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Bulletproof Heart

Chapter 6 She's The Prettiest Girl At The Party, And She Can Prove It With A Solid Right Hook

Frankie's POV

I felt like being alone this weekend. My entire life was a complete disaster and the shit-storm would really start hitting soon. So solitude in my cabin for a little while, at least until I had to face Mom at least one more time. But I'll be damned if I'm ever in the same room as HIM again. The breeze gently moved the trees and blue morning glories growing up the fence in the backyard. I could see it from inside, as I leaned on the window's sill. This place was always my favorite place to be, inside or outside. So when Dad died, I wasn't surprised to find it was willed to me.

“Frankie? How are you?” My crazy haired cousin ran up to me, pulling me in a hug. Nobody else in our family had that 'Fro from Hell' as we affectionately called in. But truthfully, I thought it was adorable. He let me help him with it when we saw each other. It was our time together.

“W-well... I-I'd...” I stuttered. He knew the second he saw my face.

“What is it?” His hands were on my shoulders, his face full of concern. Oh God, I can't do this now. But the last thing I want to do is disappoint him on his summer break. He had been planning this trip pretty much since last summer.

“Listen, Ray. There's complicated family stuff going on ....” He opened his mouth to interrupt. I gently closed it with one hand, then pressed my index finger to his lips for a couple seconds in a “SHH” gesture. “Yes, you're most definitely family and I'll tell you everything soon. But now is NOT the right time. I need time to process. We have guests that are strangers to me, and the last thing I want to do is air our family's dirty little secrets.” Ray's eyes grew as wide as possible. Crap. I shouldn't have put it like that. Now he's just wondering more that ever. I looked down at the floor. “Just trust me, ok? And if you hear any stupid stories from family member's telling you …. just forget it. I've said to much already. Can you please go somewhere for a minute? It seems like I have another minute without your friends.” He nodded and went toward his room.

As soon as I turned my attention back to the window, I hear a shuffling noise behind me. Guess the boys have emerged. Well, whatever, I'm not going to make a big deal about it. They didn't plan on anyone else so they're probably irritated anyway. Maybe I'll ignore them and see what happens.

Footsteps are coming fast and close.... (author's note: the next questions are almost simultaneous) What the f*ck? Is he picking my up? Slipping! He FELT ME UP and then dropped me! A high pitched scream worthy of a B rate horror movie escapes my lips as I tumble down. Most would think it was due to being dropped from waist high, but it was the fact that yet another guy had forced himself on me. I'm filled with rage over too many things for my small body to contain. My hands turn to fists.

Looking up, I see the boy who picked my up for the first time. He's the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. His hair was longish in back, a little shorter in the front but still in his face, dyed blue on top. The rest was black. He was even wear eyeliner. Damn it Ray. After the last year I've had, the last thing I need is a boy, especially one who lives 2 hours ago. Besides, he's probably gay. Way too beautiful to be straight.

“I'm so sorry for whatever he did. Please, let me help you up. I'm Mikey.” the beautiful boy's brother extended his hand, which I took. After introducing myself, and trying to inconspicuously check him out as well. Not bad. Tall, thin, nice face. But he's hiding behind his glasses and knit hat. I'll have to see what he looks like underneath at least once while they're here. Just curious, nothing more. Really. I let out a sigh out of nerves.

“Ray said you two were brothers. I'm guessing by your manners that you are the eldest? Please teach your brother some.” Why did I just say that? I need to just go upstairs now before I do something I really regret.

Mikey was talking but I couldn't concentrate well. He's younger than Gee is it? Rough patch.... crabby? Join the freaking club. I don't know if he's always a douche or what but just because hes freaking gorgeous do not give him the right to waltz in here like he owns the place. I just need to get out of here. I walk over to “Gee”? That's right, Ray told me. Mikey and Gerard.

I started off fairly loud and authoritative, “Let's get something clear right now. (Shit, I'm being a bitch and can't stop.) I'm not going to even try to understand what that “prank?” was supposed to be about if it had been successful. But you are a guess in MY home. Not my mom and step dad's. (I almost gagged when I said step dad.) MINE. I'm letting you stay as a courtesy to Ray because I love him and he wanted to bring friends. I'm not here to hang out with Ray's buddies. (I felt the tears well up, ordering me not to fall. They betrayed me. I think only Gee saw though, and only briefly because he kindly looked down) Thisis the place where I go to get away life's problems. So I don't want anyone bringing in anymore anxiety. Got it?” I had gradually lost volume and nerve as I went, so my question was almost a plea. My body shook a little but I prayed no one else noticed.

Gee nodded and looked so stricken my heart hurt for a second. “I'm so sorry,” he whispered. He rambled a bit and I'll admit I wasn't listened. I was too busy looking into his hazel eyes. Sure he was mostly looking down, but he did keep glancing up through he eyelashes at me. I almost think he was flirting, but I don't know for sure. Then I heard, “didn't know, you know...”

