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Strictly Forbidden

Dissecting ‘Dates’, Late Night Chats and Walking Together

Frank’s POV
I slide down the back of the door when I get in, a face splitting smile plastered on my lips. Mum shuffles over, hearing I'm home, and eyes me up suspiciously.
“Where were you, and why are you so happy?” she questions, amusement in her voice.
“I just…ugh.” I sigh with a smile. “You know Gerard, the boy who I’m always talking about?”
She nods fervently.
“Well, he pretty much just asked me out, and then we went to this park and I got stuck in a swing and he walked me home and…It was awesome.”
I stand up, backing off the door.
“Aw! Frankie! That is so cute!” She squeals and hugs me tight. I accept the hug, needing some stability after the dream like afternoon I had with Gerard.
She holds me at arm distance, and puts on the most serious face she can muster.
“So. Did you guys kiss?”
“Mum!” I whine, and then reluctantly nod. She squeaks again, brushing my fringe out of my face.
“Frankie I'm so happy for you!”
“Thanks Mum.”
There is a little pause of silence before she says, “Dinner’s on the table.”

At dinner – which is a hot bowl of mac and cheese - Mum snoops more. She asks me all about how my day was, and how the date, as she keeps calling it, went. I'm not all that sure it was a date. I mean, I don’t think it was. Gerard did say ‘go out’ at first and then he corrected himself. It was probably just a friendly thing. Though that kiss felt a little more than friendly, I think with a smirk.

I tell her most of what happened, but leave out almost all of the details of the kiss. I want that part to be kept private, special. Besides, it was my first kiss. Ooh, I spy another cliché! I feel fuzzy just thinking about it. I'm really glad that it wasn't with some drunk, giggly popular girl who I won’t remember the face of in two months’ time. Totally sober is the best way to go, I believe. She gets it, and doesn't push further on that topic. When she asks whether I think I have a future with him, I get a little defensive.
“Mum, it wasn't even a date! He didn't know me this morning, and now you’re asking if I have a future with him?”
She apologises, and so do I. It was kind of uncalled for of me to snap at her. I wince, feeling really rude. I tell her I’m going to go do my homework, and place my plate into the dishwasher.

Fortunately, I only have twenty minutes’ worth of homework tonight. That leaves the rest of the time to stuff around on the internet. I plug in my phone and download a few songs onto it. Once I'm done I log onto Facebook. The page finally loads, and I see I have a friend request. ‘Gerard Way has requested to be friends with you – 24 minutes ago’ it screams at me in red. I squeal excitedly, feeling the emotion bubbling in my chest. Gingerly I click accept and let out a huge sigh. I have been wanting to send him a friend request since I got this account. Really all I go on it for is to stalk his page and see what he’s up to. Now that I say that, I realise it’s a tiny bit creepy but I swear it was with innocent intent.

An alert comes up from one of my old friends who I didn't even know had Facebook; one of my acquaintances – who, for some reason I am friends with – liked their photo. I click my ex-friend’s name, browse their page. Turns out my old friend group has more fun without me than they do with me. Tears blur my vision, threatening to spill over the edge. I wipe them away with a sleeve. Those assholes. I click back to my homepage. Then, frightening me, my computer makes a ‘ding’ noise. Gerard is online and has sent me a message.
Gerard: Hey!
Frank: Hi :)
Gerard: how are you going?
Frank: good, I just finished my homework. you?
Gerard: good. :)

There is a pause in the conversation. I don’t really know what to put.
Gerard: hey, where should we meet up tomorrow morning?
Frank: I don’t mind, do you want me to walk up to your house?
Gerard: sure :)

He types in his address, and I tear a corner out of my English book to jot it down. He is only about two streets away.
Frank: okay, I will see you tomorrow morning, then
Gerard: cool. goodnight Frankie ;)
Frank: goodnight Gee :)

I hesitate before sending the last one. Is Gee going too far? I decide to backspace it and just write his proper name instead. What if he doesn't like Gee!?
Frank: goodnight Gerard :)
I log off and shut the laptop down. Then I reach under my bed for its case and slide it in.
Eventually I fall asleep, a smile on my lips and our kiss all I can dream about.


