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Give me one good reason

It was finally Friday and Gerard was completely exhausted, he just wanted to go home and sleep for the whole weekend. It was last lesson, which was a relief to Gerard, until he remembered it was PE. He groaned and wandered into the changing rooms. He suddenly felt a wave of anxiety hit him as he looked around at all the confident looking guys changing into their football kits. He swallowed dryly and wandered whether anyone would notice him sprint out and ditch last lesson. He quickly turned on his heel but before he could take off running, someone grabbed his arm and yanked him to the side. He stumbled into the person as they dragged him round a corner and let go of him.
"You alright there? Looked like you were about to run" Ray laughed and looked down at a horrified looking Gerard.
"I-I, uh" he frowned and shook his head, dropping his bags on the floor.
"You better hurry up, coach will kill you if you're late" Ray laughed again, along with a dark haired boy. Gerard recognised him to be one of Ray's friends, but didn't know his name. Brandon or something?
"Hey, Bren, you better go out there and tell him we're gunna be a bit late" Ray nudged his friend towards the door. Ah, Brendon.
"Are you okay?" Ray looked down at Gerard, who was fumbling around with his clothes, with a concerned look on his face.
"Huh? O-Oh yeah, yeah i'm fine" Gerard yanked his t-shirt over his head and straightened it out before turning to Ray.
"Uh, am I allowed to wear a hoody?" he asked, feeling awfully self conscience of the scars on his arms. He hated them and did whatever he could to keep them covered.
"I don't see why it'd be a problem" his friend shrugged and watched Gerard pull a plain black hoody on. They wandered outside and across the football pitch together, Ray explaining the teams and reassuring him Gerard would be on his team.
"I'm really bad at sport" Gerard admitted as everyone took their places.
"You can't be as bad as Iero, s'all good" Ray lightly slapped Gerard on the back as the coach blew the whistle. Suddenly everyone sprinted for the ball, leaving Gerard standing alone, not knowing what to do.
"Way! Do something!" the coaches voice boomed, making Gerard jumped. He nodded lightly and ran towards the crowd. It had been raining and the pitch was slippery, which was quite entertaining. Watching a couple of players slip over and stumble into each other. Suddenly Ray shouted Gerard's name, pulling him back to the game. He quickly turned his head towards the voice and felt a sharp pain hit his head. He fell backwards and landed with a loud thud in the cold, wet mud.
"Oh shit, man, are you okay?!" Ray shouted and ran over to his friend. His eyes rolling to the back of his head as he felt his head spin.
"Gerard? Hey, Gerard?" Ray shook him lightly and waved his hand in front of the boy's face. Gerard mumbled something inaudible which caused the sudden crowd around him to laugh.
"Hey, move it, let him have some air!" the coach shouted, pushing past the boys.
"Way? Can you hear me? How many fingers am I holding up?" the coach knelt beside Gerard and help two fingers in front of him. Gerard squinted before allowing his eyes to close again.
"Mm, uhh, f-four?" he mumbled, moving his hand to rub his head.
"Take him to the nurse please" he said, turning to Ray.
"Sure thing," he answered, nodding.
"C'mon Gerard" Ray said, pulling Gerard to his feet. The boy stumbled around and nearly fell over again. Ray wrapped his arm round Gerard's waist and guided him away from the game. Gerard groaned as he slipped his arm round Ray's shoulders, trying to keep himself balanced.
"Sorry about that, man" his friend apologised as they wandered into the nurses office.
"What's going on here?" she said, giving Gerard a concerned look.
"Got hit in the head by a football" Ray answered bluntly, pushing Gerard onto the bed.
"Mmm, god it hurts like a fucking bitch" Gerard mumbled as he fell onto his back. Ray let out a small laugh.
"You're such a wimp, c'mon it didn't hit you that hard" Ray walked over to Gerard and inspected his forehead, where the ball had hit him.
"It's probably just gunna bruise a little" he mumbled as the nurse came back with an ice pack. She gently pressed it against the boys forehead, making him wince at the sudden coldness a little.
"Just keep that held there till the end of school, there's only half an hour left" she said, smiling down at Gerard.
"You staying with him?" she asked Ray, who nodded. She smiled again before leaving the room.
"So, you still up for tonight?" Ray smirked and watched Gerard turn towards him.
"Hm? What's happening tonight?" Gerard had completely forgotten about whether he had made plans or not.
"Party at mine, remember?" Ray watched Gerard's face scrunch up a little.
"Oh, yeah. Ah I don't know man, i'm so tired" Gerard let out a fake yawn, making Ray laugh.
"Aw c'mon man, it'll be fun" he hated to admit it, but Ray actually enjoyed being around Gerard. There was something about him that just made Ray weirdly happy.
"Fine, fine. But.." Gerard sat up, still looking at Ray.
"Only if Frank can come" Gerard's legs dangled off the edge of the bed, not touching the floor.
"Oh please tell me you're not talking about Frank Iero" Ray chuckled to himself. There was no way he'd let Frank in his house. Gerard raised an eyebrow as he nodded his head yes.
"Man, are you serious?" Ray was surprised that Gerard would want Frank there. He didn't even know Gerard knew Frank.
"You know he's crazy, right?" Ray mentioned, sighing as Gerard didn't answer him.
"Fine, fine. Frank can come" Ray said, feeling defeated. Maybe he could get Frank drunk? Oh that would be something to see.


Uh yeah, basically just a filler chapter I guess. The next oNe iS gUnNA Get InTEreStINg.
(sorry for any spelling mistakes or whatever)

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Haha:) cant wait for the next update!:)

ramdomo ramdomo

this is amazinggggggg

deactivated deactivated

TO THE FRERARD TAG *Does superman pose*!!!!!

TO THE FRERARD TAG *Does superman pose*!!!!!

TO THE FRERARD TAG *Does superman pose*!!!!!