“Know what?” Crap, did I miss something? I blushed a bit.

“I thought you were a guy.” That's when he blushed.

I finished this embarrassing conversation as quickly as possible. I even made it halfway down the hall. But Gee thinking I was a guy kept playing in my head along with all those times the kids at school had said the same thing. Are you sure you're a girl? After all, your parents named you Frank. With 3 older brothers, I could handle just about any physical fight that came my way. It was the psychological ones I was ill equipped to deal with. My brothers were short as well, but they are had lean, muscular bodies and zero problems fitting in. My mother was everything I wasn't. Tall, thin but just curvy enough, gorgeous face that looked like a supermodel. When she walked into the room, everyone turned to look. I was the tomboy runt. I had the same lean body as my brothers, without all the muscle, and without much to make me look like a girl. Surprised Gee even found something to hold onto, however brief.

I lost it. I knew I'd do something I'd regret. My signature move is to break the nose, but his is too cute. Jaw? Here goes nothing.


Frankie's POV

Upstairs, in the sanctuary I call my room, I'm alone. At last. Only now I'm not really enjoying it at all. My stomach is both nauseous and in knots, mainly because I know I need to apologize to Gerard. How do you do that when you can't, or don't want to, explain why you acted like a total freak. Although he did too so I guess that lets me off the hook a little. Also, my knuckles need some ice. Maybe I need practice if I'm going to go for the jaw again?

I hear my cell phone ring. Billie Joe. I let it go to voice-mail. It's not starting already is it? I should have called them as soon as it happened. Within the next 15 minutes Pete and Patrick have both called twice, Billie's called again and they've all started texting. I start actually read the texts. The first ones are Call ASAP 911, but the last 2 texts from each is exactly the same.

'Here 4 u. Don't believe him. Love u sis.' Pls call. We're together. We're coming.' I should have known my brothers would take my side. Would know me well enough to know the truth, and to know a lie when they heard one. I just can't believe my own mother can't.

Maybe I was going about this whole thing wrong, hiding up here like the Phantom of the Opera or something. I was still absolutely not getting involved with a guy or anything stupid like that. Last time I did that all I had to show for it was a sexual assault attempt that came way to close to being successful. But I could socialize a bit.

I decided I needed help so I grabbed my cell again. I texted my brothers, letting them know I was at the cabin and wanted them to come stay. Talking in person was more my style. They said they would be there sometime tomorrow evening. Then I called my best friend.

“Hi, Brendon,”

“Frankie. What's up? You ok? You don't sound good.” That's my best friend. He knows me at hello.

“No. I need you. Can you stay the week here at the cabin? I know its asking a lot but its an emergency. Shit has hit the proverbial fan. I can't face this alone.” I close my eyes, praying I don't cry again.

“What's happening?” He sounds freaked out, and honestly I would be too if I heard me.

“Not over the phone. I'll just say this, I'm moving into the cabin permanently when Mom gets back from her business thing. Then I'm changing the locks. Guess I could start doing that right now. Hmm,” I started muttering the last part to myself. “If you can, bring ice cream, liquor and beer. I'll pay you back. I love you.”

“Wow,” he said after a long pause. “Are you safe at the moment?”

“Oh yeah. Ray is here and a couple of his school friends. They seem harmless enough.” HA HA

“Did you call your brothers? Does this effect them?”

“Uh, yeah. They're one of my next calls. The sooner we hang up, the sooner you can get my beer.”

“I see why I'm your best friend now. You love me strictly for my fake ID and my ability to look older.” Brendon huffed out, jokingly before bursting into high pitched laughter. I rolled my eyes.

“I'm certainly not going to pass for 21. Ever.” Which made him laugh harder. “You know you're the best friend any person could ask for and I do really need you.” I said very softly.

“I'll be there in an hour. Love you Frankie,” he said back, just as softly.

“You too,” I say and hung up. Just when I thought my heart couldn't carry any more weight, I started feeling guilty about Brendon. We've been best friends since 3rd grade. I love him like a brother, but he is in love with me. I even tried to fall in love with him. He says that its ok, he would still rather be best friends than not be friends at all. But I know there are times when it rips him apart, and that rips me apart.

Now there's just one more thing to be done. I text Ray, which I know is ridiculous seeing as how we're probably still in the same house. F: Ray, pls do me a favor? send G up?' R: idk, what ru gonna do 2 him?' F: apologize dumb-ass! i already clocked him.' R: Oh, right. why'd u do it anyway?' F: NOYFB now ru gonna send him or not?' R: Yeah Yeah F: I've got stuff to tell u after.'

My heart was beating in my throat as I waited for Gerard. I still had no idea what I was going to say, but I had to make sure I wasn't bitchy this time. If we were going to spend a week together, it would be nice if we were at least civil. There was a faint knock on my door.

