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Only in my Dreams

Chapter 1

“Mmm. Ah, god,” Frank moaned in his sleep. He was in his bunk on the tour bus with the rest of his band mates, in the middle of a pleasant dream. Unfortunately, the noises he was emitting from said dream caused his friends to rouse from their own state of unconsciousness.

“What the hell?” Mikey whispered in the darkness, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. It didn’t take him long to find the source of the noises that had awoken him, coming from the bunk below him. “Is that..?”

“Oh, Frankie’s having a dream,” Bob chuckled softly, yawning afterword.

“A very good dream from the sound of it,” Ray added when the guitarist made a rather vocal grunt. “Should we wake him?”

“No way, let me get my camera,” Gerard answered, now fully awake from the excitement. This form of blackmail could be extremely valuable in the future, not to mention the price a fan would pay for the tape. The lead singer quickly left the room to retrieve his video camera. He returned with the item and a big grin in tow. “This is going to be great. Turn on the lights a little.”

Bob nodded, doing as Gerard commanded. The light was set to a dim; light enough to actually see their sleeping beauty, but not too bright to wake him. Everyone moved to sit on Gerard’s bed (right across from Frank’s), giving them front row seats for the action. The older Way brother hit the on button to the camera, and began filming his friend’s activities.

The guitarist was lying on his stomach, dark hair disheveled from his tossing and turning. The man’s incessant movements caused the sheet to slide and reveal more of his body. Frank was only dressed in his gray boxers, which made it simple (even in the dim light) to make out his considerably large erection. The conscious members of My Chemical Romance could only watch in silent hysterics as the sleeping man became even louder, if possible.

“Uh... hmm... ha,” he panted, moving his lower body faster and harder against the mattress.

“Who do you think he’s dreaming about?” the younger Way brother asked to no one in particular.

“No idea, but he is getting really into it,” commented Ray, blushing slightly from the situation. Frank had turned over and was now thrusting upwards, as if someone was riding him, spread like an eagle.

“Maybe he needs a little help?” suggested Gerard. He passed the camera to Bob, who was slightly confused at the man’s motive. Nonetheless, the drummer continued taping Frank’s escapades. A moment later, Gerard took off his shirt, so he was left in only his black boxers, and walked over to the sleeping musician.

He gave the camera the “a-okay” hand sign, before hopping onto the occupied bed. The older Way brother leaned over Frankie’s body, his black hair falling forward and into his face with his movements. He flashed the camera another toothy smile before holding the other’s face still and kissing him on the mouth roughly. The unconscious man responded by kissing back, equally as hard. Speaking of hard things, the lead singer was becoming turgid in a certain part of the anatomy. (A/N: You get the picture.)

“The fans are going to love this,” mumbled Ray as Gerard upped the ante by moving his hips over Frank’s obvious arousal, causing an almost indescribably delicious friction. After a few moments, Gee left the other’s mouth to tease his neck with deft licks and nibbles. Beads of sweat were forming on Frankie’s hot flesh, as his grunts, moans and whimpers filled the room. He made one last lustful thrust before shouting desperately, “Ah, Gerard!”
After that instant, his body ceased all movement. A cute smile tugged on Frank’s face as he continued his sleep, fully satisfied and blissfully unaware of the show his friends witnessed. Everyone’s eyes widened and turned their attention to the person whose name came from Frank’s lips when he climaxed. Gerard locked eyes with his three friends, equally shocked.

“Um… I’m ready for bed,” the older Way brother announced. His cheeks were a bright red color that would put ripe tomatoes to shame. He took the camera from Bob and left the room to it in the proper place.

“Yeah, me, too,” the drummer said, hopping back into his bunk above Gerard’s. Ray and Mike looked at each other and mentally agreed to figure this out in the morning. Gerard reentered the room and turned the lights all the way down, going back to his own bed.

“Did that really happen? Frank had a sex dream about me? Is this a first time thing or…?” These questions and more plagued the lead singer’s mind until he fell asleep, succumbing to his dreams yet again.

The next day, Frankie awoke with a surprise waiting for him. “Another fucking wet dream? Damn, not again,” he thought as he looked at the mess he made in the middle of the night.

His boxers prevented the cum from escaping, but the substance had dried and hardened to his skin and the inside of his boxers. Thankfully no one else was awake to see his embarrassment, so Frank quickly did away with the evidence of his pent up desires. The guitarist cleaned up his soiled sleepwear with some tissues before tossing them in the hamper. He walked into the bus bathroom and fiddled with the shower knobs until they were at the perfect temperature.

“I mean, come on. I’m acting like a sixteen year old kid,” he said to himself, stepping into the shower, tepid drops of water soothing his body. He let out a soft, frustrated sigh as he looked down at his *ahem* morning problem.

“Just ignore it. It’ll go away,” Frank thought to himself, lathering up his dark hair with shampoo. After a minute of massaging his scalp, the guitarist stood under the nozzle to rinse off. His problem was even more apparent than the few minutes prior. Frank grabbed the conditioner -repeating the process he did with the shampoo- as he used all of his will power to completely avoid his hard on.

Realizing he still had to clean the dried semen off his lower regions that hadn’t been removed with water, Frank admitted defeat. He soaped up his body, working on the cum stuck to his thighs, shuddering in pleasure.

“Better finish up before anyone wakes up and catches me,” he sighed, closing his eyes while his hand wandered down his body. He visualized the person in his dream that got him into this mess. That pale skin, supple lips, and those deep hazel eyes in which Frank felt he could lose his entire being just by gazing upon them. Last night’s dream was the most erotic one Frank had ever experienced. It felt so real, as if Gerard was really there and doing those naughty thing to him. With one last stroke of his right hand, Frank came with a whimper.

