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You think I choose to be like this? [Frerard]

Dickheads and bundles of truth

--Time lapse - 12 hours--
After all that partying, drinking tons of alcohol, eating fuck loads of food and playing spin the bottle, we were pretty wiped out. We all crashed in my living room, absolutely shit-faced. I woke about an hour ago to Gerard and Frankie curled up in each others arms on the floor next to me. They look so cute like that; oh my God! Ray! I silently giggle at the sleeping ray, sprawled on the couch, fro covering his face like a giant curly curtain, making him look so funny.
Then I see Mikey, curled in a ball in the armchair, small snores escaping his open mouth. He looks like a little kid, sleeping like that, so cute. I smile, leave the living room and enter the kitchen. Hang on; where's Bob? I shrug off the fact that Bob's mysteriously disappeared and make coffee for myself. I hear the toilet flush and presume it's Bob when someone comes up behind me, wraps their arms around my waist and puts their chin on my shoulder.
"What the-" I gasp, being cut off by the person
"It's me Amy, don't worry. I'm not some intruder," he says. I turn to look at the face and let out a sigh of relief when I realise who it is.
"Frankie; how are you?" I say, trying to ignore the pounding headache that's creeping up on me.
"Really hung over, but I'm ok. You?"
"I'm alright. Where's Bob? I couldn't find him when I woke up," I turn to face Frankie; ignoring the kettle that is boiling.
"I'll give him a call," he grabs his phone out of his pants and calls Bob. A faint ringing distracted me from making the coffee again.
"That's coming from my bathroom downstairs!" I whisper-yell, careful not to wake anyone up.
I run downstairs, through my room and into my bathroom. There Bob lies, in my bath tub! "Frankie! Get down here hun! Bob's unconscious in my bath tub covered in blood!" I shout. Wait; covered in blood! I then notice the huge kitchen knife that lay on the floor, also covered in blood.
Frankie was down with me in seconds. "Shit. Bob? Bob, can you hear me?"
We turn away from him and walk into my room. "I'll call an ambulance," I say, walking to my retro telephone. I dial 911 when Frankie screams. "What the fuck?! Aagghh!!" I shout. There Bob stood, alive and well, holding the butcher knife in his hand. I slam the phone down and walk over to him.
"Psych!" Bob shouts, laughing. "The blood? It's fake. I always carry a tube of it for house parties. I just love pranking people," he beams.
"How long have you been laying there?!" Frankie yells. Shit; I've never seen him so mad before. He's fucking shaking.
"Um... All night," Bob replies, trembling.
"Are you fucking nuts?! Amy could've come down here to use her bathroom and you would've scared her to freaking death! You almost did; she was so worried when she woke up to find you not in the living room with the rest of us. Get out of here Bob!" Frank yells, scaring me and Bob shitless.
"Frankie... hey, it's ok. Just don't do it again Bob, understand?" I say in a calm but firm voice as I edge closer to Frank to try to calm him down.
"I'm sorry Amy," The guys said in unison and I wrapped my arms around Frankie in a calming embrace.
Footsteps. Three sets of footsteps... stamping down the basement stairs. The stamping stops and the door of my room creaks open.
"What the fuck is all the yelling about? Bob, why are you covered in blood?" Mikey asks, rubbing his eyes. Aww, he looks so cute.
"It was all a prank guys. I'm really sorry I woke you up," Frankie says, pulling out of the embrace so my arm was across his shoulders and his was around my waist. We turned around to look at them and Ray and Mikey smirked at us and winked at Frank. Was that their code language for something? What did they mean when they winked at Frankie?
"No problem; we were just waking up anyway when I hear you yelling something. Oh and Amy?" Gee starts and turns to look at me. I look at him, signalling for him to carry on. "You're mom's home. She looks mad," he winces as he hears my mom shout at us.
"Amy! What the fuck is with all the empty bottles and food packets? Did you have a party? Amy!" She shouts. Fuck; I better go up there and see what kind of mess we made last night...
"Guys... will you come with me?" I whisper-shout, so mom can't hear us.
