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Give Me Blood


Gerard had mixed feelings about leaving the concert venue and Frank Iero behind. He felt relief, because the situation with Jamia inside the bus had really been awkward, but he also felt some kind of strange sadness.
He was disappointed that he had to leave already and he was starting to feel so lonely again. He didn't want to go home because he'd be all alone and bored again.
There was an unmistakable longing, too. He hadn't seen Frank for so long and now that he finally got to hang out with him again, he wanted it to last much longer. Gerard was already missing Frank and he hadn't been gone for long. He never realised just how much he had missed his friend. That's partly because he tried so hard not to think about Frank and his ex-band. It was way too painful.
Sure, he was proud of what he had achieved with My Chemical Romance, but he missed it so much that it was sometimes causing him physical pain. He wanted to just turn around and run right back to Frank and straight into his arms. It felt good to be able to hug his friend again.
Frank hadn't changed much, he was still an adorable dork. He was way too cute for a grown man, covered in tattoos, in Gerard's eyes. His personality was just as sweet and Gerard was sure that Frank was too good for the world. At least he was too good for him. Gerard let out a sigh. He had now reached his house and was fiddling with his keys, unlocking his front door and stepping inside. The silence was annoying him because he didn't want to feel alone and feel drawn towards Frank.
It was just a stupid little crush, he told himself. Yes, Gerard had a crush on Frank, there was no denying it. He had expected to be over it by now and he had thought he was, but being so close to Frank all day and sleeping cuddled up with him seemed to have awoken the old feelings. It was ridiculous, he had been lusting after Frank since the moment they had first met. It was such a cliche.
He couldn't help it, though, Frank was too adorable for his own good, not to mention his smoking hot body and helpful and kind personality. He had Gerard wrapped around his finger and didn't even know it. Frank was such a humble and modest person but he was so talented, his music could make Gerard's heart melt. They were only best friends, though. They have always been and would hopefully always be. At least Gerard could spend time with him that way. They both had each their own family, who they loved wholeheartedly.
There had never been a possibility of the two of them being more than friends, so Gerard had initiated the whole stage gay Frerard act, to at least be able to kiss Frank. It had meant nothing to Frank, though, wheras to him it had meant the world.
But it was stupid. An unrequited crush on a bandmate and best friend will never work out in your favor, so he had tried to get over it and forget about it. And he had thought that he had succeeded, when after he broke the band up and he was away from Frank for a long time, he could ignore his feelings for his friend and pretend they didn't exist. But now those feelings had come back, and with full force, to hit Gerard hard.
He was missing Frank now more than ever, his touch, his hugs, his laugh, just his company in general. He wanted so bad to leave his silent house right now and go back to Frank to talk and cuddled with him on the couch. There was nothing in the world he wanted more at this moment.
Sadly, he couldn't do it. He was sure that Jamia was still with him. His wife. The one that owned his heart. Gerard sighed again, sitting down on his own couch instead.
He felt so very lonely. He wouldn't have minded any company right now. He considered calling Bert to come over and hang out with him but he didn't have his number anymore. Also, Frank wouldn't like it. He was concerned about Gerard's health and he didn't want him to be in contact with Bert because he didn't trust him. Gerard smiled at that. He was lucky to have such a caring friend, even though he doubted that Bert would want to drag him into this scene again and he knew himself well enough to be ahundred percent sure that he wouldn't let himself be dragged into it.
He needed to see Frank again before his tour continued, so he decided that he would return to the venue later. He felt a new rush of excitement as he texted Frank that he was going to see him in the evening and he almost couldn't wait. With a grin on his face, he started up some music, Frank's, of course, to pass the time.


Sorry, this took longer than I anticipated. Tell me what you think, please? (:


I absolutely love this so much!!


Okay, thanks!

frnkcryero frnkcryero

I think so. No sex and minimal swearing (that I can remember)

Is this story really rated G? I haven't started reading it yet and I was just curious

frnkcryero frnkcryero

I JUST READ THE LAST CHAPTER (save the possible epilogue that you have yet to write) AND I LOVE IT

Soulless Vampire Soulless Vampire