The result of his efforts disappeared down the shower drain, but the sense of longing for that person still remained with Frank. No matter what fantasy he thought up, the guitarist always felt a sort of emptiness, knowing full-well Gerard did not share his feelings. Pushing those negatives thoughts aside, Frank stepped out of the shower and dried his dripping wet body. He wrapped the white towel around his waist, and exited the bathroom.

“Hey, guys,” Frank greeted his friends, who were eating their breakfast in the kitchen area. The group looked up, and hesitated slightly before returning the greeting with an awkward wave or soft “hey”. The tension in the air was palpable; at least in Frank’s mind.

“Is something wrong?” the guitarist asked, bewildered. He witnessed the nonverbal exchanges between his band mates, before they focused their full attention on Frank again.

“Was there something I missed?”

“Oh, no. You were there for it, alright,” Ray muttered, receiving an elbow to the stomach from Bob. Frank was even more confused at this point, raising an eyebrow.
Mikey spoke up, “Um… Well, something happened last night while you were asleep and um… we caught it on tape.”

“Okay, what was it?”

The younger Way brother paused, for he did not think too far ahead. “I think it would be better if we showed you instead.” He looked at his brother, who took that as a cue to retrieve the video camera… reluctantly. Frank was very curious of the contents of the tape. It had to be something big that would cause the lead singer to be acting so strangely quiet and out of character.

Frank hurriedly dressed himself and joined the group in other room, where the television was located. Gerard appeared with the video in hand. He turned on the television and popped the tape in the VCR. The older Way brother opted to sit next to Frank, since all the other seats were occupied.

Ray, who had the remote, clicked the play button once everyone was situated. Frank’s light brown eyes widened as the star of the video was him…. asleep… and moaning… humping his bed. His face turned red instantly, knowing how the tape was going to end. Frankie, however, was only partially correct. He expected the tape to reveal the fact he ejaculated (which was true), but what he did not predict was Gerard’s participation in getting him to the point of coming.

After the voice hollering “Ah, Gerard!” came out of the speakers, the voice’s owner was an even darker shade of red. The tape ended a moment later, making the screen turn blue. Ray used the remote again to turn off the television. The room was silent, waiting for a reaction from Frank. The main star of the movie was speechless and beyond embarrassed as he averted his eyes from his friends. He could tell from the tape that Gerard was joking about his whole interaction; that “a-okay”… that joking grin that played across his lips. Gee did not love him, he was just teasing him for the camera.

“So, that’s what happened last night,” Mikey stated, breaking the silence, though the tape was explanation enough. “Do you really feel that way towards Gerard or…?”

Everyone waited for an answer when Mike trailed off, the raven-haired vocalist the most. Gerard seemed slightly uncomfortable by his sitting position, but his heart was beating so fast with anticipation, he didn’t notice.

Head still down, Frankie answered, “Yeah, but I don’t want my feelings to get in the way of the band. I mean, look how awkward we are now. I’d hate myself if I were the reason the band fell apart.”

“Whoa, it’s not the end of the world. It is going to take a lot more to break us up, man,” Bob assured with a smile. Frank lifted his head up and smiled back, then turned to Gerard, his not-so-secret crush.

“So, uh, what do you think? I don’t want this to come between us as friends. I know you don’t like me that way, and I hope we can put this behind us and…”

Before Frank could finish his sentence, Gerard cut him off by pressing his lips against his own. The lead singer’s eyes were closed, as were the guitarist’s after the shock wore off in a matter of seconds. Mike, Bob, and Ray watched in awe at the scene before them, mouths agape. Their two band mates were in a full-out lip lock. They had seen the duo kiss on stage many times (among other things), but none of their performances came close to the sheer tenderness and passion between the two at that moment. Gerard’s left hand was brought up to caress the other’s face lightly. Frank allowed a cute, small sound erupt from his throat when the older Way brother gently biting on his lower lip.

“Ahem,” Ray coughed; letting pair on the couch know they were not alone in the room. The two broke away instantly, both blushing as they looked at their band mates.

“So… I guess you’re a couple, then?” questioned Mike with a grin.

“Where did you get that idea?” Gerard joked, grasping Frank’s hand in his own. After years of accepting the unrequited love he possessed for his best friend, Gerard actually loved him back. And to think that the only reason anyone found out was because of his wet dream the previous night. Frankie was nearly high off happiness. His new boyfriend turned his way, a big smile plastered on his face.

“I guess we’ll just leave you two alone, then,” Bob said as the trio departed to finish their breakfast.

Mike walked back to the doorway and yelled, “Remember to practice safe sex!” With that, he disappeared from the room chuckling. His words came upon deaf ears, though, because the couple was too lost in each other’s eyes. Those lustful hazel orbs… those soft, kind brown ones. Nothing else in the world seemed important anymore. The only thing significant was them in that one moment; love in its purest form.

“I never thought that you would return my feelings, Gee. I kept hoping you would someday, but I was too afraid of being rejected and ruining our friendship. I just…”

Gerard silenced the guitarist with a finger to his lips. “You don’t need to worry about that anymore, no use dwelling on it. I do love you, Frankie. I was a little confused at first. How could I fall in love with a straight guy, you know? Like hell I was going to say anything about it. Then, last night… you looked amazing, and I couldn’t control myself. I tried to play it off, like I was just messing with you for kicks… I was so glad you screamed my name. Otherwise, I doubt we would be together like this right now.”

“It’s kind of sad. The only reason we’re boyfriends right now is because I had a wet dream about you. That is so messed up!” They two both laughed at the ridiculous circumstances, enjoying the levity in the room. “So, what should we do now?”

