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Dead! - Frerard

Dead! - Frerard, chapter 7

Gerard had turned me into a ghost and wow I loved it already. I stood up and pulled Gerard up, he was so much heavier than before.
“How come you never told me that you could do this before?” I asked Gerard.

He pulled his jeans up and answered,“Well, I didn’t think it mattered. Did it matter?”

“Yes. Now I can go ghost, literally, and not go to school, not talk to anyone or get beaten up every fucking day.”

“Oh. But if you’re still living you need to go to school, Frank. And what about your parents? What will they think?”

“I couldn’t give two shits about what they think! They can fuck themselves.” I smiled and dragged Gerard out to the back door.
I stood for a moment wandering how to get outside without the key, when Gerard put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me through the glass. I landed face first in the snow, but it wasn’t cold at all. The next thing I felt was a weight on my ass, it was heavy and pushing me further into the snow, but it still wasn’t cold enough for me to care. It was Gerard sitting on me. The first thing that came to mind was my stitches. I shoved Gee off in a hurry and pulled my shirt up. “Frank? What –oh.”

“Just checking.” I said, running my hand across the lines in my stomach. Gerard flew over to me and kissed me. I kissed him back and dropped my shirt to put my hands around his neck. I also noticed I had to stand on my toes to reach Gerard’s lips, something I never really needed to do normally. Getting turned into a ghost made me smaller. That’s just what I wanted, I was already only just 5 foot tall if I wasn’t a ghost and I swear to God that’s not right, but this is completely stupid. But before I could get to into the kiss properly, Gerard pulled away and said “Wanna go somewhere?”

“Where?” I said, wrapping my arms around Gerard’s neck tighter.

“We can go anywhere we want! Run away and never come back! Hey I know. There’s this place on the other side of New Jersey where ghosts live and stuff and it’s really cool.”
“Ooohh cool. Let’s go!” I said eagerly. Gerard grabbed my hand and pulled me up into the clouds.
He held me still once we were above the trees and houses. I looked around, I could see everything, even through the snow clouds I could still see. I was liking the feeling of being on top of the world – well this part of it anyway - and I liked it so much I didn’t notice Gerard pulling me through more and more clouds.
Through the woods at the edge of town and over rivers and lakes and more houses until we were in the middle of nowhere.
There was an old, beaten up house. Gerard kept pulling me closer and closer and my heart jumped into my throat. By the time we got to the door, I was almost crying. I was meeting new people in an old, abandoned, dodgy-looking house. “Frank? You okay?” Came Gerard’s voice, breaking my trance.
“Uhh- Sort of. Yeah I-I’m fine.” My anxiety was acting up again. Fuck. Gee opened the door and all I heard was:


Gerard looked down at me and said, “That was just Bob, he’s like ‘in charge’ around here.” Then he led me inside. Into a huge hallway, it was dark and humid and dusty and I was scared as hell.




You should update this. Its a good story.

It's alright

TwistedKnife TwistedKnife

Until then my friend cx -bows and tips hat-

elvenhamster elvenhamster

Aw thanks c:

iimmature_ iimmature_

It's ok if you need a while to update. I will wait for as long as it takes :3