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You're Eyes are Getting Tired

It's fatal

As I sat on the hospital bed, all I could do was think. 'What if something is wrong with me?' 'What if I need surgery?' All of my thoughts were interrupted when my doctor came back into the room. "So, Frank, we did some test to make sure you are okay. You said you were having chest pains, correct?" I nodded my head yes and he continued. "Well, it seems you have a tumor in your left lung. It's preventing oxygen from getting where it needs to go. Now, we could do surgery, but there's a very small possibility it will solve anything." He looked at me expectantly. "S-So what's going to happen? Am I going to die?" I asked him. He looked at his clipboard, then back at me. "Frank, what we expect to happen is, your body will slowly shut down." I raised an eyebrow. "Meaning?" He let out a long breath. "Meaning you don't have very long to live. We give it about five months."
I felt my heart drop into my stomach. "I-I'm going to die?" I asked him. He slowly nodded. "Now, Frank, since I know that you are young and probably haven't done much, I suggest you make a bucket list. You need to live each moment to the fullest." I slowly nodded and felt tears pool in my eyes. I'm going to die. It's inevitable. I knew I was going to die before, just not this quickly. I was hoping I would have a few years first so I could at least...live.
I know there's nothing I can do, now. Only make each moment count.
I hopped off of the bed, and walked out of the door, and out of the hospital until I got to my car. I drove home and went straight up to my room. I didn't talk to my mom about anything, so I decided not to tell her about this either.
When I got to my room, I crawled out of my window and sat on my roof. I looked over to my neighbor's house and watched as their son, Gerard laid in his yard next to his girlfriend, Cassidy, and smoked a cigarette.
I go to school with both Gerard and Cassidy. I've actually had a really huge crush on Gerard since the 5th grade. I don't think he's ever noticed me, though. He's always so caught up in his perfect life. He goes to parties every weekend and he has a hot girlfriend, and he drives a motorcycle. I honestly think that everything about him is perfect. I look up to him as a person, also. He's so nice to everyone. He actually used to be really straight edge until he started dating Cassidy. She's a big influence on him. She shows him how to live and he thinks she's some kind of god.
Right now, they were talking about something. I couldn't hear what, though. I just saw their mouths moving. Gerard looked really focused about whatever he was saying, and Cassidy looked like she was studying his face.
They really were a great match, but I think knowing that, is what broke my heart. I'm basically in love with him, but I know it will never happen because he's in love with Cassidy. I felt more tears rolling down my cheek, and I wiped them off and stood up, then went back into my room.
I sat on my bed and pulled out a notebook and pen. I took out a piece of paper, and on the top, wrote: BUCKET LIST. Then, under it, I wrote 1.Ask out Gerard Way. I know he won't say yes, but I just need to do it before I die.
Before I die.
The word seemed to just roll off my tongue, now. I knew it was coming, so I can't really fear it anymore.
I, Frank Iero, am going to die in 5 months.


Let me know how you guys feel about the start of this story :) I'm kind of excited to write it. Leave comments, please? I love reading them! Thank you!




past-insanity past-insanity

This is so depressing ; - ;

This is so cute omg.

Salem Salem

"I don’t want to die as the side hoe" #about

fangoria fangoria