“Oh, I have a few ideas,” answered Gerard with a devilish smirk on his face.“Mmm. Ah, god,” Frank moaned in his sleep. He was in his bunk on the tour bus with the rest of his band mates, in the middle of a pleasant dream. Unfortunately, the noises he was emitting from said dream caused his friends to rouse from their own state of unconsciousness.

“What the hell?” Mikey whispered in the darkness, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. It didn’t take him long to find the source of the noises that had awoken him, coming from the bunk below him. “Is that..?”

“Oh, Frankie’s having a dream,” Bob chuckled softly, yawning afterword.

“A very good dream from the sound of it,” Ray added when the guitarist made a rather vocal grunt. “Should we wake him?”

“No way, let me get my camera,” Gerard answered, now fully awake from the excitement. This form of blackmail could be extremely valuable in the future, not to mention the price a fan would pay for the tape. The lead singer quickly left the room to retrieve his video camera. He returned with the item and a big grin in tow. “This is going to be great. Turn on the lights a little.”

Bob nodded, doing as Gerard commanded. The light was set to a dim; light enough to actually see their sleeping beauty, but not too bright to wake him. Everyone moved to sit on Gerard’s bed (right across from Frank’s), giving them front row seats for the action. The older Way brother hit the on button to the camera, and began filming his friend’s activities.

The guitarist was lying on his stomach, dark hair disheveled from his tossing and turning. The man’s incessant movements caused the sheet to slide and reveal more of his body. Frank was only dressed in his gray boxers, which made it simple (even in the dim light) to make out his considerably large erection. The conscious members of My Chemical Romance could only watch in silent hysterics as the sleeping man became even louder, if possible.

“Uh... hmm... ha,” he panted, moving his lower body faster and harder against the mattress.

“Who do you think he’s dreaming about?” the younger Way brother asked to no one in particular.

“No idea, but he is getting really into it,” commented Ray, blushing slightly from the situation. Frank had turned over and was now thrusting upwards, as if someone was riding him, spread like an eagle.

“Maybe he needs a little help?” suggested Gerard. He passed the camera to Bob, who was slightly confused at the man’s motive. Nonetheless, the drummer continued taping Frank’s escapades. A moment later, Gerard took off his shirt, so he was left in only his black boxers, and walked over to the sleeping musician.

He gave the camera the “a-okay” hand sign, before hopping onto the occupied bed. The older Way brother leaned over Frankie’s body, his black hair falling forward and into his face with his movements. He flashed the camera another toothy smile before holding the other’s face still and kissing him on the mouth roughly. The unconscious man responded by kissing back, equally as hard. Speaking of hard things, the lead singer was becoming turgid in a certain part of the anatomy. (A/N: You get the picture.)

“The fans are going to love this,” mumbled Ray as Gerard upped the ante by moving his hips over Frank’s obvious arousal, causing an almost indescribably delicious friction. After a few moments, Gee left the other’s mouth to tease his neck with deft licks and nibbles. Beads of sweat were forming on Frankie’s hot flesh, as his grunts, moans and whimpers filled the room. He made one last lustful thrust before shouting desperately, “Ah, Gerard!”
After that instant, his body ceased all movement. A cute smile tugged on Frank’s face as he continued his sleep, fully satisfied and blissfully unaware of the show his friends witnessed. Everyone’s eyes widened and turned their attention to the person whose name came from Frank’s lips when he climaxed. Gerard locked eyes with his three friends, equally shocked.

“Um… I’m ready for bed,” the older Way brother announced. His cheeks were a bright red color that would put ripe tomatoes to shame. He took the camera from Bob and left the room to it in the proper place.

“Yeah, me, too,” the drummer said, hopping back into his bunk above Gerard’s. Ray and Mike looked at each other and mentally agreed to figure this out in the morning. Gerard reentered the room and turned the lights all the way down, going back to his own bed.

“Did that really happen? Frank had a sex dream about me? Is this a first time thing or…?” These questions and more plagued the lead singer’s mind until he fell asleep, succumbing to his dreams yet again.

The next day, Frankie awoke with a surprise waiting for him. “Another fucking wet dream? Damn, not again,” he thought as he looked at the mess he made in the middle of the night.

His boxers prevented the cum from escaping, but the substance had dried and hardened to his skin and the inside of his boxers. Thankfully no one else was awake to see his embarrassment, so Frank quickly did away with the evidence of his pent up desires. The guitarist cleaned up his soiled sleepwear with some tissues before tossing them in the hamper. He walked into the bus bathroom and fiddled with the shower knobs until they were at the perfect temperature.

“I mean, come on. I’m acting like a sixteen year old kid,” he said to himself, stepping into the shower, tepid drops of water soothing his body. He let out a soft, frustrated sigh as he looked down at his *ahem* morning problem.

“Just ignore it. It’ll go away,” Frank thought to himself, lathering up his dark hair with shampoo. After a minute of massaging his scalp, the guitarist stood under the nozzle to rinse off. His problem was even more apparent than the few minutes prior. Frank grabbed the conditioner -repeating the process he did with the shampoo- as he used all of his will power to completely avoid his hard on.

Realizing he still had to clean the dried semen off his lower regions that hadn’t been removed with water, Frank admitted defeat. He soaped up his body, working on the cum stuck to his thighs, shuddering in pleasure.

“Better finish up before anyone wakes up and catches me,” he sighed, closing his eyes while his hand wandered down his body. He visualized the person in his dream that got him into this mess. That pale skin, supple lips, and those deep hazel eyes in which Frank felt he could lose his entire being just by gazing upon them. Last night’s dream was the most erotic one Frank had ever experienced. It felt so real, as if Gerard was really there and doing those naughty thing to him. With one last stroke of his right hand, Frank came with a whimper.

