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What's wrong with Way?...(edited)


Mikey had a good life, not brilliant though. He wasn't rich, he didn't go on exciting vacations or big adventures, but a good life none the less.

Mikey had two parents that loved each other and thought the sun, moon and stars shined out of his lily-white backside. Mikey was smart and got good grades at school. Mikey had friends, ok so not huge numbers of friends, but the ones he had, he could rely on and call close, and he had a best friend, Frank...but we'll get back to him in a minute. Mikey had a brother, a cool older brother who had gone off to some art college in New York nine months ago. Mikey missed Gerard and the chats they'd have late into the night, he missed being able to go to his brother whenever he needed a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to watch crappy movies with. Mikey missed Gerard, but he knew it was at least another two months before he would come home, until then, he had Frank, and he worried about Frank. But life was good.

Frank had a few problems. Frank had no money. Frank had a dad that hated him and no mom...well he supposed he did have a mom, but she'd left when he got sick, and they hadn't seen her since. Frank got ok grades, not excellent but good enough. One good thing was that Frank had friends, the same ones as Mikey, and he too knew he could rely on them, which for him was essential. You see, Frank was sick. The doctors didn't have a name for it, though they'd ran countless tests. They thought at first that he had ADHD, but it didn't quite fit, sure he was hyperactive for hours on end, but then all of a sudden he'd crash, like really. He could be charging round like a bull in a china shop one minute, and literally the next second he'd be asleep on the floor. They'd considered narcolepsy, but still something wasn't right. Frank was scared. Frank thanked God for Mikey, or he would've if he believed in a God, cause without him, Frank would probably be dead by now, or else he'd be stuck in some hospital somewhere, probably far, far away.


Frank shouted, running off into the park. Mikey trailed behind, exhausted already. It was only the first week of summer vacation and he just wanted to sleep already. He'd never say that to Frank of course, it wasn't his fault he was hyperactive, and Mikey couldn't leave him alone while he took a nap cause last time he'd done that, Frank decided to go on the swings...and fell asleep...and fell off, breaking his left wrist. Mikey couldn't let something like that happen again, he was very protective of Frank and for the next two weeks, while all their friends were away on a camping trip in upstate New York, it was up to him to look after the other boy.


Frank whined.

"I'm coming."

Mikey chuckled, watching as Frank stood on the bottom step of the slide, practically bouncing out of his shoes as he longed to just climb the ladder and go for it, but he'd promised, no climbing unless Mikey was right there...just in case. When Mikey reached him and gave the nod, Frank was up that ladder like a rat up a drainpipe, and quick as a flash he was hurtling down the other side.


They were the same age, born just one month apart, Mikey being the elder, but even at the age of 16, nearly 17 now, Frank still acted like a 10 year old when he was at his most excited, and it wore Mikey out just watching him sometimes.

"Careful Frankie."

He called, hurrying towards the swings after his pal, not wanting a repeat of last time.

"Oh, Mikey..."

Frank chided softly.

"I'm ok..."

Then he sat...but didn't swing. Mikey thought he was waiting for him, but as he reached the swing set he saw Frank yawn.


Frank whimpered. It had come on so suddenly that he was freaking out now, instant exhaustion that would have him asleep within minutes.

"It's ok buddy, I got you..."

Mikey assured him, slipping an arm around Frank's waist and helping him to stand.

"Let's get you to mine, ok?"

Frank's house was closer to the park than Mikey's, but he wouldn't want to go there. Frank had never said why, and neither Mikey or any of their friends had asked, it was just an unspoken fact that he didn't want to be there. So they began the slow trek to Mikey's house, Frank's arm draped over the taller boy's shoulders for support, his feet dragging on the pavement as he tried really hard to stay awake.

"Stay with me, ok? Frank? Come on, talk to me, you can do it."

"Mikey? Why am I like this? Why can't I be normal?"

His words were becoming slurred already, but Mikey understood him.

"I don't know..."

He wasn't sure what to say to help him.

"You might not be normal, but who cares? You're special. You're unique. And that is so much better than being normal, being boring."

Maybe he did know what to say.

"I'm not gonna make it to yours, Mikey..."

Frank whispered.

"Too tired."

He yawned, tripping over his own feet a little. Mikey knew that was a possibility, it had happened many times before and Mikey, Ray, or Bob had to carry him the rest of the way, thank God he was light.

"Don't worry, I've got you. If you go, I'll carry you."

