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The Boy Next Door


I pushed him off reluctantly, knowing it was for the best. I mean, we barely know each other! shouldn't we just develop an actual friendship if he's willing to go that far. I don't want to be just another one night stand, I'm sick and tired of those, although the thought of a serious relationship sounds terrifying, I want someone to be happy with me, to accept my daily mood swings, lack of anger management and all my other flaws. I want to be loved. As scary as it sounds we all want to be, even if it's deep, deep, deep, d- Okay fine really deep down.

"I can't keep doing this," Why do I sound so scared, where did all the manly testosterone go Veronica? stop sounding like a wimp and put your fucking wall back up. "Just stop." getting there.

"Woah what crawled up your ass? last time I remember you practically begging for more" and thus the cocky facade has been brought back down to earth. I was actually starting to think he was genuinely kind. But then again, most of the things I think about, usually are wrong.

"Is this 'last time'?," I snapped making sure to lower my voice and sound like a retard, in order to mock his so called attempt at 'offending' me. What was I even thinking. I'm better off alone. There's no pathetic drama, no pointless fights or arguments and you'll always agree with yourself. I see no flaws, a relationship with yourself is the best kind of relationship. Fuck whoever disagrees......don't actually fuck them...uh never mind it's a metaphor. "Cut the stupid sexual banter crap. I'm done, we're either friends or nothing." There's that menacing voice Veronica.

"Then I guess we're nothing." he seemed emotionless, so blunt, his face didn't show any sign of sentiment. Was that really what he thought of me? Us? this 'friendship' we shared, was it that easy for him to just throw it away. Okay wow, that sort of hurt, a lot. Oh no I'm turning so soft. Man up V. You can go on fine without him, get over him, there's 7 billion people in the world, he's merely one.

I got up off the stone, grabbed my trusty ol' sling bag from inside, shoved my phone and other small necessities like a swiss army knife and walked out. Slamming the door in the process. When I was around 16, i think, I was walking in a park and some hobo dude tried to rob me, well 'tried' wouldn't be the term to use considering he stole my phone and purse, but anyways, that was way back, when I was a helpless little girl. Ever since then I carried a pocket knife or some sort just in case. Nothing was in my purse really, just a couple dollars is all. But as for my phone, mom refused to buy me a new one so I had to work my butt off for three months in some ratty old lady's house, cleaning up all her crap. Let's just say three months of picking up cat shit got me somewhere.

I need to clear my head, there's no proper way to get up to the roof so a walk will have to do, for now. "Veronica where the fuck are you going" Oh now you're acting as if you give a shit, two seconds ago you didn't even want to be friends. fuck you, I'm done. "To the fucking moon, asshole" I flipped him off and found a small trail that led off into the woods. At this point I didn't even care where it lead, as long as I'm within a distance of five meters from him. I'm good.


I've been walking around for awhile now and damn, this place is beautiful, I'm not a fan of nature but this place makes me rethink my decision. The tall trees peer over me like I'm a little speck of dust, they block out the sunlight, but not too much, everything about this place screams "perfect". I'm just a little bummed about how things turned out, this was supposed to be a calming trip into the mountains for me to forget about things. I didn't expect a fight, let alone losing someone I considered a friend, if not more. I guess this is partially my fault, I didn't have to be so pushy but...yeah. I can't go back in time, whats done is done and I need to stop being such a wuss.

The faint sound of rustling could be heard in the distance. It progressively got louder and louder making my imagination run wild. I pulled out my knife and flipped it out, I've watched enough horror movies to know when self defense is needed. Then again.....oh god what if it's a bear! I'm going to get eaten by a bear.Oh my god oh my god oh my god I'm going to die and no one's going ever find me. Holy shit I can already see the newspaper headline "MISSING GIRL" then there'll be a whole paragraph by Frank talking about how everything was my fault. Oh no please I'm too young! I haven't even graduated. I have my whole life ahead of m-

"Hello," OH DEAR LORD THE BEAR CAN TALK. I'm already dead aren't I. either that or in the process of it. Oh my god I can already see the white light. Is that angels singin- "are you lost?" I quickly turned around to see a guy. A fucking guy. okay, a fucking hot guy.

He laughed. he fucking laughed. Does this guy even know that he almost gave me an aneurysm. He's just standing there with his stupid....beautiful smile...pretty face and pink hair?..... cool, the dude has pink hair. "Put the knife away darling, clearly I'm not a bear." oh man, his voice, wow.

The adrenaline and panic subsided and was replaced with worry. Yeah sure he was hot, but what if he's a hot murderer. They have those right? Now I'm going to be stabbed and thrown into the river. I can see the following headlines already "MISSING GIRL FOUND IN LAKE"

"No.....w-what if you're going to hurt me" great. My sixteen year old self is back. Dammit Veronica grow a pair and cut off his dick if he goes near you.But then again, he looked so kind, like he wouldn't even kill a fly. Pale white skin covered every unclothed body part. His cheeks were tinted a light pink, which I hardly think is from being flustered, it was more of a natural thing. The left side of his nose was pierced, holding a shiny silver ring. A black beanie covered half his hair, that wasn't all pink. It was a light chocolaty colour, the tips were dipped in pastel pink. Small little crinkles caused by laughing were on each outer side of his eyes, that were beautifully blue. Prettier than Franks dare I say.

"nahh I wouldn't do that. Don't be daft" so he's British. Oh god Veronica look at you, drooling all over yourself. What happened to being all independent and shit. "right..." I hastily put away my knife and straightened out my clothes. "So whats a pretty lady like you doing in the woods all alone?" That would've sounded creepier of said by anyone else, but his voice made it sound so attractive. I don't even know what I'm going on about.

"clearing my head ya know, trying to get away from the beast that brought me here, just the usual" he chuckled in response, hmm thought so.
"Fight I'm assuming?" I walked closer towards him, not trying to be creepy but so that I didn't have to talk so loudly. But yeah I was being creepy, he was hot as fuck. "Your assumption is indeed correct." chuckle number 3. Goddamn even his laugh was attractive.

"whats your name love?"

"Veronica, yours?"
"Nice to meet you Veronica, I'm Zachary"


haha fuck. The fault in our stars.


*rose's voice* come back! Come back!

frankenweenie frankenweenie

Glad you're back.

Ellie-phant Ellie-phant

Welcome baack :3

Hazel_Highlight Hazel_Highlight

Welcome back bby!

I went through a similar ordeal when 90% of my friends graduated in June. I literally have no one and it just sucks so much because I actually have to socialize with people next year (I also prefer to be alone but at my school if someone's alone then 110% of the time someone will approach you and be like "what's wrong, are you ok" etc.)
I can't imagine what your going through with your guy best friend, but it will get better. I know you don't believe me but it will. You ever need someone to talk too, I'm just a click away

Hazel_Highlight Hazel_Highlight