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Crash and Burn, We're Young and Loaded

Chapter Two

*Five Days Earlier*

Dropping the radio with a curse, I grabbed for my gun and kept firing, all the time praying, while Noise coughed and moaned on the ground beside me. I couldn’t do anything for him. If I stopped firing, even for a minute, the Dracs would be on us instantly.

“Angel. . . fuck. . . that was. . . a dumb thing for. . . me to do,” Noise whispered, then his face went white as another spasm of pain hit him.
"It was the dumbest motherfucking you've ever done Noise" I told him through gritted teeth. As he tried to reach for his gun, the movement did something to his injuries and he screamed before coughing again, this time coughing up blood. I felt the tears roll down my face.
Quickly I let off a volley of shots then yanked my jacket off and folded it. Glancing at Noise’s wounds, I braced myself and told him “This may hurt like hell bro,” before pressing the jacket to the worst of his wounds and kneeling on it to keep it in place. He let out a cry of pain that tore up my heart, but I picked up his gun and mine and resumed firing until some big ass Drac came up behind me and grabbed me by the hair.

They dragged us both out onto the road. One held me back while the three others we hadn’t ghosted began to beat Noise up even more. When it was my turn, Noise was out cold and I was hoarse from screaming his name and insults at the Dracs. The sick bastards weren’t planning on just beating me up. My t-shirt was ripped to bloody shreds and I was close to passing out when I heard a shout and three laser beams flashed by me. All but the Drac holding onto me fell to the asphalt.

“Hey Drac ass, we said drop the lady,” a voice said. Looking up, I saw three killjoys, two guys and a girl, standing in front of me while another was bent over my brother. The Drac holding me loosened his grip and I slid to the ground as I blacked out.

“Hey GoGo, she’s coming round.”

As I opened my eyes, I saw one of the killjoys from earlier crouched over me. He had blond hair that was falling into his eyes, and was wearing one of those surgical masks with lips drawn on. He pulled down the mask and grinned at me.

“Hey there motor baby, how’s the head? Name’s Trixxie Pixel MD. You took an ass kicking there so I’d mind my ribs for a few days if I were you.” He helped me sit up as I got my bearings. “Looks like we got here just in time. Any longer and they’d have done a lot worse. Sick fucks do it to so many girls,” he said grimly, and shook his head. “Your ribs aren’t broken but you’ll have some serious bruises. You’ll have a fabulous black eye, and I’d to tape up a gash on your forehead.”
“Are you a doctor or something?” I asked in disbelief. The guy looked about eighteen. He shook his head and grinned.

“Nah, I did Red Cross when I was a kid, plus I worked as a medic in Zone 3 for about a year.” He looked over his shoulder as another killjoy approached us. She was tall with long blonde hair that didn’t look a bit dyed. She was the kinda girl you could imagine blazing through twenty Dracs then stopping in the middle of the carnage to fix her lipstick.

“Hey I’m Kitty Morningstar,” she said, holding out her jacket. “Seeing as your t-shirt got so ripped up I thought you might want to put this on.” I looked down and realised only then that all I had on was a bra and denim shorts, both now grubby and bloodstained. I blushed and pulled the jacket on gratefully. “Thanks.”
Then I remembered Noise.

“Where’s Noise?” I demanded, trying to stand up. “Where’s my brother?” Trixxie grabbed my shoulders and shoved me back down. “Take it easy girl,” he told me sternly. “We’ve got your friend up on the back of the truck, Danny’s minding him but we’re gonna have to get him back to a base somewhere and ours is all the way in ass end of 7.”

“Mine’s closer,” I whispered, as a wave of dizziness hit me. “Noise and me live with Dr Death Defying, at the WKIL base. I’m DJ Angel Fake, and my brother’s Diablo Noise.”

“Well fuck me sideways,” Kitty muttered under her breath, then grinned at me. “Ok Angel, now you can get up, but don’t go jumping around, ‘kay?” Trixxie put a hand under my elbow and steadied me as I slowly stood up.

“Thanks, I think I can walk ok,” I told them, and walked forward carefully before pitching forwards and passing out again.


“Angel. . . Angel honey you gotta wake up now, c’mon.” I opened my eyes to see Show Pony’s face hanging over me.

“Show Pony?” I groaned as a headache of epic painfulness hit me. “Where the hell am I?”

“Thank God.” He sat back and looked at me in relief. “You and Noise got brought in by a couple of killjoys a few days ago. Said something ‘bout a Drac attack. By the time they showed up Noise had got knocked around pretty bad, and they seemed to have just gotten started on you.” I squeezed my eyes shut as he talked on, remembering Noise’s screams, the sick, sadistic laughter of the Dracs, their disgusting hands grabbing at my clothes and my body. I shook my head and listened to what Pony was saying.

“You passed out after they rescued you, though you were conscious enough for a few minutes to tell them your names and where the base was. They couldn’t get a response out of Noise so they brought you two back here.” He paused, and I looked up at him in dread.

“Baby, I hate to tell you this, but Noise. . . Noise didn’t wake up at all. He died a few hours later. I’m so sorry Angel,” Pony told me, his voice breaking with grief. I pressed my face into the pillow and screamed in anger and sorrow.

Noise had been buried the day after he died. With the heat, they couldn’t wait, and, as Pony told me, they actually didn’t know when I’d actually wake up either. Apparently I’d got a concussion from the beating and from landing on my head both times I passed out. Trixxie Pixel and his friends stayed around until the day after I woke up so he could be sure I didn’t drop dead or anything. Soon after I woke up, when I’d calmed down a bit, he came in to check on me.

“Okay, vitals are good, just take it easy for a while, drink loads of water and in about a week you’ll be fine,” he told me, checking my pulse. I just nodded. If I tried to talk I’d have just gone mental. Kitty smiled at me and gave my shoulders a squeeze. “You’ll be okay girl.”
I wiped my eyes with my eyes and nodded as the rest of her gang walked in.

“Hey Kitty, Pixel, time to head,” GoGo said, coming over and laying a hand on his sister’s shoulder. Their little brother Jack-Jack jumped up beside me and threw his arms around my neck. “Bye bye Angel, see you soon,” he said, hugging me tight. “Bye Jack, and you better come visit again soon,” I told him, hugging him back. “Can we GoGo? Can we please? I reeeaally want to meet the Killjoys!”

GoGo grinned at his baby brother. “Sure thing little guy, now go say bye to Dr D.” Jack hopped down and ran out, followed by Danny. “See you ‘round Angel.”

“Bye DD.” I waved as Kitty bent over and gave me a hug. “Look after yourself,” I told her, then shook GoGo and Pixel’s hand. “Thanks all of you for saving my life. And we’ll keep an ear out for anything about Diablo.” Diablo Sidequest, the fifth member of their gang had gone missing a month or so ago.
“Thanks Angel, and good luck.”


GoGo Deathkiss, Jack Jack, Danny Damnation, Pixie Trixel, Kitty Morningstar and Diablo Sidequest are all characters created by this guy: http://www.youtube.com/user/jackgray1938?feature=watch, on youtube. He ever so kindly gave me permission to use these characters after I watched his videos. I seriously recommend every Killjoy to check them out!
The Zone 7 Diaries: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wi3xwzLHh8&feature=plcp
Zone Runner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIz7P93FrBw&feature=plcp


I really love this :) Awesome story!
falloutlies falloutlies
XD that was awesome I love this story!!! Can't wait till more! :D
Lucyriverstone Lucyriverstone