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Give me a reason to believe

I'm not scared to hold your hand in the streets of our own land (Icon For Hire)

After lunch, there was not much to do in class. All that was left was story time, nap time and exchanging valentines day cards. Ewww... Not that Frank wasn't excited, he just didn't like school children. They all entered the room, excited to continue with the book that they have been reading, Corduroy. The students sat down on their squishy puzzle pieces and sat criss cross applesauce. Frank his self was ready to continue this story although Mikey wasn't there. Mikey didn't know it but Frank liked to look at his face when Mrs. Red read to them. He liked when he would scrunch up his face when she was talking about bugs and how his eyes would dialate when she was talking about scary things. Soon Mrs. Red sat down on the rocking chair in the front of the room and picked up the book. The children squealed with delight. She began reading about how the small bear wandered the shop in search of his precious button but Frank had his mind wandering. How was he supposed to enjoy the story without looking at Mikeys funny facial expressions? He tried to keep his mind off how much he missed his buddy and tried to concentrate on the story. Mrs. Red finished the book after a few minutes and explained how valuable the bears friendship was with the girl. Now was the fun time of the day. Nap time! Frank ran over to his cubby and took out his pillow and Batman fleece blankie. Since Mrs. Red didn't really care where they slept, he rushed over to his favorite spot: The corner near the kitchen play set. He usually slept there with Mikey, but he left. He curled up in a small, neat little ball on his pillow and tried to rest. When Mikey was there, Frank liked to sleep on top of Mikeys side. Mikey never had a problem with frank sleeping on his side. He kinda liked it to be honest. But now is different. Now that Mikey wasn't here, he felt unprotected without him. After a few minutes, he did fall asleep. He slept for about 30 minutes before the teacher woke him up. He sat up, rubbed his tired eyes, and yawned. He scurried up to the front of the room where there was a large table with cupcakes, candy, Caprisun and other goodies.
"Now children, Today is Valentines day as you all know, so, I decided to host a little party because today is the day that we celebrate friendship and love, Just like Corduroy and the girl." Mrs. Red said. Frank dosed off after the first sentence. Friendship. That caught him. He liked his friends and he was pretty sure that his friends liked him. He liked Gerard, and Gerard like him, so, it was love. Right? He was snapped out by the sound of children laughing and the sound of juice being poured. Then Frank ran off to enjoy the small party.
After the party, it was time to go home. Frank waited outside for his mom to pick him up from the front of the school. As he began to think about his day, he was shocked to find someone was hugging him form behind.
"FRANKIE!!" Gera squealed. Before Frank could answer, a black and silver/gray car stopped in front of the two boys. A door of the black car instantly opened.


Cliffhanger. Muah-hahaha!
P.S- sorry we haven't updated a lot lately :/ we have been kinda busy....

Panty Poison & Sgt. Bubbles


please update agian soon

I really love this story and for a little bit i shipped ivory and frank like 'godamn' the only thing though....is that gerards a dick....but its apart of the conflict soo GOOD JOB OTHERWISE LOVE EVERYTHING ELSE!!!

leatheroullete leatheroullete

Yea.... @wewillrockyou

panty poison panty poison

Poor kit kit

i hope you get better just so you know we'll always be here for support if you need someone to talk to am here ps.i love this fic it's awesome :)

we will rock you we will rock you