The result of his efforts disappeared down the shower drain, but the sense of longing for that person still remained with Frank. No matter what fantasy he thought up, the guitarist always felt a sort of emptiness, knowing full-well Gerard did not share his feelings. Pushing those negatives thoughts aside, Frank stepped out of the shower and dried his dripping wet body. He wrapped the white towel around his waist, and exited the bathroom.

“Hey, guys,” Frank greeted his friends, who were eating their breakfast in the kitchen area. The group looked up, and hesitated slightly before returning the greeting with an awkward wave or soft “hey”. The tension in the air was palpable; at least in Frank’s mind.

“Is something wrong?” the guitarist asked, bewildered. He witnessed the nonverbal exchanges between his band mates, before they focused their full attention on Frank again.

“Was there something I missed?”

“Oh, no. You were there for it, alright,” Ray muttered, receiving an elbow to the stomach from Bob. Frank was even more confused at this point, raising an eyebrow.
Mikey spoke up, “Um… Well, something happened last night while you were asleep and um… we caught it on tape.”

“Okay, what was it?”

The younger Way brother paused, for he did not think too far ahead. “I think it would be better if we showed you instead.” He looked at his brother, who took that as a cue to retrieve the video camera… reluctantly. Frank was very curious of the contents of the tape. It had to be something big that would cause the lead singer to be acting so strangely quiet and out of character.

Frank hurriedly dressed himself and joined the group in other room, where the television was located. Gerard appeared with the video in hand. He turned on the television and popped the tape in the VCR. The older Way brother opted to sit next to Frank, since all the other seats were occupied.

Ray, who had the remote, clicked the play button once everyone was situated. Frank’s light brown eyes widened as the star of the video was him…. asleep… and moaning… humping his bed. His face turned red instantly, knowing how the tape was going to end. Frankie, however, was only partially correct. He expected the tape to reveal the fact he ejaculated (which was true), but what he did not predict was Gerard’s participation in getting him to the point of coming.

After the voice hollering “Ah, Gerard!” came out of the speakers, the voice’s owner was an even darker shade of red. The tape ended a moment later, making the screen turn blue. Ray used the remote again to turn off the television. The room was silent, waiting for a reaction from Frank. The main star of the movie was speechless and beyond embarrassed as he averted his eyes from his friends. He could tell from the tape that Gerard was joking about his whole interaction; that “a-okay”… that joking grin that played across his lips. Gee did not love him, he was just teasing him for the camera.

“So, that’s what happened last night,” Mikey stated, breaking the silence, though the tape was explanation enough. “Do you really feel that way towards Gerard or…?”

Everyone waited for an answer when Mike trailed off, the raven-haired vocalist the most. Gerard seemed slightly uncomfortable by his sitting position, but his heart was beating so fast with anticipation, he didn’t notice.

Head still down, Frankie answered, “Yeah, but I don’t want my feelings to get in the way of the band. I mean, look how awkward we are now. I’d hate myself if I were the reason the band fell apart.”

“Whoa, it’s not the end of the world. It is going to take a lot more to break us up, man,” Bob assured with a smile. Frank lifted his head up and smiled back, then turned to Gerard, his not-so-secret crush.

“So, uh, what do you think? I don’t want this to come between us as friends. I know you don’t like me that way, and I hope we can put this behind us and…”

Before Frank could finish his sentence, Gerard cut him off by pressing his lips against his own. The lead singer’s eyes were closed, as were the guitarist’s after the shock wore off in a matter of seconds. Mike, Bob, and Ray watched in awe at the scene before them, mouths agape. Their two band mates were in a full-out lip lock. They had seen the duo kiss on stage many times (among other things), but none of their performances came close to the sheer tenderness and passion between the two at that moment. Gerard’s left hand was brought up to caress the other’s face lightly. Frank allowed a cute, small sound erupt from his throat when the older Way brother gently biting on his lower lip.

“Ahem,” Ray coughed; letting pair on the couch know they were not alone in the room. The two broke away instantly, both blushing as they looked at their band mates.

“So… I guess you’re a couple, then?” questioned Mike with a grin.

“Where did you get that idea?” Gerard joked, grasping Frank’s hand in his own. After years of accepting the unrequited love he possessed for his best friend, Gerard actually loved him back. And to think that the only reason anyone found out was because of his wet dream the previous night. Frankie was nearly high off happiness. His new boyfriend turned his way, a big smile plastered on his face.

“I guess we’ll just leave you two alone, then,” Bob said as the trio departed to finish their breakfast.

Mike walked back to the doorway and yelled, “Remember to practice safe sex!” With that, he disappeared from the room chuckling. His words came upon deaf ears, though, because the couple was too lost in each other’s eyes. Those lustful hazel orbs… those soft, kind brown ones. Nothing else in the world seemed important anymore. The only thing significant was them in that one moment; love in its purest form.

“I never thought that you would return my feelings, Gee. I kept hoping you would someday, but I was too afraid of being rejected and ruining our friendship. I just…”

Gerard silenced the guitarist with a finger to his lips. “You don’t need to worry about that anymore, no use dwelling on it. I do love you, Frankie. I was a little confused at first. How could I fall in love with a straight guy, you know? Like hell I was going to say anything about it. Then, last night… you looked amazing, and I couldn’t control myself. I tried to play it off, like I was just messing with you for kicks… I was so glad you screamed my name. Otherwise, I doubt we would be together like this right now.”

“It’s kind of sad. The only reason we’re boyfriends right now is because I had a wet dream about you. That is so messed up!” They two both laughed at the ridiculous circumstances, enjoying the levity in the room. “So, what should we do now?”

“Oh, I have a few ideas,” answered Gerard with a devilish smirk on his face.“Mmm. Ah, god,” Frank moaned in his sleep. He was in his bunk on the tour bus with the rest of his band mates, in the middle of a pleasant dream. Unfortunately, the noises he was emitting from said dream caused his friends to rouse from their own state of unconsciousness.

