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House Of Wolves

Tattoos and Tacos

Frank's P.O.V
We argue over who drives us to town. Thank God Helena suggested we just get the bus as we'd be one seat short anyway... That girl does have some good ideas.
We go into some cheap discount shops for the usual stuff that we always need.
Gee starts getting whiny and complaining about his lack of caffeine, Mikey suggests we take him to Starbucks for a coffee.Everyone agrees on that and Ray states he's paying for us all. Gotta love Ray, he ended received a massive, rib crushing bear hug from us all and a kiss on the cheek from Helena.

There's a mexican food stall right opposite Starbucks,and Mikey gets us all a surprise taco.
'Cheers Mikey!' Me, Gerard and ray echo, and Helena being more polite saying 'Thank You!'

When we've finished the tacos and Starbucks, we pass a tattoo place, Gerard hissing at it at the thought of needles, Mikey standing with me and Helena and Ray walking off, not noticing that we've stopped. Mikey, Gee and Helena come back and stand with me.
'I want to get one, right now' I declared
'I've always wanted one too' Helena replies
'Shall we get one, together?'
'Let's go for it' She replied
'Frank, this is not a good idea' Gee stutters slightly
'Trust me, I've had plenty' I replied, rolling up my sleeves, Helena admiringly running her fingers along the outlines of them


Rate&Comment pleasee <3


Nah it's fine.

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Yahh hah, I thought a little bit of hypocrisy would finish it well with some humor ^~^ now re reading it.. I think it makes no sense either the so it's not just you (:

*bc he was

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Oh bc was the one making fun of the ideas earlier. Lol I get it. That's funny. Yeah, maybe make that mmore obvious for ppl like me. Haha

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Yess.. he opened it as one of Gerard's 'Ideas' that he ended up secretly liking its like a side hobby thing so he's still in the band,idek I should have really made it more clear ^~^