Frank whimpered quietly, he hated feeling like a burden, like everyone had to take care of him. At school, everyone knew what a freak he was, and the bullies didn't take too kindly to seeing him get away with sleeping in class. The teachers had grown accustomed to finding him asleep on his desk, and they'd just leave him be, knowing he couldn't help it. And if they found him asleep on the floor in one of the corridors, they'd pick him up and take him to the nurse's office. But if the bullies found him first...well Mikey and the others did their best to protect him, but there was only so much they could do.

But now it was summer, and they faced all new problems.

"Mikey? It hurts Mikey..."

Frank would oftentimes get pains in his chest and head when he was holding on, trying to force himself to stay awake.

"I can't."

He cried. They were at Mikey's street now, he could see his house but he knew Frank wasn't gonna make it that far. He stopped walking, and bending down slightly, he swiped his arm behind Frank's knees, lifting the thin boy into his arms, bridal style. Frank squeaked, both arms quickly wrapping around his best friend's neck, his head resting against Mikey's chest.

He was still fighting it and Mikey could see the pain on his young face.

"Go to sleep Frank, I got you."

As Mikey stepped up on the front porch, he felt Frank's breathing evening out and knew he'd finally let go, he was asleep, he wasn't in pain now. Mikey sighed in relief as he awkwardly fished his keys from his pants pocket, thank heaven he hadn't worn skinnys today, and unlocked the door.

Both his parents would be at work til at least 6pm, so Mikey was vaguely surprised when he stumbled into the living room and saw that the TV was on. Had he left it on when they went out? Had his mom come home early? He didn't know and right now he had other things to worry about, like the gently snoring boy snuggled up in his arms.

Heading towards the small black sofa in the corner of the room, Mikey didn't even glance around himself, he was so focused on Frank's well being. Mikey carefully placed his friend on the seat and lay him down, a cushion under his head, then removed his shoes and made sure he'd be comfortable. He considered for a moment taking off Frank's pants, cause sleeping in skinny jeans is really not good, but he decided to leave him be, Frank might get the wrong idea if he woke up in his boxers...or the right idea? Sitting on the floor by Frank's side, Mikey watched him sleep, gently stroking his fingers through the boys soft hair...creepy? maybe, but Mikey had been harbouring hidden feelings for Frank for so long and seeing him like this, so vulnerable, so young looking, he just felt the need to stay close to him, to protect him.

Suddenly Mikey was pulled from his thoughts by a soft snuffling noise, but it wasn't coming from Frank, it was coming from the other sofa, the big grey one sitting at a right angle to this one.

With a last look towards the smaller boy, Mikey stood to investigate and as soon as he did, he realised there was someone curled up on the other couch. How hadn't he noticed that when he walked in? The figure was dressed all in black and had it's back to the room, face buried in the cushions...that explained the snuffling.

Mikey couldn't tell who it was and that concerned him. Who would be sleeping on their couch? Who had access to the house? The front door was locked when he got back with Frank, but maybe this person had broken in through a window, or the back door?

Just as Mikey was about to freak the fuck out and call the police on this guy's sleeping ass, the figure stretched and rolled over onto his back, his longish, fire truck red hair falling away from his pale face and his big hazel eyes fluttering open to stare up at Mikey.


Mikey breathed, unable to move. Gerard slowly pushed himself upright, still just watching his little brother as he processed the sight before him.

"Gerard? What are you doin' here?...I mean, I'm happy to see you and all, but..."

He trailed off, dropping slowly onto the seat next to the older boy. Still Gerard said nothing.


His silence was starting to scare Mikey now, and looking at the older Way's eyes, he knew something was terribly wrong.

"Gee? What's happened?..."

He used the nickname in hopes of getting a reaction. Suddenly he got one, though perhaps not the reaction he may have wished for. Gerard threw himself into Mikey's arms, huge wet sobs shaking his frame as he clung to his brother, as if Mikey were his only hope for survival.

As Mikey held him close, he couldn't help but feel how thin his brother was. He seemed to have dropped a good 15 pounds since he saw him last, and he hadn't weighed more than 120 then. What the hell was going on?


He tried again, only to have Gerard's face dig even deeper into his neck, his thin arms gripping even tighter.

"Ok, Gee..."

Mikey cooed softly.

"It's ok, I got you."

