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Never coming home


December 1st, Pearl Harbor
Margaret's POV

"That's it. I'm taking you to the hospital." Says Lindsey holding my hair up, once again as I puke my guts into to the toilet.

"Linds I'm fine. It's probably a stomach flu" I say cleaning my mouth with the back of my hand

"No your not fine! You've been feeling nauseous and tired every day for the past month. The only reason I haven't dragged you by your hair to the hospital is because you asked me not to. But I've had enough. I'm taking you, and we're going. NOW!"

Guess there's no point in arguing with her.

I try and stand up by leaning on the toilet but my arms are to weak and Lindsey has to help me up.
She's right, I don't know what it is, but it isn't a stomach flu.

Could be stress? I've been worrying about Gerard a lot lately.

A few weeks ago a received a letter from him saying that he was out of the hospital and flying again.

Needless to say that I didn't like this one bit. But so far I haven't received news of any tragedy.

The attacks on London stopped, for the time being, and Gerard's job has mostly been patrolling the coastline.

Although he isn't fighting, I can't help but think that something terrible is going to happen.

But right now, Lindsey said that I needed to worry about me and that Gerard wasn't here to make me feel better.

Once we got to the hospital, Lindsey took me directly to the consultations area and made me sit down on one of the waiting chairs. She then turned to a young nurse with dark brown wavy hair.

"Hey Christa! Have you seen Doctor Leto today?"

"I think he's in exam room 3, but do you want me to check?" The girl, Christa says

"That's okay, I got it. Can you keep an eye on Margaret for me? Call me if she starts puking her insides again"

"I'm not a baby you know?" I snap at her

"If it wasn't for me, forcing you to come here, you'd still be at home not knowing what's wrong with you and not even making an effort to find out. Now, stay here!"

I scowl at her, but she turns away to go and find Doctor Leto. Christa walks over to me with a glass of water in her hand.

"Here. I'm Christa by the way... But I guess you already know that..."

"Margaret" I say, taking a sip from the water, trying to wash the foul taste in my mouth

"Nice to meet you." She says, smiling, "Although, I wish it was in better circumstances"

"Yeah, me too. If you don't mind me asking... You look a little young to be a nurse... How old are you?"

Christa blushes a bit and looks down, "I'm sev-eighteen"

"You're seventeen?! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?"

Luckily, Christa didn't need to answer my question because at that exact moment, Lindsey showed up with a doctor who, I assumed, was Doctor Leto

"Hello Margaret, I'm Doctor Jared Leto. Your friend Lindsey here tells me you haven't been very well for the past month."

"I'm sure this is just stress. I've had a lot on my mind lately." I say

"Well why don't we step into my office and we'll try and find out what's wrong with you"

I stand up and hand the glass back to Christa with a smile. She smiles back and goes back to her job.

Before I could say anything, Lindsey is walking into the consultation with me and sitting on one of the two chairs in front of the doctors desk. I sigh and sit next to her.

After the normal doctor interview, (how are you feeling? What are your symptoms? How long have you been feeling like this? Etc...) he wanted to run some blood and urine tests.

With a lot of winning from me (I hate needles) he finally takes my blood and urine samples to the Lab. He asks us to wait in his office while he runs the tests and that he shouldn't be long.

10 minutes...

20 minutes...



An hour...

I'm starting to freak out. What on earth is taking so long?

Lindsey is still sitting next to me. At some point I grabbed her hand without knowing and have been holding it ever since.

I'm scared. What if I'm really sick? What if he found out something terrible and is working up the courage to give the bad news?

Suddenly he walks in and both me and Lindsey jump in surprise.

"Sorry about that. And sorry for the wait. I needed to double check your samples" he says, sitting behind his desk

"And did you find out what's wrong with me?" I ask. My voice is weak

"Wrong? There's nothing wrong with you, Margaret" he says, with a smile on his face

"Then why did you have to double check the results?" Lindsey asks. She sounds as nervous as I am

"Because I wanted to make sure"

"Make sure of what?" I ask

"That I could congratulate you" he says, still smiling

"Congratulate me?" Now I'm confused

"Yes, congratulate you. I'll need to run a specific test to be 100% sure... But right now, I'm 99% sure, that you're two months pregnant."


looks like someone was right :P

were you surprised by this?
What are your thoughts?
are still enjoying this?
Pls let me know. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease!!

Also, I may not be writing very frequently now. It's exam season and I really need to study. But don't worry, I'm not putting this on hold :)


No, I had no idea about it. I need to look it up :D

Mads Mads

I'm bawling, thank u very much. Yes of course I'm still reading. I know I'm late in finishing but life has been crazy. I'm not sure if this is only a US thing, but have u heard of NaNoWriMo? You get (free!) support for trying to write a novel in the month of November. Basically 50,000 words or more and then u get free stuff.

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Sorry for all the feels :/

Mads Mads

Not ashamed to say I cried...

Candy_Monster Candy_Monster