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You're So Dark

Chapter 17: The author ships Patley, Pete the Macchiato Fail Wentz, Gerard is psychic, The Morning After by B.U. and R.R., lanky people, body odor and Supernatural

"That's kind of disgusting," Pete made a grossed out face while Patrick was waving his hands around like a penguin, trying to fill him up on everything that had happened in Gerard's life so far.

"Thanks, Pete," [a/n: I can't believe I did this again] Patrick sighed. "Speaking of 'disgusting' and 'mushy couples', what's going on with you and Mikey?" He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, a motion he’d got from Brendon - darn that perverted son of a bitch.

Patrick's mom had decided to take mercy on his son and end his detention when Pete had asked if he could stay the night - nothing unusual, Pete practically lived at the Stumps' - and it wasn't technically a school night since it was that holiday thingy tomorrow.
What Patrick's mom wasn’t aware of, though, was the fact Pete was staying over simply because his dad got drunk again and he was stuck in a dead end about what he should do with Mikey and he could definitely use some distraction. It wasn't like Pete didn't care for Mikey or something; he really did care and he cared a whole lot, he just didn't know if he was ready to give his complete trust to someone so soon after it had been shattered just a few months ago. It was a really sensitive topic for him, and he needed a little holiday away from those thoughts.

"I don't even know," he sighed. "I need more time to think about it. I don't think I'm even ready to talk about it yet," he bit his lip. Patrick nodded reassuringly. "What about you? We've all been piling our love ups and downs on your back for months now, and I still haven't heard about any of yours."

Patrick blushed, rolling his eyes, "I don't know. There isn't much to tell. I like this girl, but I don't think she's got any interest in me at all. I've already told Gerard and he was like 'go for it, ask her out, be the dawg', but I'm not sure if that's a really good idea. Mostly because it’s Gerard who came up with it."

"Who's the girl?" Pete grinned. Patrick glared at him, but Pete's smug face expression won when he sighed in defeat.

"The carrot girl," he bit his lip, stuttering a bit, "We have Lit and French together." Patrick totally hadn’t had a crush on her for the past two months and he totally hadn’t told that to Gerard until like a week ago because he totally wasn’t a tool but okay.

"Hayley? Dude, I can set you up with her!" Pete chirped, happy that the subject was finally far away from him and on Patrick who he knew was totally awkward to talk about things like this but yeah, Pete was an asshole. "She used to work with me down at Starbucks, before I got sacked because I spilled coffee over my boss and called him a dickhole. She's real cool."

Patrick blushed furiously. "I'm not sure if that's really..."

Too late, Pete was already yanking his phone out of his pocket. Patrick looked at him in fear, and he just rolled his eyes, flipping him off with his hand. "I'm just going to ask her if she wants to hang out with us and the guys. Brendon knows her; too, she's his lab partner in Chemistry or something."

Patrick sighed. “And what should I do, then, act like I’m totally not into her and be my normal Patrick-the-fat-hipster-nerd self? No, Pete, you know I’m the worst liar in the history of lying.”

“You’re an idiot, okay?” When all Patrick did was cock an eyebrow, Pete rolled his eyes and brought his phone to his ear, ignoring Patrick and the dirty look he was treating him with.
“Hey, Hayley, it’s Pete… Yeah, Pete the Macchiato Fail Wentz, yes,” he rolled his eyes at the nickname, “you still work there? Shit, they remember me.” He laughed. “Yeah, geez, I know! I knew I was screwed when I told him everything I did. God, he must be still recovering from it,” then he laughed, and Patrick rolled his eyes.
“Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you want to hang out sometime? If you don’t count Gerard Way, my close circle of friends is consisted of guys only,” he laughed and Patrick rolled his eyes, but grinned anyway, “and I’m slightly sick of all the testosterone… yeah, that would be awesome, the more the merrier! I heard she has a crush on Gerard, though, is that true? Yeah, I knew it!” Pete was still shrieking like a total gossip girl and Patrick was looking at him with a creeped out face. “Yes, yes, that’s cool. Okay, uhm, we’ll be hanging on Saturday afternoon because that’s the day Gerard is coming back from LA… uhm, it’s only me, Mikey Way, Gerard Way, Patrick Stump, Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross… yeah, they’re dating! I know… well, they are kind of cute, but they’re kind of disgusting, too, because they’re so lovey dovey and ugh…” now he was laughing again and Patrick was starting to lose his patience slightly, “Look, I’ve got to run now, Patrick here is glaring at me like I set his cat on fire so yeah… sure! I’ll pick you two up at around six-ish? Yeah, sounds great! Bye,” he finally hung up and Patrick was still glaring at him.