“What the hell?” Mikey whispered in the darkness, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. It didn’t take him long to find the source of the noises that had awoken him, coming from the bunk below him. “Is that..?”

“Oh, Frankie’s having a dream,” Bob chuckled softly, yawning afterword.

“A very good dream from the sound of it,” Ray added when the guitarist made a rather vocal grunt. “Should we wake him?”

“No way, let me get my camera,” Gerard answered, now fully awake from the excitement. This form of blackmail could be extremely valuable in the future, not to mention the price a fan would pay for the tape. The lead singer quickly left the room to retrieve his video camera. He returned with the item and a big grin in tow. “This is going to be great. Turn on the lights a little.”

Bob nodded, doing as Gerard commanded. The light was set to a dim; light enough to actually see their sleeping beauty, but not too bright to wake him. Everyone moved to sit on Gerard’s bed (right across from Frank’s), giving them front row seats for the action. The older Way brother hit the on button to the camera, and began filming his friend’s activities.

The guitarist was lying on his stomach, dark hair disheveled from his tossing and turning. The man’s incessant movements caused the sheet to slide and reveal more of his body. Frank was only dressed in his gray boxers, which made it simple (even in the dim light) to make out his considerably large erection. The conscious members of My Chemical Romance could only watch in silent hysterics as the sleeping man became even louder, if possible.

“Uh... hmm... ha,” he panted, moving his lower body faster and harder against the mattress.

“Who do you think he’s dreaming about?” the younger Way brother asked to no one in particular.

“No idea, but he is getting really into it,” commented Ray, blushing slightly from the situation. Frank had turned over and was now thrusting upwards, as if someone was riding him, spread like an eagle.

“Maybe he needs a little help?” suggested Gerard. He passed the camera to Bob, who was slightly confused at the man’s motive. Nonetheless, the drummer continued taping Frank’s escapades. A moment later, Gerard took off his shirt, so he was left in only his black boxers, and walked over to the sleeping musician.

He gave the camera the “a-okay” hand sign, before hopping onto the occupied bed. The older Way brother leaned over Frankie’s body, his black hair falling forward and into his face with his movements. He flashed the camera another toothy smile before holding the other’s face still and kissing him on the mouth roughly. The unconscious man responded by kissing back, equally as hard. Speaking of hard things, the lead singer was becoming turgid in a certain part of the anatomy. (A/N: You get the picture.)

“The fans are going to love this,” mumbled Ray as Gerard upped the ante by moving his hips over Frank’s obvious arousal, causing an almost indescribably delicious friction. After a few moments, Gee left the other’s mouth to tease his neck with deft licks and nibbles. Beads of sweat were forming on Frankie’s hot flesh, as his grunts, moans and whimpers filled the room. He made one last lustful thrust before shouting desperately, “Ah, Gerard!”
After that instant, his body ceased all movement. A cute smile tugged on Frank’s face as he continued his sleep, fully satisfied and blissfully unaware of the show his friends witnessed. Everyone’s eyes widened and turned their attention to the person whose name came from Frank’s lips when he climaxed. Gerard locked eyes with his three friends, equally shocked.

“Um… I’m ready for bed,” the older Way brother announced. His cheeks were a bright red color that would put ripe tomatoes to shame. He took the camera from Bob and left the room to it in the proper place.

“Yeah, me, too,” the drummer said, hopping back into his bunk above Gerard’s. Ray and Mike looked at each other and mentally agreed to figure this out in the morning. Gerard reentered the room and turned the lights all the way down, going back to his own bed.

“Did that really happen? Frank had a sex dream about me? Is this a first time thing or…?” These questions and more plagued the lead singer’s mind until he fell asleep, succumbing to his dreams yet again.

The next day, Frankie awoke with a surprise waiting for him. “Another fucking wet dream? Damn, not again,” he thought as he looked at the mess he made in the middle of the night.

His boxers prevented the cum from escaping, but the substance had dried and hardened to his skin and the inside of his boxers. Thankfully no one else was awake to see his embarrassment, so Frank quickly did away with the evidence of his pent up desires. The guitarist cleaned up his soiled sleepwear with some tissues before tossing them in the hamper. He walked into the bus bathroom and fiddled with the shower knobs until they were at the perfect temperature.

“I mean, come on. I’m acting like a sixteen year old kid,” he said to himself, stepping into the shower, tepid drops of water soothing his body. He let out a soft, frustrated sigh as he looked down at his *ahem* morning problem.

“Just ignore it. It’ll go away,” Frank thought to himself, lathering up his dark hair with shampoo. After a minute of massaging his scalp, the guitarist stood under the nozzle to rinse off. His problem was even more apparent than the few minutes prior. Frank grabbed the conditioner -repeating the process he did with the shampoo- as he used all of his will power to completely avoid his hard on.

Realizing he still had to clean the dried semen off his lower regions that hadn’t been removed with water, Frank admitted defeat. He soaped up his body, working on the cum stuck to his thighs, shuddering in pleasure.

“Better finish up before anyone wakes up and catches me,” he sighed, closing his eyes while his hand wandered down his body. He visualized the person in his dream that got him into this mess. That pale skin, supple lips, and those deep hazel eyes in which Frank felt he could lose his entire being just by gazing upon them. Last night’s dream was the most erotic one Frank had ever experienced. It felt so real, as if Gerard was really there and doing those naughty thing to him. With one last stroke of his right hand, Frank came with a whimper.

The result of his efforts disappeared down the shower drain, but the sense of longing for that person still remained with Frank. No matter what fantasy he thought up, the guitarist always felt a sort of emptiness, knowing full-well Gerard did not share his feelings. Pushing those negatives thoughts aside, Frank stepped out of the shower and dried his dripping wet body. He wrapped the white towel around his waist, and exited the bathroom.

