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Unforgettable *Ferard*

*Chapter 1*

"Ya you know what go fuck yourself you Mr.Garrett, I cleaned that house top to bottom I've been loyal, Fucking LOYAL, and you think I took your prescribed medication!" I said while walking out of Mr.Garrett's house..."Frank you have a history-" I cut him off by spitting on him then turning away, I put middle fingers in the air while walking down the road...Once I got far enough that I couldn't see his house any more I put them down and pull out my phone, I got a call from an unknown caller I called the number back after a few rings the caller finally answered..."Hello?" The unknown caller said..."Hello, I have a missed call from this number just calling back..." I said while walking down the road, "Ah yea...Frank? Right?" "Yes, Yes it is..." he didn't respond right away i could hear thing moving around a bit...
"Hello, sir?"
"Sorry still here...Well I was told by a friend you do an amazing job at...Cleaning so I thought I could give it a try...I am running late for work...And I'm having dinner with my brother and his wife at 6 o'clock but I get off work at 5 o' clock...So you get the point...But would you be able to?"
"Of course....Uh..."
"Of Course Gerard Just give me the address and leave the door unlocked make a note of what you need cleaned and it will all be done..."
"Okay thank you love!"
"No problemo..."
He then gave me the address I went to the closest bus station near me and headed towards his house...
*Time Lapse Off the bus*
I walked up and looked at the house it looked humongous...I shook my head and walked up to the door and saw a note that said 'Frank' On it I took it off the door and opened it up... I unfolded the note and saw a list...

  1. Clean Kitchen (Counters, stove, dishes, etc...)
  2. Dining room (Vacuum, clean off table...)
  3. living room...
  4. Bathroom...
*Sorry If its alot...! Don't worry about cooking I have that handled cleaning supplies are upstairs in the closet...*

I stared at the list then flipping to the back, this wasn't a lot...I guess he must be really busy...
*Time Lapse 5 o' clock*
Just as I was finishing up in the kitchen I heard the front door open and I looked at the clock 5:10...
He walked into the kitchen wearing a suit, he had black hair that was all messy but the awesome kind of messy...His eyes pretty much kept me standing there just staring into them...
"Frank? You okay?"
I looked at my hands as I cleaned up the gloves and spray that I used in the kitchen...I felt my face grow red...Then It came into my mind he just asked me a question I completely ignored him, what the fuck Frankie...
"I'm fine just day dreaming..."
"erm...Yo-Utopian Coffee yummy ya know..." I laughed awkwardly trying to see if he takes it as a joke...
"Oh...You did a pretty impressive job, sorry If it was too much...I-"
"Gerard, It's fine your list was nothing at all it was really easy that's why I took a much longer time making sure it was absolutely PERFECT..."
"Well thank you..."
"I guess I should be leaving..."
He looked at me then looked to the ground, "Yeah, Okay...Well-"
He pulled out his wallet and gave me a 100 dollar bill...
"Here, Thanks really..."
"Gerard what the hell is wrong with you I don't need it...I'll take a 20 instead"
"No here you keep it I sure as hell don't need it..."
I Looked at my feet then took the 100 dollar bill...
"Thank you...really...I-I gotta go..."
I then quickly collected my things and headed for the door...Opened it up and before I left I looked at Gerard and smiled...
"You have my number Gerard you can call me...if you need anything..."
"Of course Love..."
He waved while biting down on his lower lip...
I walked and walked I didn't really have a home I ran away from home right after I turned 17 almost been a year...No one has came looking for me doesn't surprise me at all...
I wanted to sleep in a motel but i've been saving up, to leave this state leave all the bad memories behind...But I still don'y have enough to leave and start a new life...
My thoughts were cut off when a guy walked up to me...he looked familiar then I remembered I got all my drugs from him I owed him like a lot of money...
"Iero...got my money?"
"Go Bob..."
"Fuck you Frank... I have waited long for my money I have a family to-"
He then punched me in the stomach, I instantly fell to the ground, he punched my face really hard so hard my head fell backwards....No one was stopping him...He then grabbed at my throat and looked at me in my eyes...
"Wheres my money iero...."
I spit in his face
"Fuck off Bob..." I choked out
He then let go and punched me right in my stomach again then left me there
in pain...
I laid there hoping somone would come and just randomly kill me...Tears fell down my face...
Then 5 Minutes later somone finally came up to me...I was curled in a ball...I opened my eyes a bit and spread my whole body out...
"Just stab me..."
The voice sounded familiar..."Bob Please! I don't have your money...Pl-Please...." I said with tears rushing down my face...
"Frank, who's Bob? And What the actual Fuck happened to you...?"
I sat up and opened my eyes all the way...It was Gerard, I quickly got up and started speed walking away...I heard him running to catch up with me...
"Frank! For fuck sake tell me what happened..."
"You left My house a half an hour ago now you're finally going home..."
"No what?"
"I don't have a home..."
"What?! Frank..."
"I'm fine...I've been on my own for a year..."
"Frank you're coming with me..."
"No i'm not...."
"I just met you today! So you're a stranger..."
I thought he was just going to let me be but that wasn't going to happen...I soon felt him pick me up from behind...
"You're staying with me tonight!"


*New Story!!*
I'm sorry you guys might have read my other stories and I quit on them because to me they sucked butthole...so yea...
I have a good feeling about this! So yeah!
Idk If i'll update again tonight or i'll plan tonight and update tomorrow...SCHOOL STARTS SOON SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YAAA.....
*Food Out ^=^


Wait till like tomorrow or maybe Monday. I haven't updated yet but I'm doing it on Monday



how long should I wait to write another chptr tho?? I mean, I want people to basically rip their stomachs out becuase they don't know what's happening.. But I don't want the peeps to lose interest

Twisted X Space Twisted X Space

Right! I hate that. Pwease read my stuff... the only one that is actually mine is Sold my soul. The other was just me editing


Maybe perhaps
I could read your stuff
add it to my list
i hate how there's a million
people on here but the limit is like 1-18 views

Twisted X Space Twisted X Space

At least it's not me. I tried to reply to whoever comments on my story.. there is only one person so it's not that hard