“I hate your guts,” Patrick sighed and leaned his head on Pete’s shoulder.


“What?” Frank furrowed his brow when Gerard choked out the piece of candy that almost killed him.

Well, this explains a lot, Gerard thought before turning his head towards Frank and trying to breathe normally again. Honestly, Gerard had kind of expected that guy to be, like, his mom in disguise but this was way out of line. Now he couldn’t say he’d made out with more than one person in the last two years and that sucked. Well, the good thing was that Frank was probably worth more than a hundred of random hookups.

“The Crimson Ghost,” he simply stated, wide eyed, “I have this psychic feeling you hooked up with someone dressed up in a very bad vampire costume at that party.”

Frank looked at him confusedly, like he’d just said that his favorite pillow taste was vagina or something. “Uhm. Yeah. How did you know?”

“Because I was the one dressed up in the very bad vampire costume.” Gerard muttered.

Frank was looking at him for a couple of moments, frightened, until he erupted into laughter. Thanks Frank, he thought to himself. “You’re fucking kidding me. Of fucking course. The only person who made me able to forget about your fucking face for fifteen minutes was you. Of course.”

Gerard blushed to that, of course, because fucking hell, Frank hadn’t been able to forget about him and all that jazz and all this was driving him crazy because it was Gerard and Gerard was dumb as frick. “I wonder how you didn’t recognize me, though,” he sighed, and Frank tightened the grip he’d had on Gerard’s waist.

He kissed Gerard’s cheek lightly and bit his lip. “I was drunk, I was high, and I wasn’t wearing my contacts.”

“You fucking idiot,” Gerard giggled and snuggled further into Frank’s hug. So, basically, they were both massive idiots. “Well, I was drunk, too, so I guess it’s fine.”

“You shouldn’t be drinking,” Frank snickered.

Gerard rolled his eyes. “You shouldn’t be kissing an eighteen year old,” he stuck his tongue out at him.

“Then, I guess we’re even?” Frank smiled.

“Yeah,” Gerard bit his lip and kissed Frank chastely, “I think we are.”


When Ryan woke up, everything was… well, really fucking bright. That fucktard Brendon always forgot to shut the blinds in his room. He was such an idiot sometimes. But that really didn’t matter anymore when he felt fingers travelling down his spine and then an arm wrapping itself around his waist, pulling him even closer than he already was. Then a kiss was pressed into his hair and Ryan forgot all about frickin’ bright lights.

“Someone finally woke up,” Brendon’s sleepy voice murmured into his ear, “Good morning, gorgeous.”

Ryan blushed, smiling to the thoughts that rambled all over his head and made him remember last night; and leaned into the hug, “’Morning. Did you sleep well?”

Brendon chuckled. “Better than I have in a while, yeah.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Ryan smirked and shifted, so he was now facing him.

Brendon just smiled and ran a hand through Ryan’s hair, biting his lip. “I hate you for being so goddamn pretty.”

I love you for being so goddamn pretty,” Ryan rolled his eyes, but kissed Brendon anyway, before he had the chance to open that fucking mouth of his again.


The train ride home had gone by too fast and too well, simply because Gerard and Frank hadn’t done anything but make out, eat and talk. The only way Gerard could describe the emotion he had when Frank kissed him before dropping him off to his house on Saturday afternoon was ‘fucking fluffy’ and he wasn’t even considering changing it.

“I think you better go,” Frank said after he pulled away from the kiss, looking at the porch of Gerard’s house and spotting Mikey opening the door. Thank goodness the car windows were dark enough so nobody could see their make out session they’d had going on for the past ten minutes.