“Hey, guys,” Frank greeted his friends, who were eating their breakfast in the kitchen area. The group looked up, and hesitated slightly before returning the greeting with an awkward wave or soft “hey”. The tension in the air was palpable; at least in Frank’s mind.

“Is something wrong?” the guitarist asked, bewildered. He witnessed the nonverbal exchanges between his band mates, before they focused their full attention on Frank again.

“Was there something I missed?”

“Oh, no. You were there for it, alright,” Ray muttered, receiving an elbow to the stomach from Bob. Frank was even more confused at this point, raising an eyebrow.
Mikey spoke up, “Um… Well, something happened last night while you were asleep and um… we caught it on tape.”

“Okay, what was it?”

The younger Way brother paused, for he did not think too far ahead. “I think it would be better if we showed you instead.” He looked at his brother, who took that as a cue to retrieve the video camera… reluctantly. Frank was very curious of the contents of the tape. It had to be something big that would cause the lead singer to be acting so strangely quiet and out of character.

Frank hurriedly dressed himself and joined the group in other room, where the television was located. Gerard appeared with the video in hand. He turned on the television and popped the tape in the VCR. The older Way brother opted to sit next to Frank, since all the other seats were occupied.

Ray, who had the remote, clicked the play button once everyone was situated. Frank’s light brown eyes widened as the star of the video was him…. asleep… and moaning… humping his bed. His face turned red instantly, knowing how the tape was going to end. Frankie, however, was only partially correct. He expected the tape to reveal the fact he ejaculated (which was true), but what he did not predict was Gerard’s participation in getting him to the point of coming.

After the voice hollering “Ah, Gerard!” came out of the speakers, the voice’s owner was an even darker shade of red. The tape ended a moment later, making the screen turn blue. Ray used the remote again to turn off the television. The room was silent, waiting for a reaction from Frank. The main star of the movie was speechless and beyond embarrassed as he averted his eyes from his friends. He could tell from the tape that Gerard was joking about his whole interaction; that “a-okay”… that joking grin that played across his lips. Gee did not love him, he was just teasing him for the camera.

“So, that’s what happened last night,” Mikey stated, breaking the silence, though the tape was explanation enough. “Do you really feel that way towards Gerard or…?”

Everyone waited for an answer when Mike trailed off, the raven-haired vocalist the most. Gerard seemed slightly uncomfortable by his sitting position, but his heart was beating so fast with anticipation, he didn’t notice.

Head still down, Frankie answered, “Yeah, but I don’t want my feelings to get in the way of the band. I mean, look how awkward we are now. I’d hate myself if I were the reason the band fell apart.”

“Whoa, it’s not the end of the world. It is going to take a lot more to break us up, man,” Bob assured with a smile. Frank lifted his head up and smiled back, then turned to Gerard, his not-so-secret crush.

“So, uh, what do you think? I don’t want this to come between us as friends. I know you don’t like me that way, and I hope we can put this behind us and…”

Before Frank could finish his sentence, Gerard cut him off by pressing his lips against his own. The lead singer’s eyes were closed, as were the guitarist’s after the shock wore off in a matter of seconds. Mike, Bob, and Ray watched in awe at the scene before them, mouths agape. Their two band mates were in a full-out lip lock. They had seen the duo kiss on stage many times (among other things), but none of their performances came close to the sheer tenderness and passion between the two at that moment. Gerard’s left hand was brought up to caress the other’s face lightly. Frank allowed a cute, small sound erupt from his throat when the older Way brother gently biting on his lower lip.

“Ahem,” Ray coughed; letting pair on the couch know they were not alone in the room. The two broke away instantly, both blushing as they looked at their band mates.

“So… I guess you’re a couple, then?” questioned Mike with a grin.

“Where did you get that idea?” Gerard joked, grasping Frank’s hand in his own. After years of accepting the unrequited love he possessed for his best friend, Gerard actually loved him back. And to think that the only reason anyone found out was because of his wet dream the previous night. Frankie was nearly high off happiness. His new boyfriend turned his way, a big smile plastered on his face.

“I guess we’ll just leave you two alone, then,” Bob said as the trio departed to finish their breakfast.

Mike walked back to the doorway and yelled, “Remember to practice safe sex!” With that, he disappeared from the room chuckling. His words came upon deaf ears, though, because the couple was too lost in each other’s eyes. Those lustful hazel orbs… those soft, kind brown ones. Nothing else in the world seemed important anymore. The only thing significant was them in that one moment; love in its purest form.

“I never thought that you would return my feelings, Gee. I kept hoping you would someday, but I was too afraid of being rejected and ruining our friendship. I just…”

Gerard silenced the guitarist with a finger to his lips. “You don’t need to worry about that anymore, no use dwelling on it. I do love you, Frankie. I was a little confused at first. How could I fall in love with a straight guy, you know? Like hell I was going to say anything about it. Then, last night… you looked amazing, and I couldn’t control myself. I tried to play it off, like I was just messing with you for kicks… I was so glad you screamed my name. Otherwise, I doubt we would be together like this right now.”

“It’s kind of sad. The only reason we’re boyfriends right now is because I had a wet dream about you. That is so messed up!” They two both laughed at the ridiculous circumstances, enjoying the levity in the room. “So, what should we do now?”

“Oh, I have a few ideas,” answered Gerard with a devilish smirk on his face.“Mmm. Ah, god,” Frank moaned in his sleep. He was in his bunk on the tour bus with the rest of his band mates, in the middle of a pleasant dream. Unfortunately, the noises he was emitting from said dream caused his friends to rouse from their own state of unconsciousness.

