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Creatures Lie Here

Drugs Hurt You, Alcohol is Worse

For every shot I had taken I'd loose more of Mikey I'd lose. But he only came back when I fell asleep, every tried falling sleep with the images of your dead little brother streaming through your head? My name is Gerard, ah, why do I bother. Your just going to end up hearing my miserable past life anyway. So I'm going to tell you what happened to me three years ago.
*Three Years Before*
"Holy shit, if any of us make it I'm going to become a fucking monk!" Mikey mumbled
Frank, Ray, Bob, and I all laughed silently but we went back to being serious since the beach came into view,
"So who's ready to shoot away some Germans!" I chuckled
Frank clamped his hands around the little cross around his neck and nodded. Ray and Bob were completly unmoved, they had a perfect reason to live on. They had families to go back to. Ray couldn't wait to see his wife and their newborn baby, Bob was still 17 so he was slowly awaiting to get back to his mother. All funniness aside the dock went down and we all rushed out of the boat,
"Stay behind me!" I screamed at Mikey
I don't think he heard me because he started to run down the beach without me, I ran as far as I could until I had to dunk for cover. Frank and Bob were right next to me and I was looking down the lines naming all the people
"Karl, Andrew, Frank, Bob, Tom, Andy..."
One person was missing, I saw him running towards us as the machine guns fired rapidly at any moving thing
"MIKEY" I screamed
He looked my way and suddenly in a burst of blood he was down,
"Mikey, Mikey" I kept screaming
I started to get up but Frank and Bob held me down, I bit at their hands but they only pushed down harder, soon Ray was next to Mikey trying to save him
"Mikey, please, please be okay!" I prayed
In a couple seconds Ray gave up and army crawled over to Bob, Frank, and me
"NO!" I chanted
Mikey's lifeless body lay on the beach as I sat there be held back. In an angry fit I jumped up and shot at the Germans, they all fell to the ground in a matter of seconds, I ran over to Mikey and saw he died with his eyes open. Tears pouring down my face I shut his eyes and lay on his chest for a long time, I looked up. Call me crazy but I saw Mikey floating above me and soon disappearing into thin air.
"What the..." I started
"Come on Gee!" Frank yelled as he pulled me up
Bob grabbed Mikey's body and we all ran to the nearing boat. Andy, Tom, Karl, and Andrew were all lying on the beach dead and it was only Mikey who was going to be buried.


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~Love, Lady Torment


oh my god i just cried

Aww this is too cute :')
THIS STORY MADE ME FUCKING CRY!!!!!! I fucking love this story, I think it's really good.
QueenKilljoy QueenKilljoy
I love this story sooooooo much, keep writing. PPPLLLLZZZZZ!!!!!!!
QueenKilljoy QueenKilljoy
what is the hub channal ? and please update i freaking love this u are amazinnggg *_* xxx