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Forget About The Dirty Looks.

He Could Care Less, As Long As Someone'll Bleed

Turns out this town isn't as shit as it seems. There is a music store, and they sell awesome guitars, and there is a comic book store. I was browsing through some records, when the store manager came up to me, and started asking me questions about the kind of music I like. We have very similar taste in music; we both really like punk, and he also plays the drums. He let me pay for the records I wanted to buy, and we carried on the conversation. Me being the awkward little flower I am, answered in one or two word sentences, but only at first. His name is Bob, and when I told him I'm gay, he didn't even bat an eyelid, this made me come out of my shell, and I started talking a bit more.

"So, Frank, how are you liking Loserville so far?" Bob obviously doesn't like were he lives...
"Uh, well, it's not the best place to live, but it don't seem that bad. Apart from this boy called Gerard. He is such a prick, see all the bruises on my face? All him." I decide to stop my little rant about Gerard before I get too wound up again. Bob, however, seems slightly amused by it and motions me to carry on.

"Um, well last night, right, I was just minding my own business, having a smoke, and he walks out of his house. He looked pretty tense; like, angry, but he sees me and his face goes from frustration, to pure hatred. Like pure fucking hatred, man. Anyway, he drops his bag, and just like charges at me, I ask him what's going on, and he just swings his fucking fist, right at my fucking nose, making it all bloody and shit. I stumble backwards, but then I get angry, like really fucking angry, how fucking dare he? Fucking twat, I tackle him, and get him to the floor, I just start laying punches anywhere I can get. He manages to flip us over, and starts hitting, kicking me. I pretend to pass out, and he turns around and walks away, so I jump on his back, and he falls on to his stomach, so I grab his hair and start slamming his face onto the sidewalk, and then this guy, Ray, comes up behind me and picks me up, Gerard starts fucking puking all over the sidewalk, and then he looks over. His face, God, his face. It was really bad, blood everywhere. He and Ray drove off after that, like nothing had happened." I take a deep breath, and wait for Bob's reaction. his breaks into a smile, and says
"Man, this fight sounds fucking awesome! Next time you get into one, call me first, okay?"
"Bob, how can I call you if I haven't got your number?" He looks puzzled for a second, then he grabs my phone, putting his number in.

"Frank, I've got to go, call me any time you wanna hang out, especially if there's fighting involved, okay?"
"Okay, whatever, you'll be the first to be called, cross my heart" I make a cross sign over my heart, smirking, and Bob walks away. Bob, although he doesn't know it, is my first friend in around three years. I get bullied a lot at school, because of the way I dress, and what kind of music I listen to. Teenagers, honestly, scare the shit out of me. I wonder if Craig and his meathead friends goes the same high school as me, I guess I'll find out tomorrow.
My phone rings, it's my mom.
"Hey, mom."
"Frank, come home right now. It's not safe for you to be out" She spoke with the urgency I haven't heard for years, not since I was twelve.
"What? What's wrong, why do I need to come home?"
"Just come home, Frank! I'll explain it when you get here. Try to avoid dark places, please. J-just come home" I think she is crying, so I stand up and start running home. Luckily, because I'm really fucking unfit, home is only ten minutes away from where I was. I go inside, and call out for my mom.
"Mom! Where are are you?"
"In here, Frank. No-o need to shout" Her voice is hoarse and shaky.

She is slumped over the kitchen table, and her breathing is shallow. Something big must have happened.
"Mom, what's wrong?" I say in a quiet voice
"Frankie, honey. A police officer called me about twenty minutes ago, saying somebody that matches your, yo-your, um, Dad's has been spotted about thirty minutes away." Her voice breaks in numerous places, and tears gather in her eyes. It takes a while for the news to sink in, but when it does, I burst into tears, and collapse in a heap. Mom hugs me, and tries to comfort me, but to be quite honest, it doesn't work.
"I-I um, ne-need air, mom. I'll be just the front, I wo-won't go far." I rush out, still crying and get hit by the cold air. As luck would have it, Gerard is sitting outside his front door, too. Aware I'm still crying, I hide my face. I can't let him see me weak..
He starts to walk over, probably to have another go, but surprisingly he doesn't.
"Frankie? What's wrong?" For the first time since I've met him, his tone is soft, caring. It just makes me cry harder, my sobs becoming audible.
Gerard takes in a sharp breath, and sits down next to me. He raises his arm up, and starts stroking my hair. I'm so surprised, that for a minute I stop crying, and just sit there, my head in my arms with wet cheeks. I remember why I was out here in the first place and start to cry again, swearing under my breath.
"That fucking bastard. Ruining my life." I say things like that, quietly, so Gerard don't hear me. Of course, because he's Gerard, he does hear me and asks me again what's wrong.
"Frank, talk to me. I know I'm a dick, but I'm a dick that can listen well. It helps to talk about things, y'know?" His soft voice is still unnerving, and I don't answer, so instead of pressing me for answers, he just puts his arm around me and sighs.

It's got to be around fifteen minutes later, when I finally stop crying.
"Thank you, Gerard." My voice is rough, and it hurts to speak. I swallow.
"Frank? What was that all about? You don't have to tell me if you don't want, because, frankly I wouldn't tell me things."
This makes me chuckle, and I clear my throat.
"My, uh, dad has been spotted." Gerard looks puzzled and scrunches his nose up. God, he's cute. What? No he isn't, what am I thinking? I hate Gerard. He caused my face to be bruised just in time for school.
"What's so bad about that, Frankie? Was he missing or something?" His tone is confused.
"I, uh, don't really want to talk about it, Gerard." He just nods, understanding. We sit in a comfortable silence, Gerard's arm still wrapped round my shoulders, and somehow my head is on resting in the hollow of his neck. The strangest thing is, that this, whatever this is, feels right, and I don't want to move from my place.

Gerard suddenly jumps up.
Why? Oh, Mikey is walking down the road. Gerard must be embarrassed to be seen with me or something, and for some reason, that hurts, the pain resonating deep in my chest, and I feel like crying again. Gerard walk of without a second glance and I overhear a snippet of his conversation with Mikey.
"Gee? Where you just talking to Frank?"
"Why would I want to talk to Frank? I hate him, remember?"
I turn away and enter my house, rushing upstairs with tears in my eyes.
And I don't know why.


Sorry if this is shitty. My laptop keeps cutting out, and I've been having a pretty shit day.
I've just wanted to curl up and listen to music all day, but I had school, sigh.
Comment and shit, tell me if you like it so far...
Thanks for reading this anyway xo

P.s, deliberate mistake in the title... xo


Wow, thank you so much, that means a lot to me

I was laughing and crying at the same time and fuck, this is beautiful. And now he's A FUCKING VAMPIRE. It seems like now I can say nothing but "Fuck." Fuck.

And how Gerard always wanted to be pale. How wrong was what was written. And THE FUCKING TATTOO.

Shit. I haven't cried like this is months. Every time I thought I would stop you put something that made me restart. The light behind your eyes. So long and goodnight. Them carrying the coffon

OMG! In a way I hate you but still love you! You messed with my feelings SO much! OMG I CRIED SO MUCH AND SO HARD!

Ay3_its_Frank Ay3_its_Frank