on the couch intently watching Teen Titans,
"Interesting show eh" I say sitting farthest I could ever be from Gerard
"Well duh, It's Teen Titans but I personally prefer the older ones..."
"Oh cool I said..."
"Oh and Frank, My brother Mikey Is inviting us over to a cook out..."
"Okay, so?"
"Well there is going to be teenagers there, it's mainly a teenage party parents are going to stay for a while then go have there own fun and I was asking If you wanted to go?"
"Oh, Uh sure guess..."
I just sat indian style on the couch staring at Gerard wondering why the fuck would he want me to go?
"Gerard How old is Mikey?"
"18 why?"
"Well yeah, The girl he married he knew Growing up and they planned to get married right after Highschool, Hes turning 19 September 10th, Thats why hes having the cook out..."
"Who are the teenagers?"
"Mikeys wife's cousins, siblings, I have no idea somewhere like that..."
"Oh Okay, when is it?"
I smacked my face and looked at the T.v wow just wow!


Sorry i didn't update sooner Thanks for the views and sub's I'll try to update sooner
Food Out!!!!!
(Who loves my username like For real!)


Wait till like tomorrow or maybe Monday. I haven't updated yet but I'm doing it on Monday



how long should I wait to write another chptr tho?? I mean, I want people to basically rip their stomachs out becuase they don't know what's happening.. But I don't want the peeps to lose interest

Twisted X Space Twisted X Space

Right! I hate that. Pwease read my stuff... the only one that is actually mine is Sold my soul. The other was just me editing


Maybe perhaps
I could read your stuff
add it to my list
i hate how there's a million
people on here but the limit is like 1-18 views

Twisted X Space Twisted X Space

At least it's not me. I tried to reply to whoever comments on my story.. there is only one person so it's not that hard
