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Cries Not Heard

The Nightmare Is Taking Over

Frank’s POV

Frank watched Gerard, pity clearly shown in his shiny, hazel orbs, as he held Gerard’s hair so it didn’t fall in his mess as he emptied his stomach. He didn’t know what happened to make Gerard react this way, but he knew he was going to find out, no matter the cost. Frank pulled out Gerard’s phone and began texting Mikey while Gerard was washing his mouth out in the school sink.

hey, this is frnk. can you come to the regular bathrooms? Gees in here sick and i want you to tlk to him. i don’t think he wnts to tlk to me.

It took a few minutes for Mikey to reply, probably due to being in class, but it came.

Yeah, I’ll be there in a few. Make sure he doesn’t do anything rash.

Frank sent him an affirmative and shoved the phone in his pocket. Frank paused for a second before taking the phone out and putting both Gerard’s and Mikey’s number in his phone. Shoving the phone into his pocket for the second time, he turned his attention to Gerard. Getting his first real look at Gerard, he had to fight the flinch from shock. Gerard looked horrible. There was no way around it. He had dark bags under his eyes, no doubt from the stress he’s been under these past few days, and his hair was greasy. His face was sunken in and his from looked to skinny to be healthy, but Frank shrugged it off as his imagination. He only just met the boy, for all he knew this could be his normal appearance. He didn’t want to look like he was bullying him. His skin was sweaty and hot. Bruises peaked out from under his clothes and now that Frank was looking hard enough, he could see the scars that littered his body.

Mikey rushed into the room and swept his brother into a hug, pressing a kiss into his greasy, ebony hair.

“What’s the matter, babe?” Mikey asked, his tone soft and loving.

“I don’t want to discuss this in front of company.” Gerard murmured into Mikey’s ear. Mikey looked over at Frank apologetically and said,

“I’m sorry, but can you wait outside? I’m afraid he won’t talk to me unless we’re completely alone.” Frank gave a small nod in understanding. It hurt to think that Gerard didn’t trust him with his secret, but he mustn’t forget that he only just met Gee. He trudged his way outside, making sure to keep out of the sight of the teachers.

Gerard’s POV

I stared myself in the mirror after washing my mouth out. I looked disgusting. How could my brother have ever seen anything in me? Not only was I ugly, fat, and a fucking moron, but I was also a waste of space and a burden. And how could I like someone when I have the love of my life right there? Either way, he wouldn’t want to date a nobody like me. There are a million other people, far better than me that could make him happy. There was no way that someone with bad grades, who self-harms and was suicidal. Gerard’s thoughts were zooming around his head, a mile a minute, a storm raging on in his head. The makings of a headache began to make itself known.

And for a second, those feelings were gone, replaced with a warm, strong embrace, fighting the negative thoughts.

“What’s the matter, babe?” Mikey’s voice relaxed me, bringing him back from the darkest corners of my mind.

He looked Mikey straight in the eye. “I don’t want to discuss this in front of company.” Frank left with a nod of his head. He felt bad for practically kicking Frank out, even though he was the one to comfort him in his times of need. He felt like he had betrayed Frank, and because of that, he was a vile, disgusting, pathetic excuse for a human - if he could even be called that.

He was once again shaken from his thoughts by a gentle nudge to his side.

“Now, what’s up?” Mikey asked, gently.

Gerard glanced away, not wanting to answer the question, but knowing he couldn’t avoid it. “I had a nervous breakdown in the middle of class. Became physically sick.” he forced out.

Mikey looked at his brother, silently demanding a more thorough answer.

“I-I was scared of Frank finding out about my problems. I was on such a happy track, and then, God, the only thing on my mind were the possible way he could find out about my eating problem. I grew terrified. I felt trapped and cornered and sick. I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold it. I escaped the prying eyes of the students and ran into the bathroom to release the contents of my stomach.” Gerard once again looked Mikey in his eyes, “I hate being sick, and defenseless, and dependent. I can’t do anything for myself.” he whispered.

Mikey pecked Gerard softly on the lips before picking him up and cradling him to his chest. “Do you want to go home?” Gee gave a shaky, yes. “I can see if Frank can come over too, if you want. Would you like that?” Mikey talked, almost as if Gerard was five again. He didn’t want to shatter the already fragile soul. Gerard nodded into Mikey’s shoulder before pressing a kiss onto his lips. Smiling, he rested his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes. He was exhausted. Mikey smiled as he watched his brother fall asleep in his eyes. Adjusting Gerard into a better position, he walked out to meet Frank.


Hey, guys, please tell me what you think of this story. Thanks for reading!

Today, we had talent show, and I sang Miles Away by Memphis May Fire and got to miss more than half the day and have fun ;P We also had a biology test on mitosis and meiosis, and I went in there knowing nothing and haven't even really studied, and I was looking at the test, and I'm thinking to myself, I got this, I got- I don't got this. I was so confused and it was the last grade going in and we had no test repair and I was so sure I bombed it. We got the grade back, and I got a 93%. I literally went to the teacher, just to make sure I didn't have a 39%.

Anyways, hope to see you guys next time :)


You're back!! Yay!!

jillauston jillauston

YEY!!.. You're back!!! Love this fic! Xx

False alarm. I have figured it out :)

Jayden Way Jayden Way

Hey us, this is the author. My account no longer works, so I will only be posting on AO3. My user is demonsnight. I loved having you get s as readers and I will only continue to post here if you guys really want me to. Please comment on what you think.

The Lost Cost The Lost Cost