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Fell In Love With A Vampire.

What A Terrible Shame


"How dare you Scarlett." Gerard smirked. I wasn't going to let him hurt her, I wanted to wipe his insane, stupid smirk of his face right then. I wanted to fucking tear that son of a bitch to pieces, but I swore to myself I'd never kill someone again, 120 years ago.
"No Gerard how dare you" I spat, standing up from the chair and pulling Scarlett to my side.
"You're the one who is trying to take her away from me" Gerard frowned. Walking closer to Scarlett who stood scared behind me.
"I'm trying to get her away from you because you're a fucking psychopath!" I shouted.
"Vic it's okay" Scarlett mumbled,
"It's not okay" I looked into her eyes for a second, my tone serious, angry. Of course it wasn't okay. I won't let Scarlett be dragged of again by this bastard, he'll hurt her.
"Too bad she's coming with me anyway" Gerard walked forwards and before I knew it I had been pushed to the ground by him, he raised his hand, ready to hit me. Fuck. I don't care, he can hit me all he wants as long as he doesn't hit Scarlett.

Then something happened.

Scarlett grabbed Gerard's wrist. Scarlett did that to stop Gerard hitting me. Why would she do that? Gerard was looking at Scarlett in shock, he was suddenly amazed she had the guts to do that. The whole room was silent.

"Please don't hurt Vic" Scarlett mumbled.. shocked at even herself. Gerard started laughing, I pulled myself back up of the floor and Scarlett let go of Gerard's wrist.
"You think you're aloud to do that?" Gerard spat,
"I hit who I want Scarlett" Gerard pushed her back, still laughing this evil laugh.
"Don't touch her" I felt myself getting angry. Tensing up. I hated the way he treated her, an amazing girl like Scarlett deserves whatever she wants. She should be treated like a fucking princess, but Scarlett didn't want anything. She didn't seem to care.
"I'll fucking kill her if I want to kill her, I'll take her blood if I want to. I'll hit her if I want to, and I'll tie her up if I want to, so fucking stay out of this Vic" Gerard growled,

Then he swung his hand around. Aiming to hit Scarlett, she ducked. Shit she was fast, and seconds later she was sprinting out of the room, running fast away from Gerard, I ran after her, soon catching up with her because she was weak. Needing blood badly. What even happened to Jack. He took ages... Gerard gained closer every second. I could Scarlett was struggling to keep away from him so I took her hand, I never wanted to let her. I wanted to hold on forever. I was pulling her slightly now and she slowed down with every second.
"I swear I'll kill you Scarlett" Gerard shouted. Gerard wouldn't kill her, I know he'd never do that to her no matter how much of a cunt he was.
"Vic ... I.. I can't r.. r.. run much further" Scarlett gasped. I know she was right.

Gerard pounced foward knocking Scarlett to the ground

Scarlett let out a small yelp as Gerard punched her hard in the stomach. That was it. wasn't letting him do this, Scarlett had hurt herself already, she was broken long before she got here. Couldn't Gerard see that? I thought of the scars on her wrists, I would have asked her why she did that to herself today but I really got no chance with Jack there.
"FUCKING GET OF HER" I leaped forwards wrenching Gerard of Scarlett, I sent my fist flying across his face. Knocking him back, far away from the broken girl who was still gasping on the floor.
"VIC STOP!" I looked up.. it was Jack. Why'd he take so fucking long?
"Stay out of this Jack" I growled as I ran to Scarlett. Wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her up again. She let out a groan of pain as I balanced her again.
"Vic come on" Jack said, a sympathetic tone in his voice. He took my arm and led me and Scarlett away from Gerard. He was still on the floor, looking rather disorientated. How hard did I hit him? We were about 10 metres away when I heard a voice from behind,
Scarlett swivelled around to face a raging Gerard. This is when I realised. I only made it worse.

Within seconds he was by a couple steps in front of Scarlett,
"I won't hurt you" Gerard whispered, holding out his hand,
"Were not all fucking stupid" I snapped,
"Then you wouldn't mess with me would you?" Gerard smirked, taking Scarlett and dragging her away. He was so fast. I immediately ran forwards following after Gerard.
"Vic you're making it worse" I heard a voice his behind me and grab my arm, pulling me back.
"Get off me Jack!" I growl, pulling away from Jack frantically.
"Did you even fucking hear what Gerard said earlier? The more trouble you cause him the more he will take it out on her?!" Jack spat, holding tightly onto my arm,
"This is my fault, I'm the one who always drags her away from him and gets her into trouble!" I still protest, pulling away from jack.
"AND NOW YOU'RE GOING TO GET HER INTO MORE TROUBLE" Jack shouted, suddenly raising his voice,
"Fuck you" I snap and suddenly lurch forwards , Jack looses his grip on me. Gerard and Scarlett (who is drastically trying to get away from him) are far ahead, fuck!

