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How i met your father

Chapter 3

About a week later, i was lying in bed listening to my music. My phone started ringing and i saw it was Neil.
"Hey Frank, bad news"
"We've all decided the bands gotta go man, sorry"
"We just need to go in different directions ok?"
"Yeah, whatever bye"

I put the phone down and sighed. That band was the only thing in my life right now. I don't have a job and i don't want to get one. I've always wanted to be in a band. I grabbed my phone and called Gerard.

"Hey Frank, is a spot open"
"I don't know"
"Then why did you call"
"I'm bored, just found out bad news, so"
"What bad news?"
"Pencey Prep broke up"
"Aw i'm sorry man, what are you going to do?"
"I don't know, I was thinking of starting a band called I am Graveyard, but i don't have any drums or guitar"
"Maybe Ray and Matt can help you out till you get actual people"
"Yeah that would be cool"
"Alright, I'll talk to them"
"Thanks Gerard"
"No problem Frank, just call me if you need anything else"

I hung up and fell onto the bed. Great new band, I need songs. I started writing the songs and eventually fell asleep, papers littered around me.


Not so sure about the I Am Graveyard thing... comment if i screwed up and i will fix it.
Even though it is 4 in the morning...
I can't sleeeep


This is really cute☺️

This is really fucking cool

GraceMustDie GraceMustDie

This is actually really good. I like it.
(btw I'm sorry. I really am. I text you..?)

This is really good so far. I like it :3

gay llama gay llama

truly a work of art i love this

Kurt Cobain Kurt Cobain