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You Can Cry All You Want To, I Don't Care

Chapter Sixty Two

The next time I wake up it's to pleasantly cool hands touching my cheek and forehead and I groan softly as I lean into the touch, keeping my eyes closed, the effort of opening them seeming like too much to bother. "Gee baby how are you feeling?" Frank says softly and I'm thankful for him keeping his voice low, my head feeling like it's about to explode. I let out a small whimper followed by a cough that makes my lungs feel like they're rattling loose and when I regain my breath I force my eyes open and whimper out "Hurts Frankie." "Aww baby, I wish there was something I could do. Can you sit up a little for a moment? I got you some more medicine." Frank helps me sit up and once I've swallowed the medicine I slump
back into the pillows. "Hey baby" I croak out and Frank smiles fondly at me as he shakes his head before saying "Hey beautiful." "How was wor...." I'm cut off by another brutal cough wracking my body and Frank helps me sit up, supporting me while he rubs soothing circles on my back, patting gently until I stop coughing and I slump to the side, resting against him while he wraps his arms around me. "Baby I'm meant to give a lesson in an hour so I'll go call and cancel and I'll be right back ok?" I shake my head as he stands from the bed. "No, don't cancel, I'm ok." "Baby you're really not ok right now." "Don't cancel because of me." Frank sighs before saying "Ok, I'll try to keep the noise down." Frank settles back beside me, laying me down and tucking me in under the blankets before wrapping his arms around me. I fall asleep again in his arms and the next time I wake up it's to soft music and laughing and the room is dark and empty aside from me. I climb out of bed, clutching at my head which is spinning from standing up too fast and I go into the bathroom, going to the toilet and washing my hands, splashing water on my face before wandering out to the kitchen and opening the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and downing half of it in one go, the cold water feeling so good on my sore throat. "Hey baby you feeling ok?" I hear come from behind me and I turn around to see Frank in the doorway, smiling at me and I force a smile on my face as I slowly cross the room to him, slumping against his chest with my head resting on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and whispers "Baby I'm almost done with my lesson and then I'll get some dinner ok? Are you hungry? Did you eat today?" I shake my head and croak out "Nah and I dunno how much I could eat, my throat really hurts." "Well your dad bought us some groceries and I know there was some chicken soup and ice cream in there for you." I feel my mouth pull into a smile at that because that's what my mom used to get me when I was sick and Frank smiles at me when he sees my face and says "It's good to see you smile. How about you grab a nice hot shower and relax and I'll be right in with you when Gabe leaves." "Uhh Gabe" I groan out and Frank chuckles and leans in to press a soft kiss to my forehead. Frank walks me back down the hall to the bathroom and starts the shower for me, getting the temperature just right before kissing me softly on the lips and leaving the room. I strip off and climb in, sighing in contentment at the hot water pouring over my aching muscles and after a minute the steam loosens all the stuff on my chest and I'm doubled over, dropping to my knees as I choke for air, feeling lightheaded when Franks hands touch my back and he gently pats me, trying to help me regain my breath and by the time I do I feel dizzy and disoriented. "Fuck baby, you need to see a doctor." "No, it's ok" I croak out and Frank shakes his head and says "Not your choice." I pout for a few seconds before I don't even have the energy for that and I slump back against the wall again.

After the shower I redress in clean boxers and pyjamas that Frank grabbed for me and I go into the bedroom for a pair of socks, my feet cold and when I go into the kitchen Frank is on the phone. "Yeah ok, let me know what time. Thanks." He hangs up and when he turns to face me I stare at him questioningly. "You're going to the doctor tomorrow" he tells
me and I frown at him, not having the energy to argue so I turn around and stomp into the living room, curling up on one corner of the couch, pulling my legs up and crossing my arms across my chest like a shitty two year old. Frank comes in a few minutes later with a bowl of soup for me and he sighs as he sits beside me. "Come on Gee, you're clearly very sick and you probably need stronger medication than you're taking now." "I don't like doctors Frankie" I whine and his face softens as he says "It's alright because I'll be right there with you." "But you have work." "No, I took tomorrow off so I could look after you." I nod, knowing there's no point in arguing further and I take the bowl of soup, slowly feeding myself but I only manage to eat half before my stomach churns and I don't want any more, handing the bowl back to Frank. I lay back and focus on the tv, my feet in Franks lap as he shifts down to the other end of the couch to give me room to lay down and he starts gently massaging them and that tips me over the edge, my eyes slipping closed as I feel my body relax.



I binge read this and now I'm on thirty seven and I started tearing up and hyperventilating during science class!

That one friend That one friend


Funghoulified Funghoulified

I'm on chapter 10 and holy wow im already in love

Lilla Lilla

I spent every moment from Friday to Sunday morning reading this; I adored it. Broke my heart and made me laugh and I'm addicted. I'm enjoying the sequel, keep up the good work!

Suprise. It's the future come to crush your hopes and dreams.