“But I don’t want to go,” Gerard made a sad face and Frank mentally cursed all the gods out there because Gerard was too cute for this fucking world. “I want to stay here, with you.”

Frank groaned and kissed him again, shorter this time. He just couldn’t resist it. “Mikey’s going to get really suspicious.”

Gerard whined, but moved away and bit his lip. “Call me tomorrow?”

Frank grinned. “Of course.”

“Okay,” Gerard smirked and kissed his cheek, then stumbled out of the car, almost falling over his own feet in the process of getting his bag from the back seat. Frank just smiled at him affectionately before Gerard closed the door.

Before he could even turn around properly, Frank drove away and he got tackled to the ground by someone lanky and really boney – he knew the structure because it was the same person he’d used to be forced to share a bed with [and learn all their yucky bed habits] – and hugged back immediately because he hadn’t even realize before just how much he’d missed that dorky little idiot called Mikey.

“Thank God you’re home,” Mikey mumbled joyfully, squishing Gerard in the process. “I’m happy you’re back. I’m friggin’ thrilled.” Gerard gave Mikey a disapproving look when he said that and Mikey couldn’t help but to giggle.

“Don’t you use Dean Winchester on me, Mister.” Gerard shot him a death glare, and Mikey laughed more.

“Okay, okay… but seriously… So much shit has happened and geez Patrick is waiting for me to call him so he can bring the gang over and- wait. Gerard,” he furrowed his brow and sniffs, “why do you smell like cigarettes and cologne?”

Gerard’s stomach did a somersault. Gerard was so fucked. Like, so, so fucking, terribly fucked. Mikey was the most intuitive shit on Earth and there was literally no way he could hide this from him, because: a) Gerard had a big mouth; b) Gerard was fucking stupid; c) Mikey knew shit he could threaten him with. Yay. “Shit,” he muttered.

Mikey moved away, wide eyed, and helped Gerard up. But then his face turned suspicious and Gerard could swear he felt Castiel calmly grabbing his hand and heard him going all ‘Hello, Gerard’ in his ‘Hello, Dean’ voice because Gerard was sure his near future after Mikey’s interrogation would be something like: Mikey kills Gerard and Gerard dies and Castiel appears there [and then they have sex because that is Gerard’s idea of Heaven, obviously].


My favorite number is 17, yaaaaay. I'm also sorry for not updating sooner, I really wanted to, but I was too busy watching anime and talking about pears with my friends.

By the way if ya wanna know a bit more about the main characters [Gerard, Patrick, Brendon, Pete and Mikey, specifically] from this fic, they're kinda made after my crew [my internet friends crew which is so awesome I love you all so much]. Like, I just did that, I just gave the characters their personalities. Well, all except from Gerard, who is totally me. Because he's a bit dumb and really fucking clumsy and totally me in every way except from being really fucking lucky sometimes.

And I know that nobody cares, but like ask.fm/ARTeryjazz is my ask.fm and if you wanna ask me, follow me or anything please do [YES, PLEASE DO, BC I HAVE NO LIFE AND I WANT TO ANSWER QUESTIONS AND TALK TO YOU]

So, yeah, that's all.


- Milo


yes, basically, yes

actualghost actualghost

"Pete obviously likes popcorn and Gerard turned out as a bit more of an emo than he thought he would because he is an idiot who is in constant denial" by Panic! At the disco

Coolgeegirl Coolgeegirl

i am waiting for some (((((((inspirational vibes))))))) to kick me into gear. thanks for the massive support, couldn't have done it without you. x

actualghost actualghost

Honestly, you could take a year to get around to doing the sequel and I'd still be here for it! Sorry about the vibes hun, but you've got this! You'll be back to busting out kickass chapters in no time! :) x

mindchemicals mindchemicals

awh, that's so sweet! thank you for sticking around. i hope my vibe is coming back soon, because i really miss writing this... even though, i somehow find the newer things i've written.. better? maybe it's just me who thinks so, but oh well. c:

actualghost actualghost