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House Of Wolves

But I Love You...

Helena's P.O.V
We spent the night so going cheesy 80s songs and drinking beer, the guys had about 3 each, and i had one, that all made sure not to get completely hammered for my sake. They're all wonderful.

When we all decided it was time to go to sleep I decided to start snuggling up on the couch when Frank came.
'What are you doing on there Helena??'
'Sleeping, why do you want me to shuffle up, I don't mind'
'Ughh don't be silly, you need a bed, want to sleep in mine and I'll sleep on the floor?' Frank continued saying to me
'I'm honestly fine sleeping here'
He picks me up and takes me down to his room and then he tells me that I won't have to sleep on the couch and he gets a few blankets to sleep on the floor.
'Frank,you're not sleeping on the floor' I tell him
'Where am I going to sleep then?'
'Here' then I shuffle up on the bed and make space for him to climb in
He hugs me and thanks me
'Nothing to thank me foFrank, this is your bed anyway, i thank you for letting me sleep here'
You're ever always welcome, i wanted to tell you something earlier but the guys would have taken the piss... Helena, youre so nice and I wanted to say that I love you.'
'Wow frank, that makes it so much easier, cause I love you too'


Sorry its short, at least its some sort of update (:


Nah it's fine.

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Yahh hah, I thought a little bit of hypocrisy would finish it well with some humor ^~^ now re reading it.. I think it makes no sense either the so it's not just you (:

*bc he was

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Oh bc was the one making fun of the ideas earlier. Lol I get it. That's funny. Yeah, maybe make that mmore obvious for ppl like me. Haha

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Yess.. he opened it as one of Gerard's 'Ideas' that he ended up secretly liking its like a side hobby thing so he's still in the band,idek I should have really made it more clear ^~^