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Know Your Enemy


Gerard's POV


Where the hell was he? He knows we have to leave! I go up to his room and find him standing at his window, staring out of it.

"C'mon Mikes, Ray and Frank are waiting downstairs."

He turns and i see his eyes are red, from crying obviously. Alicia was brainwashed by those fucking.........things. In the masks. He has been upset about it since. He nods and we go back to the living room and find a few essentials we would need.

"We packed for all of us." Frank mumbles.

I nod and we leave the apartment to the streets, where hell had broken loose. Rebels obviously. They have stolen some ray guns and they are shooting all over the place. We duck through the screaming crowds and go to the square, near the city wall.

Thats when the mask dudes show up and start shooting the place. One skims my leg and i hiss in pain. As i fall to the ground, Frank turns and sees that i am down and lifts me to my feet. He wraps an arm around my shoulder to support me and i cant help but feel.....safe. Like if i am with him, nothing will happen. Liek an attraction. But no! Im straight.

This feeling is short lived when someone shoves us and i fall to the ground. The last thing i see is a big, black boot in my face.

Frank's POV


Fuck, where the hell did he go. I couldnt find his face in the crowd and i was getting worried. What if he would get brainwashed? I have to protect my Gee. I look around and see that Ray and Mikey were gone too.


I run to the doors and stop right before i go out. I turn one last time to the crowd to find Gee, but his face is no where to be seen.

"Ill see you again...someday."

Gerard's POV

My eyes flutter open and the first thing i notice is silence. I hold my head and sit up. I look around too look for somebody...anyone. The doors are right there though. Maybe they made it... Maybe they are looking for me.

At the thought of this, i jump to my feet and run to the doors. I run out and look around the barren desert and see nobody. Ill find them one day.....one day.


i dont know about this chapter......it just feels weird to me.......tell me what you guys think


I need an update

hparker1898 hparker1898

I think you gave up on this, am I right? Please update? X

plz update soon?
its been like 3 months since the last comment O.O
MCRKilljoy MCRKilljoy
W9ooooooooooo!!! Fuck u 9!
Destroys!!! Destroys!!!
This is great! Love it x
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