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House Of Wolves

Frank, Mikey,Gerard and Ray

Helena's P/O/V
Some guys moved into the house next door. Dad was the first to welcome them into the neighborhood. He was pretty good at acting nice around new people to reassure them that nothing happens at this house and that he's a 'lovely' dad. Wolf in a sheep's skin. They all were.
That Frank guy looked about my age. I wish I had the freedom to move into my own house with my friends, but there's two problems
1: I don't have any friends
2: I don't have any freedom
Frank noticed me peeking at the top of the staircase whilst my dad was welcoming him into the house, he smiled at me. I smiled back.
Dad called me downstairs to meet Frank and the three other guys.Whilst my dad was making everyone tea, still acting, Frank asked me how I was. Nobody had ever asked me that. I knew I had to lie for the sake of not being beaten to a pulp in front of some new guys that seemed to care about me. I just replied I'm okay thanks. Then whispered, under my breath, trust me , I'm not okay. Mikey heard that because he was sat right next to me. He got out a piece of paper and a pen from his pocket and wrote on it. then handed it to me under the table. I opened it up once they'd gone and it read:
If you ever need anything, we're just next door:)

Mikey's P/O/V
We went round for dinner to the neighbor's house he seemed quite cool... at first anyway.
His daughter seemed pretty pissed off at dinner though it flew over everyone's heads. I really want to find out what that 'Trust me, I'm not okay' meant. Is she getting abused? Is she just getting over someone's death?
I hope it's not what I think, Frank seemed to hear it too, gave a glance as if to day ' What's up with her'
She looks as if she's had a tough time, she tried to cover up her arms but i saw through the thin lace she had wrapped around her frail arms that something was going on.
I hope that she thinks she can trust us, she seems like she's hiding something, but just what exactly?



Nah it's fine.

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Yahh hah, I thought a little bit of hypocrisy would finish it well with some humor ^~^ now re reading it.. I think it makes no sense either the so it's not just you (:

*bc he was

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Oh bc was the one making fun of the ideas earlier. Lol I get it. That's funny. Yeah, maybe make that mmore obvious for ppl like me. Haha

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Yess.. he opened it as one of Gerard's 'Ideas' that he ended up secretly liking its like a side hobby thing so he's still in the band,idek I should have really made it more clear ^~^