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Bad Little Boy


"Ryan, the whole fucking school saw us nearly kill each other, I really don't think that your party should go ahead" I observed kicking back in the seat, Mr Way still unwilling to let us go to class "Like... I'm sure Joe would be up for it, maybe Toro and Bryar too, but..." I trailed off and Ryan nodded, looking faintly nervous.

"C'mon Frank, i'm turning 18... I can't pass it up" he murmered, leaning against my shoulder in an attempt to stay steady. Mr Way seemed to be glancing almost jealously at him and I... what a dickhead. A hot dickhead who had already caught me, mind you "Besides Principe would never forgive me" Ryan decided, pulling my attention away from staring at Gerard a little too intensely. Yeah, it was Ryan's 18th and I had already fucked it up beyond all compare. Ryan tapped a small rhythm on my leg, unaware of himself or anyone else. That's when my phone buzzed.

I quickly unlocked the device, glancing at the text from Joe.

'Suspended, apparently i'm lucky I wasn't expelled'

'Fckin cunts?'

'Yeah man, my mom's here gotta split... see you at Ry's at 5 for getting ready. THE BOY NEEDS A GF'

"Your party is still on Cinderella, and Joe is still determined to find you a prince' I giggled to Ryan who smiled hesitantly "I swear we're getting shitface-" I looked over at Mr Way behind his desk, a storm brewing behind his eyes "Sorry sir"

"Whatever Iero, can you help me move some stuff out of the storeroom" Gerard asked and I sat up quickly, Ryan beside me.

"Sure sir" I said quickly.

"I'll help too!" Ryan said, now a little aware of the situation and maybe unwilling to leave me alone after what he had heard from... her? He now probably knew in depth detail of what exactly had happened "I'm taller than Frankie, I can probably reach the top shelf" I saw a flash of annoyance come over Mr Way's face before it settled into an easy smile.

"No thanks Ryan, It's your birthday, plus you just threw up" Said mr Way, standing and smiling apologetically "Frank needs some air, why don't you get this class fumigated, can't have it smelling of smoke for Monday" Ryan nodded wairily and sprang to his feet, glancing worriedly at me. I smilled and waved him away with an 'Its fine Ry, just get the windows opened" I followed Mr Way who was bouncing down the corridor to the storeroom.

I followed him inside like he was the pied piper or some shit and I have to admit, I was quite surprised when he had his head buried in a box of papers instead of... Never mind. He seemed rather distracted, his hair falling carelessly over his face as he dumped enveloped letters onto the ground with sheets of music following at their heels.

"Frank, come here and help, letters on the left, music on the right" He sighed. I joined him, falling to my knees on the floor softly, tugging at my lip piercing for internal support. As soon as I flung the first letter down carelessly, Mr Way started talking "Frankie, I need you to be very honest with me, okay?" I nodded in response as he gently laid a hand on the small of my back, fingers straying dangerously close to the waistband of my skinny jeans "Do you and Ryan....?" He trailed off, it sounded less like an question and more of an accusation when it tumbled from his cherry lip balm covered lips.

"No, he's like my fucking brother, are you shitting me?" I raised my defence up, gulping back anger. The hand on my back tensed.

"Have you-"

"I would never in a million fucking years have sex with him... he's too perfect, you know! Too nice, too cute, Jesus Christ, not like you. You're like everything bad and good rolled into one and you're so unbelievably hot and amazing, but also a total jealous douche bag and shit" The words poured from my mouth "And you're also everything I always wished for, but I can't fucking have you" My voice cracked and his arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his chest. Just like I did to Ryan.

"Fucking hell Frankie, stop it" Gee purred "You think it's easy for me? Frank I've known you for less than a week and I've already fucked you like a one night stand, but I can't get my mind off you, you make me feel all sorts of messed up, and I cant do anything about it without messing things up now... I should never have... but I just wanted you... I'm a bad person Frank" He muttered into my ear softly as he tilted my head up "I'm a very bad person, I've done bad things, and I thought this time I wouldn't mess it up"

"You haven't messed anything up Mr Way" I said without thinking. He tensed at the sound of his name "I mean... Gerard... I mean... fuck"

"You called me Mr Way, Frank, I think we can already tell how messed up this is" He took a deep breath and let his hand stroke my jaw, a faint smirk on his features "Frankie... you're a bad little boy... I can't stay the fuck away"

"Excuse you, i'm 18!" I protested. His hand felt like fire on my face as his face moved closer to mine.

"Yeah... Sometimes that's not enough for some people" He answered before bridging the gap. His lips on mine, softly moving, the air between us full of electricity and unsaid wrongs.

If I'm completely honest, if this was wrong, I didn't want it to be right.


I'm an awful human who procrastinates writing, I apologise.


@Left Shark
Thank you so much ^.^

I love this story
Can't wait for more

Left Shark Left Shark

Wise words


Oh Damn. Shit got REALLLL

gay llama gay llama