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Demolition Lovers

With This Trunk Of Ammunition Too

I twist the doorknob of the side gate that surrounded the entire complex and push it open, quickly shutting it behind me and flinched at the sound it made. After standing frozen in place for a few moments listening and observing my surroundings I start walking toward my destination. As I pass by two identical four-story buildings I find the one I’m looking for. I pull my hand out of my pocket and run my finger down the building's inventory until i find the name I want,
“Ballato, 3E” I whisper to myself, My finger moves to press the buzzer next to the label ‘3E’ but i stop myself.

“Idiot, that will never work.” I reprimand myself aloud as I violently press my the palm of my hand against my forehead.

If I press that button she will inevitably ask “who is it”. There’s no way she’ll just blindly let me in because not only does she live by herself in this Amish community looking type deal, but it’s 6:30 in the morning, so if she did come to the door she definately demand to know who is at her door. If I answer she will hear my voice and never allow me access, because for some reason she doesn’t want to see me. But she’ll change her mind. They always do.

I scan the buzzers, looking at them closely.

My finger hovers over 4B, Mr. Newkurk.

Yes this one seems like the logical choice, the button is clearly worn out by the amount of times it has been pressed. This means multiple people must live in this apartment. So it wouldn’t be as out of the ordinary to have someone ringing the doorbell at this time in the morning since many people must be in and out of this house at all times of the day. This may be the logical choice but it isn’t the right one. 2D has a parking spot that is empty, the car must have not left long ago because there is a large dry spot in the parking spot, where a car should be and a wet imprint around it. This means they must have left not too long ago because the rain had just stopped a hour ago. They both could have left to run some last minute errands for Christmas in two weeks and left the children home. Children would blindly buzz someone in 72% of the time. I know this.

I move my finger to 2D, Mr. and Mrs. Clareson and press it. I wait patiently as I am buzzed in. I victoriously push the door open and begin to walk up the unsettlingly clean staircase to my destination.

Stopping at the fourth floor, I walk to the apartment labeled 4E and knock on the door. There is fumbling heard behind the door and a barely audible “I’m coming”.

I wait for a few more seconds and the door opens but it is stopped abruptly by a chain lock.

“Gerard?” a smile creeps on to my face and I tuck my black hair away from my eyes and behind my ear as I look at the most beautiful woman i’ve ever seen.

“Hey Lindsey, I brought you something.” I say lifting the black duffel bag to show it to her. She’s going to love this. She’s going to love me.

She sighs and closes the door and a few moments later she opens it again, this time without the chain so I see her completely, head-to-toe, in her full beauty.
“Gerard how, how did you get my address?” she whispers violently at me while shoving me further into the hallway as she closes her apartment door behind her.

I frown at her, she looks cold. All she has on is a pair of plaid flannel pants and a black t-shirt that is clearly too large for her.

“Are you cold? Here.” I place the duffel bag on the floor and start to remove my jacket.

“Gerard! This is serious! You can’t be here, you have to leave right now!” she proceeds to grab me by my shoulders and tries to turn me down the hallway but I don’t budge.

“Aren’t you happy to see me though?” She immediately removes her hands from me and steps back and looks at me as if just told her everyone she’s ever loved had died.

“No Gerard, I’m not happy to see you. Now you’ve got to go.” She states coldly pointing down the hallway I just came from.

“But I, I don’t understand. I brought you a gift Lindsey.” I quickly squat, unzipping the bag to unveil my present.

“Gerard,” Running a hand through her raven hair, with the other placed on her hip, Lindsey begins to slowly back away from me. I shoot a hand up and hold her wrist, anchoring her into place. With my other hand I begin to pull out my gift.

“Ouch! Gerard let go of me.” I continue to hold her, and stand up presenting my covered gift.

“Wait! Just look at it!” she continues to struggle against my hand so I let go and try to hand the gift to her.

“Gerard please just go, you’ve done enough here. Just go.” She pleads, cradling her wrist and backing into her apartment. I look down and I search for the zipper on the case to her gift.

“Wait, hold on i’ve got it.” I locate the zipper and open the case, grabbing the bass by the neck and yanking it out of the case.

“Look!” I shout as I use my foot to block the door from slamming in my face. The door slowly opens as Lindsey’s face is now streaked with tears.

“Oh my God, is that a,”

“Yes, it’s a blue and white Steve Harris Precision Bass. Just like you’ve always wanted.” I say breathlessly.


Please Vote Comment and Subscribe! It means the world to me! Thanks so much! I'll probably be uploaded another chapter later on today or tomorrow? Big twists coming up immediately after this chapter! these first three was just so you can get the feel of these characters. Want to guess the targeted traits for each person? Comment below and the winner will be who ever gets the most characters right! will be announced in the next chapter! comment below Frank, Gerard, and Lindsey's main trait to see if you're right!



loving thiiissss, keep updating omg

fangoria fangoria

Very interesting start! X

Thanks so much!

i love the concept of this good work !!!

fangoria fangoria