"Come in, please," I tried to look welcoming. Not sure how that actually turned out. "Sit, make yourself comfortable," I gestured to a place on the bed beside me. He sat about a foot away, which I can understand. The expression on his face was somewhere between 'I'd rather be getting a root canal' and 'Please don't hit me again'. "Did Ray tell you why I asked you up here?"

"No, but I want to say again how sorry I am."

"I wanted to apologize, for completely overreacting. There's a situation going on, Ray doesn't even know about it yet. And I'm sorry but there's going to be more people crashing your week. My brothers are coming tomorrow. And my best friend, who will be here pretty soon, is going to be staying the week as well. But don't worry, its a guy. No more girls to deal with." I joked trying to lighten things a bit. He blushed a very dark red and looked down at him lap.

"About that, I'd actually like a chance to explain that unfortunate comment. When I'm not freaking out quite so much." Gerard was looking all around the room. After a long sigh, he continued,”What I meant was I would have avoided a situation in which I was around girls. I had a situation as well, about 2 days ago, and was hoping for some distance. That's all.” He was now looking at a spot on the carpet.

“I wasn't going to explain this to you. But against my better judgment....you can keep a secret, right?” He nodded. “From Ray and your brother?” He nodded slower. “Ok, Ray knows the first part. I'm really sensitive about people thinking I'm a boy. Kids used to say I looked like a boy. My name is Francesca. I'm cool with Frankie but when kids are telling you that your parents named you Frank because they thought you were a boy.”

“But thats not why we thought that. Ray purposely let us think that.”

“Yeah I figured. But there's more. Ray also knows my last boyfriend tried to rape me. He got really close.” Gerard's eyes got really wide and his pale skin got paler. “It was 2 years ago. But even those 2 things together wouldn't have set me off.” I took a huge breath, then covered my face with both hands.

“You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.” Gerard had moved closer to me and wrapped an arm around me. But I didn't feel that creepy feeling like I got with most guys who wanted to “comfort” me. I felt like he was really sincere. Who would have thought after our strange start? Maybe he'll even turn out to be a friend.

“No, I want you to know why. I don't punch guys unless they touch me. Yeah, technically you did but.... my mom goes out of town on business trips. When she'd go, my step dad and I would always do something fun together. We've been doing this for years. Board games, mini golf, movie marathons, just fun stuff. Sometimes we invite my brothers, which are actually his sons from his first marriage. Well, this year he said he wanted to surprise me with an idea for something new we could do now that I was 18. Well, I was certainly surprised.” A long pause. Gerard had pulled me into the side of his body, cradling me with his arm.

“He wanted me to wear a blindfold. I had no reason not to trust him. He led me to my parents' bedroom and sat me on the bed. He took off the blindfold and sat beside me. He said he had been in love with me for years. Now that I was 18, he wanted to divorce my mom and marry me. I wanted to throw up. He didn't react well when I turned him down. At first, I was afraid that he was going to attack me, because its happened several times to me. But he just kept saying that I would come around. I managed to get out of the house and call my mom, who acted like I'd gone crazy. I understand her feeling that way, anyone would.” Gerard rocked me slightly, running his fingers through my hair. “I barely believed it and I was living it. But then it got worse. He called my mom and told her I came on to him. Ask him to leave her. And she freaking believed him over her own daughter. I figured my brothers would too, but they don't. Never should have doubted my boys. They were calling and texting like crazy.”

”You're amazing, you know that?” he murmured into my hair, then kissed the top of my head.

“Why do you say that?”

“Your level of forgiveness for one. Your strength for another. And you own a cabin?! That's really bad ass.” He gently moved me away from his body to look at my face. “And you're the most beautiful woman I've even seen.” He started moving closer to my face, glancing at my lips. “Please don't punch me again.”

I closed the remaining distance between our lips, gently placing my hands in his messy hair. The kiss started hesitant and polite. I knew he was afraid of doing anything that would make me uncomfortable so it was up to me to give the go ahead. We needed to break for air so I used this opportunity. “Hang on a second,” I got up and locked my door. Then I texted Ray, asking him if he could show Brendon to his room when he gets here.

Then I made my way back to Gerard. I wasn't done apologizing yet.


I hope you're enjoying this. Plenty more surprises coming. Hopefully a week or so isn't so long to wait for an update this long? I should have another one ready in a day or two. So pls, comment, subscribe, rate, tell all your friends, family, pets, you know the drill.



Thx. I'll eventually have something up there!

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

OMG...I saw your name on AO3 when you commented on one of my fics there and I thought "I recognise that name", but I looked there and you had no fics...I was confused!...NOW I'M NOT!

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this, and seeing what you put up over there.
Welcome back, and I hope you and your family are well, or feel better soon.

Yeah. I rly am working on it.

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

omg you re back!!!

emoqueen emoqueen

I'm working on the ending. I promise.

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B