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The Forest


Gerard began to dread this day as he let a groan escape his chap lips while he searched for his oil pastels, which seemed to be nowhere in his messy torn apart room. Drawers opened, papers strewn on the floor, piles of clothes that he could not tell if they were clean or dirty gave the room a look that a twister passed through. He chewed his lip and began to retrace his steps around his room. He had a vague memory of what he did last night. He could say he did regret drinking those two cups of coffee at midnight that caused him to stay up until one thirty-nine drawing an unfinished comic panel he began to draw early that day. Scratching his head, he walked to outside his room and down the steps to search for Mikey. He walked into the entertainment room to see his brother lounging on the couch with a cup of coffee and the TV remote in hand; and along with his genuine poker face expression on. He wanted to roll his eyes and have them pop out. He could not understand still how his brother kept that same expression. Even when an event that is exciting happens, Mikey gives this same god damn expression with a small 0.10% hint of excitement. When they were kids, Mikey smiled all the time then all of sudden- no more smiles Mikey. In Gerard’s mind, he had to find either a girlfriend or boyfriend for this boy, or maybe get a dog for him. Pushing away those thoughts, he slowly eased his ways into the room and stood in the front of the TV, causing his brother to give a frown. Point on for Gerard.
Still with a frown upon his face, Mikey put both the remote, and cup on the table, and stared back at his brother. “Have you seen my oil pastels?”
“Well, good morning to you too. Yes I have, they are on the dining room table from your late night drawing session which I know you did on purpose so you could skip out on what we have plan.” Mikey told his brother with a hint of sass and mother like tone. Today’s morning would be hell for both Mikey and Gerard. Gerard would constantly want coffee as where Mikey would want to be home sleeping and playing bass guitar with no worries, yet that would not be the case for around three weeks. It was all Mikey’s geography teachers fault. He heard from his friend months before he moved that their teacher would give them a beginning of the year project. None of them expected this project. When he gave it to their class, Mikey felt that an perfect task to go exploring has come upon him. He lived not even ten minutes from the forest meaning exploring would be easier than heading out of the city, and this had been the perfect opportunity to get his hermit of an older brother to get outside to fresh air. Most the glasses male had seen his brother go out was for food, new drawing materials, and coffee. His brother was not one for new environments. He watched the older male give him a small glare and proceed to the dining room grumbling words under his breath.
He came out of the room with a lop sided smile which caused Mikey to bit his lip and stare back at him again. “What is it now Gee?”
Gerard shifted uncomfortably on his feet, “Why are leaving at seven twenty in the morning?”
Mikey felt a headache coming on. For the last week, he has kept explaining to Gerard that to explore even on area of the forest, it would take them a day or longer, meaning leaving early in the morning would give them time to explore and possibly have a short time of free time towards night. For only living in the city for close to a month now, he questioned if Gee got used to the time zone yet.
“Gee, we are leaving early because to cover the area we covering today can take up all today and tomorrow. I want to go early so we can get breakfast to go from somewhere and explore, eat lunch inside the clearing I marked for us and explore some more, then towards eight we will have some free time or come back to get dinner.” Mikey told the older who gave a look that meant he either understood or just did not give a fuck. It seemed to be both, but he did not feel like explaining it again for the three hundredth time.
Giving up in defeat, Gerard shrugged towards his younger brother and walked off back into dinner to get into the kitchen to get his favorite morning treat; coffee. He grabbed his Star Wars cup and filled with coffee, leaving it black. He only put sugar or creamer in when it was later on in the day, otherwise black coffee woke him up to the max. It gave him the energy he needed to survive half the morning, be awake enough to listen to people, and even be able to stand living. Without coffee, Gerard probably could think the worse possible. The worlds end. Simple as that.
Taking a large sip of the coffee, a large smile of relief came upon his face as he felt the tiredness leave him. He hissed though as the searing hot pain from the steaming hot liquid. Scrapping his teeth over his tongue, he eased the pain and drank some more until the cup was empty. Wrinkling up his nose, he poured him more coffee and took the cup with him into the room where his brother still sat on the couch watching TV. When he approached the couch, he pushed his brother’s leg out of the way for a space to sit down. His brother gave him the same wrinkled up nose expression he gave his coffee before turning his attention back to the TV. Soon enough silence feel over the siblings with the very low volume of the TV in the background.
Chewing on his lip and searching around the room, Gerard cleared his throat and broke the silence, “Can we not leave so early tomorrow?” His voice came out as a whine, causing his brother to roll his eyes and stare him with annoyed expression.
“Gee, if you behave today we will not leave so early.”
“You sound like a mother talking to a child.”
This caused Mikey to kick his brother in the side and fall off the couch. A laughed escaped him as he realized what he did. His older brother on the floor with a shocked expression of confusion and possibly anger, but now Mikey could not give a fuck. He loved what he just done to his brother. He never felt so much freedom in his life. If their mother were here, he would be in so much trouble, seeing daylight would not be an option. Mikey was laughing so hard, he did not hear or see his brother getting back up on the couch. He could feel tears in his eyes from laughing so hard, his breath was becoming uneven due to the fact he could not stop laughing. Gerard now sat on the couch staring at his brother who continued to laugh. He got another kick from his brother and sended to lean onto the couches side rest , causing him to groan in pain with the pain of his stomach hitting it. Groaning, he stared at his brother and had to come with a plan to stop him from dying from laughing to much.
Standing up again he walked not even two inches over to his little brother and lightly slapped him- well not even lightly slapped. When the stinging of the slap hit Mikey in the face, he stopped laughing and stared at his brother as if he's been hibernating for six months.
"Gerard, why would you slap me?"
Gerard rolled his eyes, "I don't know maybe you were riding a unicorn-because you were laughing for over six minutes and I thought you might hurt yourself!" Gerard's voice seemed loud and worried, he was always worried about his brother. Like Mikey was with him.
Mikey just stared at him and grabbed his hand that was shaking. "You know nothing will ever hurt to me, Gee. Nothing will ever to happen to you either. We will always be together. Nothing will be separate us." His hazel eyes staring into identical ones who seemed so worried still they were still trying to take into the words they just heard. Mikey, the poker face, bass player, smart, caring brother was always the one who could calm him down. To reassure him to make sure everything will be alright. Gripping Mikey's hand, Gerard nodded and sat back down on the couch next to Mikey. Even through the hardest times, they where still brothers. No matter if one was angry at the other, they would find a way to figure out what to do to help the other.

