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Three Cheers For Sweet Waycest!

You Still Cross My Mind From Time To Time

"Be my boyfriend." I blurted, my face turning red. I didn't just- Oh fuck I did. The line went silent and I was so scared Frank had hung up in me. What if I had missread the signs? He was my student. He was young and innocent and so, so cute.
"G-Gee!" Frank squeaked, his voice seeming to stick in his throat. Did I come on too strong? Did I fuck up our friendship? "Gee..I..." Frank took a deep breath and I could imagine him running his hand through that dark hair, messing it up as he pushed it away from his face. I took a shaky breath. I needed to stop. "I'm coming over." He told me and a second later, as I opened my mouth to reply the line went dead. I smiled and shook my head.
I sat in my bed, staring at my pale artist's hands folded carefully in my bare lap. Ah, shit. I stumbled off the bed, running a hand through my hair as I debated what to wear. Skinny jeans...but what shirt? I ungracefully pulled up my pants, tripping over them as I heard a soft knock on the door. I cursed to myself as I got myself into my jeans, ran to the bathroom before shrugging and deciding that the morning's -yesterday's- eyeliner would have to stay. I ran down the stairs, trying not to make too much noise as I opened the door and pulled Frank inside.
He looked worse than I did. He had batman pajamas on, a bright red teeshirt with "Homophobia is gay" scrawled over a faded design in sharpie, making me chuckle. I took his hand and pulled him to my bedroom, hoping no one was awake.
We sat on my bed, Frank awkwardly sitting in front of me.
"Yes." Was the first thing he said to me, his cheeks flushed as he looked into his lap, fidgeting with his hands.
"Ohmygod, really?!" I squealed and Frank looked up, smirking putting a finger to his lips.
"Shhh!" He giggled. "We can't wake any one, it's like super early." I nodded, claiming down. He said yes!
"We can't tell Mikey." I whispered, staring into Frank's hazel eyes, waiting for a reaction.
"Why?" Frank asked gently, obviously hurt. I sighed, my heart twisting.
"You're my student...I'm legal and you're not. Mikey doesn't even know I'm gay!" I told him and he looked up at me with dad eyes, nodding anyway.
"I understand." He murmured gently.
"We'll tell him...I promise." I whispered, leaning over to hug him.
"He'll be happy for us." Frank whispered into my tee shirt, followed by a yawn. I smiled. Aw.
"I hope so." I smiled, pulling the blankets over us as I laid us down, Frank curled into my side.
"Get some sleep, Frankie. School tomorrow." I whispered into his hair, kissing his forehead.
Frank nodded sleepily. "Yes, Mr. Way." The way he said it sent shivers down my spine. Oh god, this boy was going to end me.


All this talk about the MCR reunion going on right now is making me sad...


@MCR Babe 124

MCRKilljoy331 MCRKilljoy331

It's okay. I still love the story, so you're forgiven!!

gay llama gay llama

@MCR Babe 124
I'm sorry...

MCRKilljoy331 MCRKilljoy331

I haven't been reading any updates for stories lately, so I just read chapter nine... HOLY FUCK!! I cried a little...

gay llama gay llama