They sat like that for a while, Mikey gently rocking his brother, stroking his back and trying to calm him by softly humming a tune to him that their mother used to sing when they were younger and needed comfort. He didn't recall the words but the melody had stuck with him, and he'd found himself on more than one occasion humming it to Frank when he was feeling particularly low. Gerard for his part remained mostly silent, only the sobs and sniffs as he buried his face in Mikey's shirt, probably soaking it, could be heard, and after a while even those stopped. Soon after that, his silence was replaced by quiet snuffly snores, and his grip on Mikey's shirt loosened enough for the younger brother to gently lay him back down on the sofa, lifting his legs up and making him comfortable.

Sighing heavily, Mikey stood and looked back and forth between the two sleeping boys. Right now he felt very alone, right now he wanted to curl up into a ball in the corner and cry...right now, he wanted a drink.

Mikey decided against getting smashed in the end, choosing instead to take the less headache inducing option of catching some zzzs in the armchair next to Frank's small sofa. Curling up with his legs to his chest and removing his glasses, putting them on the coffee table, Mikey yawned and closed his eyes. He loved Frank, like a brother and the other way, but boy that kid was exhausting.

In less than a minute, he had joined the other two boys in the land of nod, as their mother used to call it when they were younger. It was always best to grab a bit of sleep whenever Frank did.

~time passes~

Mikey was jolted back awake sometime later by a scream that was coming from somewhere in the house. It was a high pitched scream that he instantly recognised as Frank.

Grabbing his glasses cause he can't see a thing without them, Mikey noticed that not only Frank but also Gerard was no longer sleeping in the room. Panicking slightly, he went in search of his best friend and his brother.

Loud crashes were now coming from the direction of the kitchen and as Mikey sprinted through the door, his head was narrowly missed by a flying saucer...not the alien kind, but I guess you worked that out and if not, why not?...as he ducked to the left, and collided with Gerard's right side.

"Frankie, Frankie, please stop..."

He shouted at the other boy who was now chucking cutlery across the room at a startled looking Gerard, while he crouched on top of the counter, perilously close to the edge.


The dinnerware assault ended abruptly as Frank became aware of his friend's presence.

"M-Mikey?...who's...who's he?"

The boy, now looking like he was about to cry, stuttered out in a tiny weak voice, his wide eyes never once leaving the redhead's face. Gerard was visibly shaking now, chewing his bottom lip and it appeared, trying not to cry himself.

"Frankie, this is Gerard...my brother..."

Mikey tried to prompt the other boy's memory, that wasn't the best.

"I've shown you a picture..."

He stated, eyes wandering to all the broken china on the floor around them. Frank's eyes grew even wider, if that was possible, as it finally dawned on his tired brain that he did indeed recognise the now quietly sobbing man attempting to hide behind Mikey's thin left shoulder.

Mikey stepped gingerly, as he was only wearing socks, through the mess to his friend's side, trying to ignore for now the whimpers being emitted from behind him.

"Come on Frankie, before you fall and hurt yourself."

He cooed, wrapping his arms around the still perched boy and lifting him down from the counter, trying not to make it obvious that he was breathing him in.

Frank flung his arms around Mikey's neck and his legs around his waist as he giggled in the taller boy's ear.

"Thank you Mikes."

Apparently his tears were now forgotten. Mikey turned his attention back to the doorway, only to find that Gerard was no longer there.


He called out as he headed back to the living room, Frankie still hanging off him like a little spider monkey...he was used to it.


No, not there either.

"Where the fuck is he?..."

Mikey was getting pissed now, not to mention worried.

"Frankie, can I put you down now?"

He said as he moved through to the hallway. Frank whined.

"But ya comfy."

Puppy dog eyes, oh HELL NO! Mikey squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head violently side to side.

"It's not working monkey boy. I didn't see them."

But Frank could see his friend's lips twitch as he tried not to smile.

"Yeah ya did."

Frank grinned. Sighing deeply, resigning himself to the inevitable, Mikey opened his eyes and smiled.

"Yes I did. But I still need for you to hop off. Gerard was crying and I need to check he's ok."

Frank seemed to contemplate this for a minute.

"Cuddle later?"

Damn his cuteness. Mikey nodded and Frank squealed in delight before jumping down from his comfy place, grinning wildly. The younger Way brother rolled his eyes before going to find the elder, pausing briefly to turn back to the younger boy.

"Go wait in the living room. When I've found Gee I'll get popcorn and we can sit and watch movies, ok?"

Frank nodded enthusiastically then ran off to grab his favourite spot.

Mikey knew where he'd find Gerard, he had used the same hiding place when he was upset or scared since he was five years old, but upon opening the door to the cupboard under the stairs, he discovered that the older boy wasn't there, and if he wasn't there...then where?

