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Don't tell mom


Mikey's pov
"I can't believe he's making me go home early." I grumbled shoving everything back into my bag

"Ya no offense to you mikey but your brothers being a doiche and it's not cool." Ray said

I sighed knowing he was right. "Ya I just hope frank the fucktard isn't there when I arrive."

Ray nodded in agreement and asked "hey do you want the last piece of pizza? I don't want it so it's cool if you eat it."

I shook my head "no I'm fine I'm just going to eat something at home."

ray nodddd agian eyeing me suspiciously and pulled me into a hug kissing my cheek. "Call me if you need anything okay?"

I nodded and just smiled at ray as I left to go walk home.

Gerard's pov

I was sitting in the basement all alone because franks mom needed him for some family thing. I heard the front door slam and yelled upstairs

I didn't get an answer and only heard a loud thump, probably mikey putting his bag down. "

Mikey!" I yelled again

"What." He yelled back harshly.

"Come here I'm in the basement." I said

. I heard an irritated sigh and but heard his feet coming down the stairs.

"What." He asked standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"How was your weekend with ray?" I asked.

"Fine." He said back. "Why how was yours."

"Fine. Frank was here and-"

"Oh joy." Mikey said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with frank!" I snapped defending him.

Mikey just glared at me and I glared back. As I glared I noticed he looked thin. Thinner. Had he been working out?

"Can I go." Mikey asked sounding annoyed.

I was going to say something but thoughts kept ringing in my head. 'Ray you know I love you right?'

"How was your weekend at ray's?" I asked

"I already answered that" mikey said awkwardly "why what do you want to know?"

Personally I wanted him to tell me whether they were fucking or not but I became side tracked by his bruises. I knew I didn't hit him on both sides of his face and couldn't possibly be the reason they were there.

"Mikey who gave you those bruises. I know I only hit you once an there's no way that's all from me." I said

Mikey stiffened at that.


"Tell me who gave you the other bruises. I know it wasn't me." I told him. I must've said something wrong though because mikey began yelling at me and he had tears streaming down his face.

"That doesn't fucking matter gerard, maybe you if actually paid attention you'd know who gave them to me but that doesn't really matter! What matters is that YOU fucking hit me!" He snapped.

"Mikey just tell me-"

"No you don't deserve to know! And why the hell did I have to leave ray's just for you? If I was still there he'd be treating me better than you do. I'd rather be with him anyway and not with my shitty older brother!" He yelled.
That hurt.
That really fucking hurt to hear that ray was treating him better than me apparently. If mikey knew how much I loved him I gaurente ray wouldn't be taking care of him better than me.

Mikey stormed up the stairs and I chased after him but his door was already slammed and locked. I knocked on his door until I heard voices and not just Mikey's.

"I *gasp* can't *gasp* calm *gasp* calm down!" He whimpered.

"Shh mikey you're okay. Do you want me to come over?"
Someone said

"Ray he'll kill y-you."

Ray that fucker.

"I don't care I want you to be okay." He said

"I'll be fine I'm used to it." Mikey whispered still crying

Used to what? And why would ray need to come over to calm him down? He's probay just using mikey to get laid and that's messed up. I love him, I should be the one helping mikey but instead-

"ray I have to go, I'm going to eat something and shower before bed." Mikey said.

"Okay but how about we make plans for lunch at school and ditch after eating?" Ray suggested

I heard mikey making a nervous noise under his breath like 'oh um uh...'

"I have to meet with a teacher at lunch and eat with them so I'll meet you after in our normal spot?" Mikey asked.

Normal spot? What do they have a normal spot for?!

"Okay sounds good, just meet me there whenever you get done with the teacher. Bye mikey love you." Ray said

"Same. Bye ray." Mikey said
And that's when my heart shattered into a million pieces.


God this deleted itself and ugh
I just watched Bloody Mary and devil and drank like five Baja blasts.
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Please update I read this yesterday and I'm experiencing withdrawals

Please update this soon.

FrankieBoyx FrankieBoyx

pls u[date

meep meep

Please update soon this is friggin fantastic


I know I'm sorry, :( this week was hectic but I'll try to update this weekend for you