“What the hell?” Mikey whispered in the darkness, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. It didn’t take him long to find the source of the noises that had awoken him, coming from the bunk below him. “Is that..?”

“Oh, Frankie’s having a dream,” Bob chuckled softly, yawning afterword.

“A very good dream from the sound of it,” Ray added when the guitarist made a rather vocal grunt. “Should we wake him?”

“No way, let me get my camera,” Gerard answered, now fully awake from the excitement. This form of blackmail could be extremely valuable in the future, not to mention the price a fan would pay for the tape. The lead singer quickly left the room to retrieve his video camera. He returned with the item and a big grin in tow. “This is going to be great. Turn on the lights a little.”

Bob nodded, doing as Gerard commanded. The light was set to a dim; light enough to actually see their sleeping beauty, but not too bright to wake him. Everyone moved to sit on Gerard’s bed (right across from Frank’s), giving them front row seats for the action. The older Way brother hit the on button to the camera, and began filming his friend’s activities.

The guitarist was lying on his stomach, dark hair disheveled from his tossing and turning. The man’s incessant movements caused the sheet to slide and reveal more of his body. Frank was only dressed in his gray boxers, which made it simple (even in the dim light) to make out his considerably large erection. The conscious members of My Chemical Romance could only watch in silent hysterics as the sleeping man became even louder, if possible.

“Uh... hmm... ha,” he panted, moving his lower body faster and harder against the mattress.

“Who do you think he’s dreaming about?” the younger Way brother asked to no one in particular.

“No idea, but he is getting really into it,” commented Ray, blushing slightly from the situation. Frank had turned over and was now thrusting upwards, as if someone was riding him, spread like an eagle.

“Maybe he needs a little help?” suggested Gerard. He passed the camera to Bob, who was slightly confused at the man’s motive. Nonetheless, the drummer continued taping Frank’s escapades. A moment later, Gerard took off his shirt, so he was left in only his black boxers, and walked over to the sleeping musician.

He gave the camera the “a-okay” hand sign, before hopping onto the occupied bed. The older Way brother leaned over Frankie’s body, his black hair falling forward and into his face with his movements. He flashed the camera another toothy smile before holding the other’s face still and kissing him on the mouth roughly. The unconscious man responded by kissing back, equally as hard. Speaking of hard things, the lead singer was becoming turgid in a certain part of the anatomy. (A/N: You get the picture.)

“The fans are going to love this,” mumbled Ray as Gerard upped the ante by moving his hips over Frank’s obvious arousal, causing an almost indescribably delicious friction. After a few moments, Gee left the other’s mouth to tease his neck with deft licks and nibbles. Beads of sweat were forming on Frankie’s hot flesh, as his grunts, moans and whimpers filled the room. He made one last lustful thrust before shouting desperately, “Ah, Gerard!”
After that instant, his body ceased all movement. A cute smile tugged on Frank’s face as he continued his sleep, fully satisfied and blissfully unaware of the show his friends witnessed. Everyone’s eyes widened and turned their attention to the person whose name came from Frank’s lips when he climaxed. Gerard locked eyes with his three friends, equally shocked.

“Um… I’m ready for bed,” the older Way brother announced. His cheeks were a bright red color that would put ripe tomatoes to shame. He took the camera from Bob and left the room to it in the proper place.

“Yeah, me, too,” the drummer said, hopping back into his bunk above Gerard’s. Ray and Mike looked at each other and mentally agreed to figure this out in the morning. Gerard reentered the room and turned the lights all the way down, going back to his own bed.

“Did that really happen? Frank had a sex dream about me? Is this a first time thing or…?” These questions and more plagued the lead singer’s mind until he fell asleep, succumbing to his dreams yet again.

The next day, Frankie awoke with a surprise waiting for him. “Another fucking wet dream? Damn, not again,” he thought as he looked at the mess he made in the middle of the night.

His boxers prevented the cum from escaping, but the substance had dried and hardened to his skin and the inside of his boxers. Thankfully no one else was awake to see his embarrassment, so Frank quickly did away with the evidence of his pent up desires. The guitarist cleaned up his soiled sleepwear with some tissues before tossing them in the hamper. He walked into the bus bathroom and fiddled with the shower knobs until they were at the perfect temperature.

“I mean, come on. I’m acting like a sixteen year old kid,” he said to himself, stepping into the shower, tepid drops of water soothing his body. He let out a soft, frustrated sigh as he looked down at his *ahem* morning problem.

“Just ignore it. It’ll go away,” Frank thought to himself, lathering up his dark hair with shampoo. After a minute of massaging his scalp, the guitarist stood under the nozzle to rinse off. His problem was even more apparent than the few minutes prior. Frank grabbed the conditioner -repeating the process he did with the shampoo- as he used all of his will power to completely avoid his hard on.

Realizing he still had to clean the dried semen off his lower regions that hadn’t been removed with water, Frank admitted defeat. He soaped up his body, working on the cum stuck to his thighs, shuddering in pleasure.

“Better finish up before anyone wakes up and catches me,” he sighed, closing his eyes while his hand wandered down his body. He visualized the person in his dream that got him into this mess. That pale skin, supple lips, and those deep hazel eyes in which Frank felt he could lose his entire being just by gazing upon them. Last night’s dream was the most erotic one Frank had ever experienced. It felt so real, as if Gerard was really there and doing those naughty thing to him. With one last stroke of his right hand, Frank came with a whimper.

The result of his efforts disappeared down the shower drain, but the sense of longing for that person still remained with Frank. No matter what fantasy he thought up, the guitarist always felt a sort of emptiness, knowing full-well Gerard did not share his feelings. Pushing those negatives thoughts aside, Frank stepped out of the shower and dried his dripping wet body. He wrapped the white towel around his waist, and exited the bathroom.