Frank skipped happily into the front room and threw himself down onto the small sofa, lifting his legs up to tuck underneath his butt. After a minute's wait and already bored, he realised that the quiet of the room wasn't quite as quiet as he first thought.

Scrunching up his face in concentration, Frank went on a search for the source of the sobbing noise that was coming from nearby. It only took a few seconds to locate it, and less than a second for Frank to figure out that it was Gerard, curled up on the floor behind the larger sofa, his knees to his chest, face buried in between his knees and his arms wrapped over his head. Had he done that? Had he scared him that much? That's not what he wanted. Frank's exuberant happiness faded at the thought. He considered going to find Mikey, but he'd told him to wait here, so that's what he'd do.

Dropping to his hands and knees, Frank crawled towards the shaken boy, cause right now looking at him, Frank couldn't think of him as a man...he was just a scared kid.


He tentatively moved closer, Gerard flinching away from him.

"I won't hurt you...I'm sorry about before..."

Slowly Gerard lifted his head to peer over his arms at the younger boy. Frank smiled gently at him, he really hoped he wasn't scaring him right now.

"See? I don't bite."

He giggled softly. Suddenly, without warning, Gerard flung himself into a very surprised Frank's arms, digging his head into the smaller boy's neck and cinging to his shirt, shaking and crying pitifully. Within seconds, Frank's shoulder was wet and he was wondering what the fuck just happened, but looking down at the redhead pressed against him, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful Gerard was, even if he was currently covered in snot and tears. Softly he pressed his lips against Gerard's fire truck hair in a gentle kiss.

"What the HELL?"

Frank's head shot up.


"What's going on?...one minute you're chucking half the kitchen at him, which by the way you are going to clear up before my mom gets home, and the next you're kissing him?...Frankie, explain now."

Mikey's voice got louder and louder with each word, and by the time he'd finished, there weren't one but two frightened pairs of eyes staring up at him.


Frank stuttered in a tiny scared voice, he wasn't used to his friend shouting at him, and he didn't like it. Tears started to pool in his huge hazel eyes and Mikey began to regret raising his voice. Then he noticed his brother. Gerard was crying, like full on weeping and shaking and...fuck, running away.

Gerard pulled himself free from Frank's arms and practically sprinted from the room.

"Gerard? Come on Gee, come back...I'm sorry I shouted..."

Mikey called out, following the fleeing redhead into the hall, just in time to see and hear the bathroom door slam shut.


He muttered, dropping his head to face the carpet. From behind him in the living room he could hear sobbing. Fuck, how could he screw things up so bad, so quick?

Frankie or Gee? Frankie or Gee?...Frankie. Turning around, he headed back to his friend who was still sat on the floor behind the sofa, and dropping to his knees, tried to calm him down.

"Frankie? I'm sorry...please forgive me?..."

The boy just cried harder. Mikey reached out his hand to stroke the boy's soft black hair and Frank tried to bite his finger, a hurt and angry expression on his young face.

"Aww Frankie, please don't do that?..."

Mikey begged.

"Come on, I said I'm sorry. Pleeease?..."

If Frank could use puppy eyes then so could he...but he wasn't buying it.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you, I don't know why I did..."

Mikey felt his own tears start to fall.

"Frankie, you're my b-best fr-friend. Please say you for-forgive me? Please?...Please?..."

That's it, Mikey was crying now too.


He whimpered, head in hands. Hiccuping through his tears, Frank realised that Mikey was as upset as him by their altercation, and even though the smaller boy wasn't exactly sure what had happened to make his friend go off at him like that, he knew that he was being truthful when he said he was sorry.

Reaching out a slightly shaky hand, Frank stroked the side of Mikey's face tenderly, and after a few quiet sniffs and sighs, Mikey opened bleary eyes and looked his way.

"I'm sorry, Frankie."

"I'm s-sorry t-too."

Frank's voice was so soft, so fragile that Mikey couldn't stand it...it damn near broke his heart.

"No Frankie, you got nothing to apologise for...it was all me...I'm more sorry than you could ever know..."

Mikey hung his head, but after just a couple of seconds Frank's arms were winding their way around his friend's slim figure and pulling him in for a hug. Mikey went willingly into the embrace, burying his face in the smaller boy's neck and letting himself be comforted for a change.


He murmured, voice muffled by the other's shirt.


Frank hummed back.

"What were you apologising for?"

"I don't know..."

Frank whispered.

