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Fell In Love With A Vampire.

Jealousy Is The Pain Of A Broken Heart String


"I love you Scarlett" I breathed, I finally said the words I had been holding up inside me for ages. I still had my arms around her and was lightly sobbing into her. I couldn't believe what Mike said.. that I should rot in that asylum. I'm never ever talking to him again, I looked up into Scarlett's beautiful hazel eyes.
"Vic.." she mumbled,
"Yeah sugar?" I whispered,
"I love you too" She whispered back, I felt my face light up and her cheeks glowed. I couldn't believe it, for once in my life I had somebody, for once in my life I loved someone other than Mike. But Mike was turning into an ass hole. I leaned up and crashed my lips with hers, wrapping my arms around her, we were still sat on the floor from where she had to pull me away from Mike. I hated her too see me mad like that but Mike just knows exactly what to say to make me mad.

I pulled her up with my lips still pressed on hers, pulling her down next to me on the bed. I moved my lips down to her neck, brushing her midnight black hair behind her. I moved my lips back to hers and kissed her over and over. God I love her so much, she kissed me back, letting me do what ever I wanted. I climbed on top of her, pressing my whole body down on hers as I ran my hands around her hips and down the sides of her perfect body. Scarlett was so beautiful.

I didn't even ask for permission as I pushed my tongue inside her mouth, making it dance with hers. I wanted Scarlett so badly, I needed her, I felt like I couldn't live without her. She let out a small moan and I chuckled, taking my lips finally from hers and back onto her neck, resting my head on her shoulder, lightly kissing her neck. I fell down beside her and wrapped myself tightly around her straight away, I didn't ever want to let go of Scarlett...
"I love you so much" I whispered in a raspy breath, not that I needed to breath.
"I love you so much too" She whispered back, letting me cuddle her. I giggled, oh my god I loved her. I'd never really had an interest in girls at all... the ones at my school were horrible, bitchy, just as bad as the boys. But the moment I saw Scarlett something told me she was different, that she was like me. I was going to hold onto her forever.


I felt a burn in my throat, and I started scratching it, I knew I was thirsty, Scarlett has fallen into a daze in my arms, it was basically a sleep but you weren't resting as heavy as a sleep, you were basically awake I guess. I don't know the whole thing has always confused me...

I tried to un-wrap my arms from Scarlett without waking her, she was so cute I could literally watch her all day. I pulled myself up carefully and stepped of the bed, quietly as possible. She mumbled something, kind of awake I guess. I leaned down to her face and whispered in her ear.
"I'll be back in a minute baby, I'm thirsty.." I kissed her cheek after that and slipped out of the room, sliding the door shut behind me. I walked straight past Mike's room... god I was never talking to him again, how dare he say what he said?! He is my brother I thought he loved me. Obviously not, nobody does. I'm better or dead.
For fuck sake Vic stop thinking that, I tell myself as I tread down the stairs from the dark attic.

The hall is silent, almost eerie silent, if feels as if somebody is watching me as I walk, normally down the hall. You can usually always hear the quiet talking or something buzzing or arguing, you can usually hear just something, but no. The whole corridor is dead. It's like I'm the only one here.

Then something unbelievable happens. I see a face in front of me that I haven't see since I killed Bob. I can't believe how sudden this is, I just looked up and he's there. I notice Gerard slink up beside me but it's not Gerard I'm worried about. The pale face in front of me holds a giant head of light hair that's ringleted, sprouting everywhere and owns two, light, chocolate eyes that stare into mine. His white lips hold onto a venomous smile and all of a sudden the 120 years I've been holding onto a guilty concious has just caught up with me. It's Ray. He's back. He's come to get me.

_____________SCARLETT'S POV________________

I wake-up on Vic's bed to shouting and almost yelps, my head pounds, I can't tell at all who the cries are coming from but they are soon silenced, they come from far away, it's most likely just someone arguing about stupid reasons because that's often what people fight about here. They fight about nothing. The room is quite light and there is a dip in the duvet where Vic lay next to me. He went to get blood didn't he? I'm sure that's what he said but I was half asleep. The whole room is quiet again and I sit up, rubbing underneath my eyes. If only I could sleep. Properly, not this stupid immortal sleep that doesn't help me at all. I push myself up from the bed and look into a tiny, tiny mirror on Vic's small desk that's cooped up in the corner.

I forgot I can't fucking see myself. It pisses me of so much god dammit.