I run forwards, footsteps behind me. I'm determined to get away from Jack who is following after me but I'm worn out like hell. I'm almost able to help Scarlett when a hand grabs my arm again,
"JACK JUST LET ME GO" I shout before turning round to face the person who is holding onto me. It's not Jack, It's Mike. My elder brother.
"Vic stop, give up" Mike hisses
"No fuck you"
"Don't swear at me! I'll speak to Gerard okay?! I won't let him hurt this girl"
"You didn't even believe me the other day, you all think I'm crazy" I say sadly, looking at my brother, his eyes are trustworthy. My brother is always right, even I knew that.
"Yeah I know, and I'm sorry okay?" Mike mumbled, not looking back into my desperate eyes,
"Just don't let him hurt her, please Mike, you don't understand, he'll hurt Scarlett. I don't want that to happen, it's my fault I - " I'm cut of by Mike,
"I won't let him hurt Scarlett" Mike smiled reassuringly. He listens to me I know he does.

Mike left my side. Fuck I was worried, I stood there almost shaking, Jack finally caught up and stood at my side. I didn't look at him. I didn't say a word as Mike approached Gerard and Scarlett. When Gerard saw Mike, he stopped. A scared look on his face.

Everyone listens to my big brother.

_______________(SCARLETT'S POV)________________

"Please Gerard let go, I'm sorry" I cried,
"Yeah you will be fucking sorry sugar" Gerard tone was so full of rage. I was scared out of my mind. I don't know what happened to Vic and Jack, I didn't bother to look back. I guess they gave up on me... no wonder... I'm a fucking failure. I was being quickly dragged along my Gerard who was practically cutting of the blood supply to my hand he was holding my wrist so tightly.

Then suddenly Gerard stopped. He had turned around and his mouth was opening and closing like a fish. I turned around too. A guy stood in front of Gerard, looking straight at Gerard. He was tall, thin and was covered in tattoo's. He had a lip piercing on his bottom lip and another piercing just above his top lip. His eyes were dark, everyone here seemed to have dark eyes. Jet black hair stuck out from under his flat back cap and in a way he looked pretty cool.

"Hello Gerard" The guy said a deep, emotionless voice. I realised he looked a little like Vic,
"H..hi M..Mike" Gerard stuttered, this was the first time I had seen Gerard look scared.
"Can I help?" Gerard spoke, trying to sound not scared. It didn't work very well.
"Yeah actually you can... I heard you're being a little mean to My brother and this poor girl here" Mike's voice was unusually calm, he stood there. Swaying on his feet a little.
"Only because she was running away from me, going off with your brother" Gerard snapped in defence. Then I noticed Vic and Jack. Both standing about 10 steps behind Mike, looking at me with worried expressions.
"Why do you think she was running of with my brother Gerard?" Mike spoke,
still completely calm. Gerard was getting aggravated as he shrugged at Mike.
"Because you're a scary, insane mother fucker and Vic isn't" Mike growled
"I'm not listening to this shit" Gerard turned around and started dragging me away again,

"You won't hurt her though will you... I mean it would be a terrible shame" Gerard looked back for a moment and so did I. Mike was smirking.
"What do you mean?" Gerard frowned

"I mean the things that would happen to you if you hurt her or Vic... It would be a terrible shame"

Gerard grunted and pulled me away, quickly turning his head away from Mike. Hiding his fear. I looked back for just a second and Mike looked straight back a me. He mouthed
"You'll be okay" Then winked at me.

Something told me I wasn't going to be okay though.


I PROMISE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER SOMETHING PRETTY AWFUL IS GOING TO HAPPEN AND YOU WILL PEE YOURSELF! okay you might not pee yourself but I mean it, everything that has happened so far has basically been a build up to the next chapter! COMMEMT PLS I LOVE READING YOUR COMMENTS! xx


If I had those powers Frank has MCR would be back together by now and I'd be as rich as shit!!!

Famous Dead Famous Dead

This story was great :3 I couldn't have asked for a better ending :) and your net story sounds cool :D

OMG YEEEEESSSS!!!!! They met up again yeeeeessssss

VIC YESSSSS YOU GO SEE HER AND THEN YOU WILL BE HAPPY AND SCARLET WILL BE HAPPY AND IT WILL BE A HAPPY ENDING..... Will it? Or will gee come back..... *sits in dark coner* there's always a twist *starts rocking back and forth* always a catch.... Gees gonna come back...... Gees gonna get free from pat and jack.....