"Sure! Bob, you stay here; find another way to get out," Ray, Mikey, Frankie and Gerard all said in unison.
"Lets get this over and done with..." I say, bracing myself for what I know is gonna happen.
We enter the kitchen. "In here mom," I call, waiting for her to come in. I look around the kitchen; Shit, we did make a LOT of mess last night...
"Morning gentlemen. Who are you? Are you friends with Amy?" She asks the guys in a calm voice so as not to disturb them.
"Morning Ms Atherton. My name is Frank; this is Gerard, with the red hair, Mikey is next to Gerard with the glasses and the dude with the fro behind me is Ray," they all wave as Frank introduces them in turn. "We are friends with Amy. We're in the two grades above her, me being the youngest out of us guys. She was being bullied yesterday so we were asked to look out for her and be her friends. She invited us over last night; I apologise if we are intruding," Frank says, stepping forward and explaining the situation to my mom.
"Wow; what a polite gentleman. It's nice to meet you boys. You're certainly not intruding, I was just surprised to see all of these bottles and food packets everywhere," she replies with a smile on her face.
"I'll get cleaning mom," I say, rushing to the living room to pick up the stuff we left in there.
"We'll help Amy!" Gerard says as he comes into the living room to help me whilst Ray and Mikey clean the kitchen. Frankie, as far as Gerard knows, is in the basement to check to see if Bob's gone.
Within 15 minutes, the place looked clean again. Like it did before the party. Mom is upstairs sleeping and Frankie has joined us in the kitchen.
"He's gone. I helped him get out," he says as he closes the door to the stairs.
"Shall we go out?" I say, looking at each one of them. I smile when each of them nods at me. "I'll go and get changed. You go home and get changed too and meet me back here in an hour. Sound ok?" I ask and they all left, except for Frank.
"Amy, there's something you should know," he says once Gee, Mikey and Ray left.
"What is it hun?" I walk over to him, a little worried about what he needs to tell me.
"When we kissed yesterday, I'm sorry for pushing away but... we can't be more than just friends. I'm sorry," he says, a lone tear falling down his cheek. He turns around and runs out of the door. Why can't we be more than just friends? Is he dating someone? Oh Amy! What the fuck have you done?!
"Come on Gee! We haven't got all day," I shout back at him. He's about 10 feet behind us, dragging all his shopping bags and jogging to try and catch us up.
"I'm coming! Will someone help me with these bags? I don't have 6 hands you know!" he shouts back. Ray and I run back to grab a few bags off him and we carry on walking through the mall, window shopping as we go.
"Is Frank ok?" I ask Gerard, Ray and Mikey.
"Um... he's a bit upset. He said he wanted to tell you something but couldn't find the right words," Gee explains.
"Tell me when we get back to mine," I say as we carry on shopping.
"What did he want to tell me Gee?" I ask as we sit at my kitchen table. Mikey is at Ray's place with him so that leaves me and Gee. In my kitchen. Alone.
"Um, he told you that you couldn't be more than just friends, didn't he?" he says. I nod in response. "Ok... this is hard for me to say so I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is for Frankie to say," his voice trembles a little as he speaks. "Frank and I are gay,"
I gasp in shock. Frankie is gay? I couldn't tell that he was. I really shouldn't have kissed him... "Ok. That's great! I'm so happy for him! I'm not homophobic, got nothing against gays, they're just ordinary people," I say, smiling.
"I'm glad that you understand hun. Frankie is off limits though," Gee smirks as he says this. He's dating someone. "Yeah, he's my boyfriend." It's like he fucking reads minds!
"Aww, congratulations! How long has he been your boyfriend for?" I smile, that's so cute! I'm grateful that Gee had the courage to tell me so I know not to kiss Frankie again.
"Uh... about a year now,"
"I'm so happy for you Gee," I say, getting up to go and hug him.
"Thanks Amy," he says, hugging me back.


Hey guys!!

Sorry I haven't updated for a month but I've been: tied down with college shiz and suffering with severe writers block so... yeah.

Anyways! Enough rambling from me...

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Aww!! Thanks ^__^

This is really good!!!