Hugging his brother, Gerard grumbled some words against Mikey's neck, causing the younger glassed brother to giggled and talk into black greasy raven hair, " What was that Gee?"

"Do we still have to leave early?"

A large groan/moan released from Mikey's mouth as he realize, all day long and the week after that, he would this question more than he has heard his full name called by their mother for being out late by going to concerts.


I feel so happy about this chapter, because it shows how much caring these brothers are towards the end. And yes, this chapter was suppose to be longer, but then I was like, "Split it up. It's going to be a mess." It was mess. This chapter took me over five hundred times to write and I felt that doing some brother bonding would be better. Chapter six, will be about their day in the forest, which I already have the idea in my mind for more than three months since I wrote this. I still feel bad really for not updating this story at all. But the good news is, I'm getting internet and TV soon so updating will be more common(maybe, blame school).

What will happen next? Will Gerard make it thew the day in the forest helping his brother on his project while he dreads the day and wishes to be in bed? Will Mikey ever get his brother to believe in a legend that is considered to be true, but not really true since people are too scared to go into the castle? Will Gerard ever his Weekend Pancake Report without getting slapped by pancake hands? Will I ever the new Pokemon Games and play them to the point I don't know what to do with life? Find out next week on, The Forest! (This is how I make up for not updating. You may through things at me)

Comment, sub, rate, all that lovely and beautiful things you guys do!


Don't feel angry, there's no need! X

Thank you!!
I'm glad it was worth it. I felt so angry with myself while writing this chapter.

WretchedRomance WretchedRomance

It was worth the wait! :D xo

Wow! This is a really really good start!

Coffeeklljoy Coffeeklljoy

Aww, hey don't beat yourself up about it. Take all the time you need
and if you need to talk, message me. I'm full of love and good advice (;

IfIWereATurtle IfIWereATurtle