“Hey, guys,” Frank greeted his friends, who were eating their breakfast in the kitchen area. The group looked up, and hesitated slightly before returning the greeting with an awkward wave or soft “hey”. The tension in the air was palpable; at least in Frank’s mind.

“Is something wrong?” the guitarist asked, bewildered. He witnessed the nonverbal exchanges between his band mates, before they focused their full attention on Frank again.

“Was there something I missed?”

“Oh, no. You were there for it, alright,” Ray muttered, receiving an elbow to the stomach from Bob. Frank was even more confused at this point, raising an eyebrow.
Mikey spoke up, “Um… Well, something happened last night while you were asleep and um… we caught it on tape.”

“Okay, what was it?”

The younger Way brother paused, for he did not think too far ahead. “I think it would be better if we showed you instead.” He looked at his brother, who took that as a cue to retrieve the video camera… reluctantly. Frank was very curious of the contents of the tape. It had to be something big that would cause the lead singer to be acting so strangely quiet and out of character.

Frank hurriedly dressed himself and joined the group in other room, where the television was located. Gerard appeared with the video in hand. He turned on the television and popped the tape in the VCR. The older Way brother opted to sit next to Frank, since all the other seats were occupied.

Ray, who had the remote, clicked the play button once everyone was situated. Frank’s light brown eyes widened as the star of the video was him…. asleep… and moaning… humping his bed. His face turned red instantly, knowing how the tape was going to end. Frankie, however, was only partially correct. He expected the tape to reveal the fact he ejaculated (which was true), but what he did not predict was Gerard’s participation in getting him to the point of coming.

After the voice hollering “Ah, Gerard!” came out of the speakers, the voice’s owner was an even darker shade of red. The tape ended a moment later, making the screen turn blue. Ray used the remote again to turn off the television. The room was silent, waiting for a reaction from Frank. The main star of the movie was speechless and beyond embarrassed as he averted his eyes from his friends. He could tell from the tape that Gerard was joking about his whole interaction; that “a-okay”… that joking grin that played across his lips. Gee did not love him, he was just teasing him for the camera.

“So, that’s what happened last night,” Mikey stated, breaking the silence, though the tape was explanation enough. “Do you really feel that way towards Gerard or…?”

Everyone waited for an answer when Mike trailed off, the raven-haired vocalist the most. Gerard seemed slightly uncomfortable by his sitting position, but his heart was beating so fast with anticipation, he didn’t notice.

Head still down, Frankie answered, “Yeah, but I don’t want my feelings to get in the way of the band. I mean, look how awkward we are now. I’d hate myself if I were the reason the band fell apart.”

“Whoa, it’s not the end of the world. It is going to take a lot more to break us up, man,” Bob assured with a smile. Frank lifted his head up and smiled back, then turned to Gerard, his not-so-secret crush.

“So, uh, what do you think? I don’t want this to come between us as friends. I know you don’t like me that way, and I hope we can put this behind us and…”

Before Frank could finish his sentence, Gerard cut him off by pressing his lips against his own. The lead singer’s eyes were closed, as were the guitarist’s after the shock wore off in a matter of seconds. Mike, Bob, and Ray watched in awe at the scene before them, mouths agape. Their two band mates were in a full-out lip lock. They had seen the duo kiss on stage many times (among other things), but none of their performances came close to the sheer tenderness and passion between the two at that moment. Gerard’s left hand was brought up to caress the other’s face lightly. Frank allowed a cute, small sound erupt from his throat when the older Way brother gently biting on his lower lip.

“Ahem,” Ray coughed; letting pair on the couch know they were not alone in the room. The two broke away instantly, both blushing as they looked at their band mates.

“So… I guess you’re a couple, then?” questioned Mike with a grin.

“Where did you get that idea?” Gerard joked, grasping Frank’s hand in his own. After years of accepting the unrequited love he possessed for his best friend, Gerard actually loved him back. And to think that the only reason anyone found out was because of his wet dream the previous night. Frankie was nearly high off happiness. His new boyfriend turned his way, a big smile plastered on his face.

“I guess we’ll just leave you two alone, then,” Bob said as the trio departed to finish their breakfast.

Mike walked back to the doorway and yelled, “Remember to practice safe sex!” With that, he disappeared from the room chuckling. His words came upon deaf ears, though, because the couple was too lost in each other’s eyes. Those lustful hazel orbs… those soft, kind brown ones. Nothing else in the world seemed important anymore. The only thing significant was them in that one moment; love in its purest form.

“I never thought that you would return my feelings, Gee. I kept hoping you would someday, but I was too afraid of being rejected and ruining our friendship. I just…”

Gerard silenced the guitarist with a finger to his lips. “You don’t need to worry about that anymore, no use dwelling on it. I do love you, Frankie. I was a little confused at first. How could I fall in love with a straight guy, you know? Like hell I was going to say anything about it. Then, last night… you looked amazing, and I couldn’t control myself. I tried to play it off, like I was just messing with you for kicks… I was so glad you screamed my name. Otherwise, I doubt we would be together like this right now.”

“It’s kind of sad. The only reason we’re boyfriends right now is because I had a wet dream about you. That is so messed up!” They two both laughed at the ridiculous circumstances, enjoying the levity in the room. “So, what should we do now?”

“Oh, I have a few ideas,” answered Gerard with a devilish smirk on his face.


This was my first fanfiction ever written, which was when I was 15. It is my first time posting here. I hope you like it.



Dude you should update this little story... Im wondering what might happen next... = ̄ω ̄=

Mini Killjoy Mini Killjoy

Oh Frank, you tease.

Stitches Stitches
update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please?!
ugh. update puh-leeease!
trippin-on-mcr trippin-on-mcr