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Home Is Where The Heart Is

Chapter 3

Gerard's P.O.V After packing Kat's few items, we laid the poster's on the bed and rolled them into one, securing them with a elastic band. "My sibling's will rip them to pieces if I leave them." She sighed. She looked so sad. I offered her a small smile. "If I'm honest, I'd have taken them too." I admitted. "Even though Mikey wouldn't do anything to them. I just wouldn't want to leave them." She smiled back as she picked up a bag and the posters. "I guess that's everything then." I picked up the other bags and followed her down the stairs. A male version of Kat walked in the front door. He stood in front of her, preventing her escape. She put her head down. "Can I get past, please?" She asked, quietly. The kid laughed. "Where you going, porky?" My blood began to boil. I tried hard to keep my cool. "I...I'm s...staying with t...the Way's." Kat stuttered, shaking. "Oh." The kid huffed. "They'll get pissed off with your fat lard ass soon enough. Then you'll be back. Crying those humongous tears. Begging for...." I didn't catch the rest as he leaned forward and whispered in her ear. She started shaking even more as he moved away and laughed. That's fucking it. "Back the fuck off." I snapped, walking forward. He frowned at me. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked. "And what gives you the right to order me around in my house?" "The name's Gerard Way." I spat out. "And I'm not going to stand back and let you bully Kat. Even if it is your house. So get the fuck away from her before I make you." I got right up in his face just as Mikey walked in behind him. "And if you got a problem with Gerard, you got a problem with me too." He added. My little brother, ladies and gentlemen. Doesn't know what's going on but has my back anyway. Love my little brother. The guy looked around at Mikey then back at me. Then he snorted. "The fucking lard ass ain't worth it." He headed towards the kitchen. "You can keep the bitch." I really wanted to go punch him. But I noticed tears on Kat's face. So I took her bag and posters to hand to Mikey. Then I put my arm across her shoulders and smiled down at her. "Ignore him." I said as I led her towards my house. "You won't have to deal with him anymore. You have me and Mikey to protect you." She flashed us a sad smile and wiped the tears from her face. As we left the house, I could hear the kid shouting at, who I assume is Kat's mum. She was crying. Fuck. What the hell is happening in this family? Mum rushed forward when she saw Kat's face. She pulled her into a hug as I explained what happened. Mum looked at Dad. "Could he be the reason Mariah asked us to look after her daughter?" Mum asked him. "Well she looked like she was worried about her." Dad said, frowning. "She asked us to help her. But I thought it was from her dad. I mean after how she described him...." Mum looked at me. "You and Mikey take Kat to the spare room and help her settle." I frowned, but nodded. Then I steered Kat up to the spare room with Mikey in tow.


Hi there. I'm PartyPoisonlives4ever. Or Dee if you like. Hope your liking my and Eggo's story sofar. This is my first chchapter. As you can probably guess. Please comment and rate. It will help and encourage us to update more often.
Love as always. Dee.xxx


this is a nice story waiting for updates

MilanMCRyoung MilanMCRyoung


KilljoyUnicorn KilljoyUnicorn

Helllllooo update :)


Oh lol

That's where I got the title! :) :) :)