"Whatever I did wrong that made you get all shoutie?...what did I do?"

He whimpered.

"Oh God..."

Mikey freaked slightly.

"Nothing sweetie, you didn't do anything. I'm sorry for making you feel bad and for making you think this was in any way your fault, cause it wasn't...not at all."

He rushed out. The two of them sat there on the floor, just enjoying the silence.

"W-where's Gerard?..."

Frank asked after a while. Mikey's eyes grew wide as he leaped to his feet, startling the smaller teen and running from the room.


The bathroom door was locked and as the younger Way pressed his ear to it, all he heard was the *drip drip drip* of the leaky tap that his dad kept promising to fix, but never did.


Nothing. No answer.

"Gerard, please open the door, I'm worried about you...please?"

Still nothing.


He turned to see Frank standing in the doorway, looking so lost that Mikey just wanted to pick him up and cuddle him close, well he kinda always wanted to do that, but...

"Mikey, what's going on?"

The taller boy stared lovingly at the shorter for a moment before shaking himself out of it.

"I don't really know Frankie. Gee's normally so strong, takes a lot to upset him but now..."

He sighed deeply.

"I don't know...and now he won't come out."

Frank seemed to be contemplating something, his eyebrows furrowed, his lips pursed and his nose wrinkled up so adorably that Mikey thought he may die from a cuteness overdose. Then suddenly he was grinning that huge shit-eating grin of his that looks like his face will split in two.

"Find me a paperclip."

"A paperclip?...why Frankie?"

Mikey was lost.

"Just get it doofus."

The smaller boy giggled, replacing Mikey in his position by the bathroom door and pressing his ear to the wood. *drip drip drip sniff drip*

Mikey went off in search of the requested item, though he still didn't know why.

A few minutes later he returned with a small silver paperclip in his hand, and passed it down to Frank who was sat on the ground in front of the door, listening. Mikey just hoped he could hear more than he had.

Frank grinned up at him, then set to work unfolding the tiny metal wire. Once done, he started trying to pick the bathroom lock...why the hell hadn't Mikey thought of that? Not that he'd know how to...and for that matter...how does Frank know how to do that?

A few quiet mumbled curses later, and there was a soft click. Frank grinned triumphantly and jumped to his feet.


He cheered, turning the handle and opening the door. Mikey stared at him incredulously for a moment, then rushed passed him into the small room, instantly seeing his brother curled up in the corner of the shower, trembling, eyes wide with fright and tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Gerard? It's ok, it's alright...I'm not gonna hurt you..."

He spoke softly, trying not to scare him more.

"Come on Gee, you're safe here...please talk to me?"

The older boy just disappeared into himself more, sobbing silently and burying his face in his arms. Mikey reached out to touch him, but apparently that was the absolute worst thing he could do, cause instantly Gerard was lashing out, arms and legs flying all over and screaming, howling like someone was ripping his insides out of him. Mikey pulled back, terrified and clueless as to what to do to help him.

Suddenly Frank was there, moving Mikey away and taking his place. Mikey was about to pull him back again, scared he'd get hurt when Gerard became still, and a moment later threw himself into the smaller boy's arms again, Frank wrapping him in his warm embrace.

What the hell? Mikey frowned...not only did his own brother not want his comfort, but he'd chosen to accept it in the arms of the boy he loves? Like seriously, WHAT the HELL??...and he'd only just met him!


Frank asked in a hushed voice. Mikey let his angry eyes soften as he focused on the smaller boy.


He hummed.

"Can you go get a can of coke?...please?..."

God, he could never be mad at that face for long. Mikey nodded and ran off to the still messy kitchen.

"Hey, Gerard?..."

Sniffing weakly, the older boy lifted his head to look at the teen.

"You're safe, you know that right?..."

Gerard nodded slightly, his fingers gripping tight to Frank's shirt.

"I'll look after you."

He whispered, pulling Gerard's head back into his chest and stroking his soft red hair for a moment, until Mikey reappeared at the door.


He handed over the can. Frank took it with a smile and opened it, then took a sip before offering it up to Gerard's dry lips. Letting Frank feed him the sugary drink, making no attempt to hold the can, Gerard drank greedily like he hadn't had a drink in days. Mikey watched the scene with confusion. He didn't know what to make of this, it all felt like a dream, a very weird dream.


Oh shit, Frank was talking to him again, did he miss something? Mikey mentally slapped himself. Pull it together you idiot, your brother needs you!

"Mikey, he needs to sleep, is his bed made up?"

