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“Hello class, I’m Mr. Trip. I’m teaching physical education for the body & wings! Glad to see you guys received your gym clothes. First, I will be doing wing exams. Now, everyone please open your wings and stand in line.” I looked around, and everyone had their wings open. The girl beside me had grey wings, which means she was some kind of weird protector. Everyone got in line, and I was in the back with the boys from Row Z. In fact, I was the last, one. When everyone in class was done doing the measurements, weights & strengths of their wings with Mr. Trip, they watched everyone else do so on the set of bleachers. I was in front Gerard. We traded spots a minute ago.
“Sorry I couldn’t properly introduce myself earlier, I’m Gerard.” He shook my hand and I went up next to the wall thing to see the measurement of my wing span. I don’t want to do this. Everyone’s watching, and I don’t want to be laughed at on my first day.
“Take off your jacket & open up your wings son, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.” He said. I looked at the extremely quiet crowd and they were all staring at me. I’m going to be laughed at, I can already hear the whispers.
“Frank, it’ll be fine.” Gerard whispered. I took off my jacket and grew my wings back. I closed my eyes because I didn’t want to see everyone laughing at me.
“Oh my. You’re…” Mr. Trip said. There was even more whispers than before and I felt a tear come out of my eye.
“GAY!” Someone yelled. Everyone started laughing at me. Why the heaven did Mom make me come here? My wings are far much bigger than anyone in my class. They were rainbow!
“Jeez Louise, it’s 15 feet! Your wings are one foot bigger than the record setter of 14 feet.” Mr. Trip said.
“FAGGOT!” TA guy from the back yelled. A bunch of people are laughing at me, which doesn’t surprise me.
“Set your wings on this scale.” I did as Mt. Trip told me to and seen the numbers on the monitor. It started as 00.00. But then it went to 900.99.
“Oh my. Another record setting strength. Do you work out?” Mr. Trip asked.
“No. I hate using my wings.” I whispered to him.
“BLITHE!” A guy yelled at me. I was getting sick and tired of this shit. They kept yelling that at me and I tried to ignore them.
“You’re weight is…” We looked back at the same monitor and it read ’20.00.’
“120 pounds. Very light weight Mr. Iero. I haven’t seen a Blithe angel since 1713. You may have a seat.” He write the stuff down while I was putting my wings away and then putting on my jacket. People were laughing and whispereing about me on my way up to Row Z.
“His wings are rainbow like his soul. He’s gay. SO gay!” A girl asked. “Just when I thought he was cute.” She was in Row M. I ignored everyone and sat down back in row Z.
“I like your wings.” A girl next to me said smiling. Her hair was dark brown and in long braids. She smelt like rain and her eyes were running with tears.
“Thanks, but I don’.” I said sadly.
“Well you should. Fuck what everyone else thinks about them, their just Row M, their mean. All 20 of them. 4 years ago, the group of girls bothered my friend Rachel who was humanized because of her weight. They kept on laughing at her, calling her fat, chubby, and did everything they could to ruin her life. Oh yeah, I’m Everest Blackcloud.” She said shaking my hand.
“I’m Frank Iero, a blithe. I’m assuming you’re some kind of rain maker. You won’t stop making tears.” I gave her a friendly smile.
“I can’t stop, I know. So wait, who’s your parents?” She asked wiping her tears.
“My mom is Linda Iero, and my Dad is also Frank. He lives around here somewhere, but my Mom is on Earth.” She nodded in understandment & cleared her throat.
“My Mom is Rainier Blackcloud, and my Dad is Bill Blackcloud, he’s on earth. My parents are both native American actually. My Dad is Navajo, and my mom is Lakota. I used to live in Albequerque before I had to come here.” She sniffled.
“How cultured. You must be proud. I” I said.
“I am.” Her face was so lit up with excitement.
“Interesting.” I seen Gerard had took a seat next to me.
“You’re a Blithe.” He said feeling my back.
“Don’t laugh at me, I know I’m embarrassing.” I said sadly.
“I won’t, you’re beautiful Frank. Everyone else might not see it, but I do.” He said.
“Class dismissed.” Mr. Trip said. I followed Gerard and his brother Mikey go to lunch. Everest followed me.
“Frank Iero is a Blithe.” A boy was whispering to his friend.
“Blithe angels are SO gay.”


funny name.


First step to bondage.

Stitches Stitches

Mr.Trip must be clumsy.

Stitches Stitches

Great story can't wait for more!

crimsonchaos crimsonchaos