My alarm goes off at 7:15. Groggily I turn the annoying beeping thing off and throw back my sheets. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand up, knees a bit weak from sleep. I hobble to the bathroom, turn on the lights and the shower. I undress out of my pyjamas and slide into the steamy hot water.

I run my fingers through my tangled jet-black hair, towel wrapped around me tight as I decide what to wear. After some consultation I pick out black skinny jeans (I swear I own about seven pairs), a Misfits tee shirt and a forest green hoodie. Hoodies make me feel so comfy. Of course, I wear my black converse with my outfit. I give my hair a quick blast with the hairdryer; it takes too long to get it fully dry. Then I smudge a bit of eyeliner on my lash line, blotting it out with my fingertip.

I look in the mirror and just accept the image. It’s what I've learned to do. A mirror has to convert a 3D image into just one dimension, so I'm sure I look better than it shows, I reason. Same justification of why I never take photos of myself. Any other subject is good, but I don’t think I have a particularly photogenic face. I move onto packing my bag.
I walk leisurely down the stairs, it’s only about 7:30, so I have twenty-five minutes to get breakfast and walk over to Gerard’s house. I have the little slip of paper with his address on it in my hand as I make a coffee. I pour it into a travel mug, swing my bag over my shoulder and yell out a goodbye to Mum.

On the way to Gerard’s house I finish my coffee and put my plastic mug into my bag. I unwrap and suck on a mint. Then I check the address on the small piece of paper. Yep. This is his house. I swear my mint almost falls out of my mouth, my jaw drops so abruptly. It is a gorgeous house and I feel completely inadequate as I walk up to the wooden front door. I knock twice, take a step back from the doorstep, and swallow the mint. I hear Gerard’s voice coming from the other side of the door. “Bye Mum!” he yells. The brass door handle turns and there he is, looking amazing as always. His messenger bag is slung casually over his shoulder; he holds a steaming travel mug similar to mine in his right hand. Even though I probably shouldn't notice it, his skinny jeans hug his fit bum nicely. Really nicely.

“H-hi,” I stutter. God damn it! This stuttering business really needs to stop. Either way, he beams at me and we make our way to school.

Gerard and I make small talk on the journey. When he chuckles, my stomach drops; pure nerves hammering in my chest to the beat of my (racing) heart. I don’t quite know what it is, but a surge of it so strong it could bowl me over flows through me every time he speaks to me. Our walk takes about half an hour, so we arrive just on time. As we enter the school gates, we pass multiple couples making out. I blush, remembering how he had kissed me last night. He is an amazing kisser. Gerard leans casually against the adjacent locker as I exchange yesterday’s books for the ones I need today. I hope no one comes to open that locker; I don’t want him having to move. He looks so hot like that, but also kind of intimidating. I feel my face heat, and hope he doesn't notice.

“What are you thinking about?” Gerard asks cheekily. He totally noticed.
“What?” I panic, mind racing to think of something, anything. He chuckles at my expression.
“You’re blushing, cutie.” With this my cheeks heat even harder, if that’s possible. He bends down a little, looks me in the eyes, and cups my face in his hands. He gently presses his lips to the tip of my nose. The gesture is overwhelmingly sweet and I close my eyes. The bell rings shrilly; he saunters off to first period with his hips swaying a little.
I have fallen so hard for this boy.


Sorry I haven't updated in two days! Exam prep is awesome *grimaces*
Anyways, I hope you are all feeling fantastic because you deserve to be, cuties.

- Run Bunny


@Left Shark
Thank you! I'm really sorry it took so long, I use google to sign in and I was locked out of my google account and now the google connect or whatever is used to login to this site is outdated and yeah :// I'm just glad I could finish it and get back into my account!

Run Bunny Run Bunny

At least this ended good!

Left Shark Left Shark

I love the way this ended ^~^
It makes me happy to know that they all got the happy ending they deserved(:

I will keep that in mind ^-^ Thank you for the idea and the comment! x

Run Bunny Run Bunny

If your having problems with smut scenes, you could always get a co author for just those parts. The reader gets what they want and you don't have to feel awkward. You did really good though.xxx