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You're Beautiful To Me

Chapter Forty Six

A week later I have my final check up and Lindsey gives me the all clear to go home. I pack up all my things and Frank, Anna and Mikey come to pick me up mid afternoon. When I see them I break into a huge smile, seeing Frank running towards me while Anna toddles along beside Mikey, him bending down to hold her hand and steady her and when she's spots me she lets out a shriek and holds her hand out towards me. I open my arms and hug Frank quickly before stepping over and holding my arms out to Anna. "There's my baby girl" I exclaim as Mikey lifts her up into my arms, me being unable to bend down too much anymore because of my bump. "Hey little miss" I say as I plant kisses all over her face, sitting her gently on my bump. "Da da da" she babbles excitedly as she pats gently at my face. "You're getting so big now baby" I tell her and she lets out a small giggle as she grabs at my nose. After we leave the facility Mikey and Frank take me to a doctors appointment where I get a check up and an ultrasound, the doctor very happy with my weight gain. After the appointment we go out for lunch and I'm not really hungry but I order a small plate of fruit salad which I share with Anna, most of hers ending up smeared all over her face and squished between her fingers but she looks adorable and she giggled non stop while squishing the fruit pieces between her fingers and then sucking them off into her mouth. "Look at you, you're a mess" I tell her as Frank and Mikey laugh and I grab some wet wipes from her bag and clean her up, much to her dismay while she squirms around and whines. Once she's cleaned up again I pull her into my lap, letting her stand on my legs and play with my face again while Frank and Mikey finish their food. "You had enough babe?" Frank asks and I nod and smile at him and he frowns and says "You didn't eat a lot." "I wasn't really hungry but if I get hungry later I can get something at home." Frank seems satisfied by this and says "Ok baby."

After we get home Mikey hangs out for a while and I slowly lower myself to the floor so I can play with Anna and she crawls around grabbing toys and throwing them around, giggling to herself and every now and then she crawls over into my lap and checks in with me, patting at my bump and babbling away, giggling when I pick her up for kisses. Late in the afternoon Mikey heads home and I'm exhausted, ready for a nap, Anna already in her crib napping so Frank helps me
get settled on the couch, my head resting on his lap and he gently cards his fingers through my hair while we watch tv until I fall asleep. I wake up a few hours later to the baby kicking the crap out of me and I groan out as I sit up slowly, finding myself alone in the living room and I drag myself up, going to search for Frank and Anna who I find in the bathroom where it's Anna's bath time. "Da" she squeals out when she sees me and starts splashing around in the water and Frank turns to look at me, his smile fading into a frown as he says "Babe you feeling ok?" I nod before saying "He's just, Ahh, kicking a lot." "Aww hang on" he tells me as he pulls Anna out of the tub and wraps her in her towel, settling her on his hip before coming over and kneeling infront of me, his free hand reaching out to rest over my bump and he starts softly talking to the baby, calming him down slightly and Anna joins in, gently patting at my bulging stomach and babbling away and after a few seconds he calms down and stops kicking. "You seriously have some kind of magic power when it comes to these damn kids kicking me. She was the same" I say gesturing to Anna, "They only calm down when you tell them to." Frank stands up, bringing Anna with him and he smiles at me and says "They must love me more" before heading out to Anna's room to dry and dress her.


If you're reading please comment


I just reread this again (3rd time)...I cried at the end again. This is so good!

I'd love to see a one chaptered sequel to this in franks POV!

kittengerard kittengerard

... that was so well written from start to finish <3 well done on finishing it so beautifully & thanks for making the whole plot so real! xoxo

I like the happy ending, but the sad ending fits more with the story. I will admit that the sad ending did make me cry.

I read both endings and as much as I wish it was happier, the sad ending fits best. I think it's too sudden for everything to just become happy and perfect again. It would have been nice to see a better outcome for Alice in the last one though.

LoserJuice LoserJuice