"Oh...err...yes, yes it is. Come on, I'll help you."

But as he tried to help Gerard to his feet, his brother started to freak again, whimpering and flinching at the small touch. Mikey backed off again, hurt showing plain in his eyes.

"I've got it..."

Frank assured him, then turning towards the man who was currently trying to hide behind him, of course not having much luck...

"Come on sweetheart..."

Ouch, that hurt!

"Let's get you up, ok?..."

Then Frank was standing, with Gerard practically hanging off of him, clinging, pressed tight into his side.

"Mikey, lead the way..."

And they were walking, out of the bathroom, along the hallway, to a door. Mikey opened it and reached inside, clicking on the light and revealing steps going down into the basement. But suddenly Gerard was frozen, quaking with fear, refusing to take another step. His eyes begged Frank to understand as he clung tight and tried to pull him away from the stairs.

"It's ok Gerard. We don't have to go down..."

He looked at Mikey, poised at the top of the steps.

"He's gonna sleep in my room."

Frank stated, grim determination on his sweet face as he turned the shaking boy around and lead him towards the stairs upto the floor above. Aww, HELL NO!


The boy turned his head, eyes wide.

"Why not put him in my room?"

"Cause right now he only seems to want me. You can see that for yourself..."

Then he was continuing on his route. When Frank finally got Gerard into his room, the room that Mrs Way had made up for him, knowing that he would much rather be here than at home, he carefully sat him down on the bed and untangled himself from the silent boy's arms.

"Gerard, you can't sleep in skinnies. I got pjs you can borrow, if you like?"

Gerard nodded, not taking his eyes off of Frank for a second as he moved over to a dresser and pulled out a pair of black pyjama bottoms and a black Batman tee.

"These should fit you..."

He handed the clothes over.

"I'll wait outside..."

He headed back over to where Mikey stood looking bewildered and hurt in the doorway, but before he could leave the room, he felt a hand grab his from behind and he turned to find a shaking, all out petrified Gerard staring back at him, pulling on his arm and begging him with his eyes to stay. Frank sighed quietly and smiled at him.

"You want me to stay?..."

Gerard nodded.


"Oh, for fuck sake!"

Mikey huffed suddenly before turning and stomping off down stairs.


Frank said softly, not really understanding why his friend was acting that way. Brushing it off, he turned back to the older Way in time to see him pulling his black skinny jeans down even skinnier, pale legs. Frank averted his eyes as he started to feel his own skinnies get a bit tighter. A few minutes later, Gerard was slipping under the covers and making grabby hands towards Frank. The smaller boy sighed and crossed the room to him, smiling softly.

"Try and sleep ok? I'll just be downstairs..."

But Gerard was having none of it, and grabbed tight onto Frank's sleeve, shaking his head violently.

"Ok, ok...I'll stay. I gotta change though, so close your eyes...go on..."

He urged, before standing and retrieving his own pair of pyjama pants, successfully wiggling free from his skinnies without injury for once, and slipping the pjs on. As he approached the bedside, Gerard opened his big hazel eyes and looked up at him.

"You gonna shift over a bit?..."

Frank grinned. Gerard seemed to think about this for a second, then wriggled over to his left a foot or so and lifted the sheets for Frank to slip underneath.


He giggled, sliding in the bed and snuggling down next to Gerard's side. A moment later, Gerard was practically laying on Frank, his left arm wrapped tight around the smaller boy's stomach, his head on Frank's chest, tucked up under his arm, his left leg flung over the other's left leg to lay in between his two. A very intimate position. Gerard sighed heavily and Frank felt his body start to relax for the first time since they'd found him on the bathroom floor, and soon he was asleep, snoring quietly.

Frank lay there thinking, his mind going a mile a minute but surprisingly, his body felt calm. He didn't fell like he wanted to run and jump and play. He also didn't feel like he was so exhausted he was just going to collapse. For once in a very long time, Frank felt normal.

And the only thing that was different from before...was Gerard. Could he be the cure?


Hi there chipmunks, how's you?

So the fic's not changed much, but it's been edited. Hope you enjoy.


@That one friend
I know what you mean, but this was one of my early fics and I think I write characters better now...at least I hope I do.
thanks for reading and commenting.

I don't know why, but I was unable to cry. I liked the story, but Mikey was a bit much

That one friend That one friend

Can I translate into russian and publish your fanfic?

Shannen Green Shannen Green

It was Ray's funeral!.. X

I'm really confused who's unreal was that then?

Frerard_Life Frerard_Life