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Fight To Live


I was sitting in the same booth smoking a cigarette when Mama Murder came sneaking out of my room. She jumped when she saw me, not expecting me to be there in the slightest.

“What’re you doing out here?” she whispered harshly.

I blew the remaining smoke out of my mouth and stubbed my cigarette out on the booth’s table, “I could ask you the same question.”

Instead of responding she just stared me down and crossed her arms over her chest.

I shook my head and laughed softly, “Don’t take me for some idiot, I knew you were leaving,” and with that I motioned to the fact that she was fully clothed. Well, as far as Mama Murder goes, she had all of her clothes on.

I could see her sizing me up, as if wondering if she could make it out of here in a fight.

I shook my head, “It’s not happening. It might have worked if you weren’t wounded but in your state you’ll just end up hurting yourself.”

Her eyes narrowed but she sighed and sat down across from me, flinching as she moved.

My own eyes flickered down to her side, seeing that fresh blood was blooming in spots on her shirt.

“What did you do now?” I frowned as the words came out of my mouth; this girl was going to be a giant hassle.

She looked down at herself and frowned, “Fun Ghoul’s going to kill me,” she sighed.

I rolled my eyes, “Maybe if you would just listen to him you’d be on your way to healing right now instead of bleeding again.”

She wasn’t paying any attention to me though, she was too busy trying to apply pressure to the wound in hopes that it would stop before we had to wake him up.

I got up from my seat and went around to her side of the table, “Let me see it,” I said crouching down.

She looked at me before lifting her shirt up and turning so I could have better access to her side. I frowned at what I saw, she had pulled apart some stitches and the skin was a morbid black color around them.

I reached out to poke around it a little bit and she gasped.

“Did I hurt you?” I asked, not even looking away from what I was doing.

She shook her head, “Just didn’t expect that,” she replied.

I poked and prodded some more before shaking my head, “We need to get Ghoul. I can’t fix this easily.”

She started to shake her head but I had already started across the diner with her wrist in my hand. I wasn’t giving her the chance to leave.

Fun Ghoul opened the door in only his dirty black jeans and I could see the hungry stare that Mama was giving him. I felt a frown set itself on my face.

Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes he furrowed his eyebrows together, “What’s wrong?”

I merely pointed at the growing blood spot on her tee shirt and his eyes widened.

“What the fuck did you do now?!” he questioned mostly to himself.

Mama shushed him so he wouldn’t wake Grace.

“Don’t fucking shush me woman, you won’t stop fucking moving around and fucking shit up, what the Hell were you even doing-“

He continued to rant around and gather the things he’d need from his desk and ushered us down the hallway to my room.

I pushed Mama on the bed and collapsed in the chair by my own desk which Fun Ghoul had set his supplies down on.

Fun Ghoul was getting something ready in his hands and asked me to shut the door, which I did quietly. Then he turned back to Mama Murder.

“Take your shirt off,” he requested without even looking up.

Mama’s eyes flicked to me before she reached to grab the hem of her shirt and swiftly pulled it over her head, letting the thin fabric fall to the floor. She was smirking in my direction as my eyes drifted down to her now bare chest to greedily take in everything they saw.

Fun Ghoul rolled his eyes, “Lay down.”

She did as he asked and lazily draped an arm over her breasts, to shield them from view.

We all sat in silence as Fun Ghoul tried to stitch her back up and poured this foul smelling liquid all over her cuts, bruises, and scrapes that made her hiss and bite into her bottom lip. I just sat and watched him work.

When he was done he stood from where he had been sitting on the floor and turned to me.

“Lend her a shirt, and stay in here so she doesn’t try to leave again. Also, put this on her stitches every two hours or so or we’ll have a mess on our hands. I’m going to catch up on the like seventy-two hours of sleep I’ve missed.”

Fun Ghoul turned back around and looked down at Mama Murder, “Seriously, put a shirt on before one of us can’t control ourselves anymore. We don’t see a lot of beautiful women out here, you know.” He winked at her as she smirked and he left.

When he was gone, Mama Murder turned her head towards me, “So do I get a shirt, or are you gonna take yours off and make it fair?”

I rolled my eyes and went to my dresser in search of a shirt for her to wear. When I turned around she was struggling to get her boots off and not do any damage to her fresh stitches.

I threw the shirt at her chest and pushed her back down by her shoulders so I could lean down and take her boots off for her.

I hovered over her, my arms on either side of her stomach, supporting me on the bed. My eyes lingered on her flat tummy and her hipbones within my reach. Her eyes just stayed on my face, watching me watch her.

“Shorts too?” I asked quietly.

She nodded and lifted her hips so I could slide them down her long legs for her, which were surprisingly soft for how long she had been out here. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and stood up straight.

She sat up slowly and pulled my shirt over her head, which was too big but she didn’t look like she cared.

As she settled back into the mattress, she watched me try to get comfortable in the desk chair.

“You can sleep on the bed you know,” she stated it like she thought I was stupid.

I eyed her suspiciously, “Why?”

She sighed and rolled her eyes before throwing an arm over her face, “We slept in the same bed the other night, I don’t see a problem now. But if you would rather sleep on that uncomfortable chair, please do, by all means.”

I shook my head; I was too tired for this, so instead of beating around the bush I just took everything off until I was down to my jeans and my mask.

Mama Murder had been watching me this whole time, the same hungry look in her eyes as when she had seen Fun Ghoul, but when I was reaching for my mask all I saw was curiosity.

She smiled at my hesitation and sat up on one elbow, “Oh, come on, you’ve seen me without my mask.”

I just pulled the mask off and set it on the bedside table next to hers as I watched her study my face.

“You’re quite handsome without that thing on, you know.”

I sat on the edge of the bed and shook my head, “Shut up.”

She merely smiled as she scooted over to let me have more room. The bed was smaller than the one at Dr. D’s hideout and our legs touched, she didn’t seem to mind as her bare skin brushed against my jeans.

After I lay down and got comfortable, I looked over to the woman lying next to me. She was staring straight up at the ceiling and tangling her own hair in her fingers.

“What’s on your mind?” I questioned quietly.

She turned to look at me with a blank face, “Nothing,” she said flatly before pulling the blanket over us and turning over to face the wall instead of me.

I rolled my eyes at her sudden mood swing and closed my eyes myself, trying not to think about the fact that there was a beautiful woman less than a foot away from me with skin softer than anything I had touched in a long while.





Please update soon????