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What Happens When It All Becomes To Much?

Another Day, Another Way

"PETER LEWIS KINGSTON WENTZ THE THIRD! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" I yelled across the parking lot of the mall. Pete was taking forever and I was tired of waiting for him. He was talking to some bimbo chick, flirting, probably trading numbers or something. It disgusted me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not jealous because he could get some action anytime he wanted, no. I don't want to share my best and only friend. He's popular. Everyone loves him. Every guy wants to be him, and every girl wants to bang him.

he jogs back over to me. "Sorry, I was talking to some chick. Got her digits. Don't think I'll call her though. Not my type."

"What? Sonce when was 'slutly' not your type? Going for the 'hard to get' kind of gal." I snicker.

"Micheal James Way... Just shut up and drive."

"It's Mikey to you mister." I spat. I hate it when people use my full name.

"It's what you get for using my full name mister. 'please don't use my full name even though I'm going to use yours' hypocritical peice of..."

"I get it." I pull out of the parking lot and head straight towards his house. Pete turns on one of the cd's on the cd player of the car and we both start singing along to Blink-182's 'Wat's My Age Again'. I want to see them live once day. Hopefull soon. they have a concert coming up and Pete says he might be able to buy us tickets to see them. Hopefully he is able to. Hopefully I get to see them live, and met the guy who inspired me to play bass. Mark Hoppus. The dude is amazing. Pete also plays bass. He has a band actually. It's called 'Fall Out Boy'. They're quite popular around town. I met the guys in his band. Andy Hurely, good dude. Joe Trohman, man's got some wicked hair. Not as wicked as Ray, my other friend, but still wicked nonetheless. And Patrick Stump. Dude has got one of the best voices I have ever heard. Well besides my brother but he rarely sings.

We reach Pete's house and get out of the car. Walk into his house and up the stairs to is bedroom.


Well. Here is the first chapter. Rate and Reviews wouldbe nice. Till next time my fellow Killjoys. So Long And Goodnight.



pleeeeeease updateeeee

deactivated deactivated

I'm going to update sometime today or tomorrow.


ForEverAFan ForEverAFan