I let myself fall back down, sitting on the bed again. Then I hear footsteps, it must be Vic, right? The footsteps reach the door and it opens. Mike comes in and flings himself down next to me. For fuck's sake, I actually thought Mike was okay until I saw how horrible he was to Vic earlier.
"Do you know where Vic is?" He smiles,
"Yep" I answer, not saying anything else,
"So where is he?" Mike leans closer,
"He went to get blood, he'll be back in a minute" I reply, not looking at him.
"Good." Mike mumbles,

"Why?" I finally look at him and he looks right into my eyes, his eyes are filled with guilt.
"Because I want to say sorry" He breathes,
"Right" I say, though I know a lousy apology won't make Vic happy.
"I'm sorry Scarlett" He says, leaning closer, fuck get away from me.
"You should really be saying sorry to Vic" I mumble,
"I should say sorry to both of you" Mike looked so guilty know.
"Fine.. whatever apology accepted" I mumble, I'm still mad.
"I know you didn't accept that" Mike whispered.

"Why did you do it? Why would you say that to him he's you're brother? Don't you even know how much hearing that from you upset him?" I snap, not able to look at Mike any more.
"Do you really want to know why I said it?" Mike sighed,
"I'm not sure" I sigh,
"Because I'm jealous" He whispers, resting his hand on the side of my face and making me look at him. I push his hand away and he kneels next to me on the bed, desperate for me to look at him.
"Why would you be jealous?" I say, knowing where this is going.
"Because Vic has you and I don't" He answers. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Whenever you're not around he talks about you, he really fucking loves you and I did everything for him. I broke him out of that prison and I put him first. Surely I deserve someone to love now right? Then you come along and you're so perfect, but no. Vic gets you instead. And you fall for Vic. I want you! When is it my turn to have someone, I've waited all my life and that's hell of a long time. But now I'm alone and Vic isn't. So yeah I'm jealous. I'm so jealous." Mike says, being completely honest. I couldn't believe he just said that. what the hell. Mike watches me, waiting for a response that I can't give him.
"It's okay, I know you love Vic, just forget I said that okay?" He tries to hold in his embarrassment. I nod. It's the only response I can give.
"Just tell him that I need to speak to him when he gets back please?" Mike smiles and I nod again, completely lost for words. Mike gets up and leaves, sliding the door shut behind him. I slump down on the bed in a sigh.

Where is Vic? Why is he taking so long? Why does Mike have to be jealous? I try to think of my real home, back where normal people are. I really had nobody back home but just one friend. His name was Oli and he was my dad's friend's son. He came over about once a week and my dad and his friend would end up leaving Oli at my house and going out and getting drunk. He was okay I guess.. Whatever I don't know. I let my eyes fall closed for just a moment....


"God dammit where is he?!" Mike bursts into the room, I wake-up. As Mike sits down beside me.
"How long ago did he leave?" Mike looks at me.. I pause and think..
"I guess about 5 minutes before you came in" I mumble. Mike thinks.
"So he's been gone for about half an hour?" Mike frowns,
"Yep, he's been gone for ages" I frown too now,
"Bet he's lost somewhere, lets go look for him" Mike sighs, he takes my hand and pulls me up from the bed, leading me out the door. I follow obediently, I want to find Vic I mean he's been here for 120 years how the fuck can he have gotten lost? We both wander down the stairs. and when we reach the bottom Mike sighs and says,
"We'll never find him, he could have wandered of anywhere knowing him"
"I'll go this way and you go that way" I say pointing down the hall 2 ways, he nods and sets of down the hall. Finally I'm alone. Completely alone. Mike's tired footsteps trail of and silence falls across the hall. It so silent it's almost scary, you can always hear something when you normally walk down the hall but I really can't hear I thing.
"Vic?!" I call out into the silence. My voice echo's down the hall like a ghost is carrying it and then the dead sound falls again. I scan my eyes around the hall and turn the corner and oh my god....

Vic is lying in the middle of the hallway, a pool of blood surrounding him. His dark, choppy hair had fallen across his face which is tear stained behind his hair. He mouth is closed and he looks... he looks... I cant bare to think it.. but he looks dead. I realise I've stopped walking and I'm just staring at his lifeless body on the floor.

"VIC!" I cry and run up to him.




If I had those powers Frank has MCR would be back together by now and I'd be as rich as shit!!!

Famous Dead Famous Dead

This story was great :3 I couldn't have asked for a better ending :) and your net story sounds cool :D

OMG YEEEEESSSS!!!!! They met up again yeeeeessssss

VIC YESSSSS YOU GO SEE HER AND THEN YOU WILL BE HAPPY AND SCARLET WILL BE HAPPY AND IT WILL BE A HAPPY ENDING..... Will it? Or will gee come back..... *sits in dark coner* there's always a twist *starts rocking back and forth* always a catch.... Gees gonna come back...... Gees gonna get free from pat and jack.....