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Do you remember back before the mental ward?

the note

My love,

being 15 in the middle of typical school isn't bad unless you are me. I'm a awkward (gay) teenage boy in love with another boy. This boy is handsome with black amazing hair and green eyes, that I could look into for a life time. No matter how long I've wanted you, I could never have you. With all my problems, I'm sure my lungs would explode before I could say half of them and than scream for you to come back to me. I could write a poem about everything I love about you but it would take to long to finish before the end of my days.
and now your time is over
and i fear mine is close
but i need you to know
my love for you
xoxo frnk



No! You can't end it like this. I'm glad you're doing a sequel.

Sorry about that I had a lot to time I felt bad for not updating lately

Oh how I love quick updates! Especially when the story's this good!! ;). Xx

Wouldn't he need a beard to be Jesus? ;) Xx

I think Gerard likes it and might be Jesus