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The Light Behind Your Eyes

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want.

Frank and Gerard had huddled on the same weather worn bench with the peeling paint for the best part of an hour, contemplating on what to do and cuddling into each other. Gerard had to keep Frank safe. Frank had to stay with Gerard. The options were limited and Frank's head buzzed with fear and a twisted sense of excitement.

"Frank, I have an idea." Gerard looked up from his coffee, which sent steam spiralling up into his hazel eyes. They were hunched up in the corner of a coffee shop, sipping scolding liquid from mugs. Frank tuned in to Gerard's voice.

"Which is?" He prompted.

"Frankie...run away with me?" Gerard's eyes were huge and slightly watering, his hair stuck to his face, his lips dry and cracked from the wind outside. Frank froze, his hand burning against the side of his coffee. Run away with Gerard? He'd never expected that amount of dedication from anyone in the world. His heart pounded through the fabric of his t shirt, his throat struggled to let air fill his lungs. His world stopped momentarily. He could be with Gerard.

After a long pause, Frank gathered enough oxygen in his body and nodded his head frantically. He realised he had held back tears for so long, not letting himself sob properly, only stuttering and feeling his eyes well up. He launched himself from his chair and leaned across the table, kissing Gerard with so much passion and desperation that his tears wouldn't stop coming. He couldn't believe his world had evolved so much.

Gerard pulled back to look up at Frank, his face blotchy from the tears he had shed, his fringe splaying across his forehead, edging into his eyes.

He took his thumbs and ran them across Frank's soft skin. His Frankie. His everything. The treasure he needed to keep safe. His mouth was dry, even after the kiss, his breath husky as he whispered;
"Sweetheart, you can run away with me anytime you want."


Sooooo! On behalf of shay, also, we really hope you all enjoyed the first part to this fic! I'm really happy I joined the making of this, and I loved it so much, I'm continuing on with the sequel.

I'd also like to apologise for the lack of updating! We knew we needed to end it somehow, so I wrote this little fluffy thing. It's really lame, but vggfheu2igfr3

Look out for our sequel! Notifications will be posted with links when it's released :)
Thank you so much for the comments, votes, rates, views etc. You're all amazing.
Keep commenting, rating, voting, reading :)

DieWithUrMaskOn and shay xxx


Awesome, thanks!

katthemcrfan katthemcrfan

Hey, I'm sorry about that! It's called You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want and I'll link it here, see if it works!

Andrew Andrew

hey andrew, i cant seem to open up part 2 of the fic. whats it called?

katthemcrfan katthemcrfan

Thanks! You too!

Andrew Andrew

@Sing it for the black parade
why, thank you. I am really happy to hear that.

Andrew Andrew