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Ray's POV

Shall I write? I shall. I do it all the time. It’s a part of who I am. It’s how all my feelings are recorded, all the emotions I have. Writing, it’s a blessing and a curse. But then, isn’t everything? Nothing is so incredible as to not have a down side. Those amazing new medications? They have side effects. They have dangers and risks. The new cars that we get every year? Yes, they’re made to be safe but nothing is unavoidable. It is inevitable that some will crash, and in those crashes some will die. Such is the way of life. Some might argue heaven has no downside. But perfection, that is the most boring thing you could have. Where’s the fun in perfection? The excitement, the emotions, the rollercoaster of life is based on nothing being perfect. Everyone strives for perfection, but those who obtain it don’t really want it, or they find it is not what they had imagined. Perfection is broadcast and advertised to the masses, a way to bring in people’s attention. It makes them think that they are never good enough unless you are perfect, and that whatever product or service is offered simply brings you another step closer. But it doesn’t. Perfection is unattainable, no matter how hard you work for it, or how much you might strive for it. Perfection isn’t tangible, and isn’t something that should be felt as necessary to achieve. All it does is hurt us, give us false hopes and imaginations, destroy our views of ourselves. By now all we see is our flaws, and that’s all anyone else sees either. We can no longer find the good in life, because we stubbornly refuse to look. Were we to even attempt to see a little beauty in the world we might find a whole range of things we never even considered before, things we never knew existed. Wouldn’t that be just amazing? Find something better than perfect. Far from it. We could find exactly what we need, a world where we find our beauty, acknowledging our flaws only for the sake of staying modest or humbled in the presence of others, reminding us there is no perfection and not to boast of anything of the kind. Those who are flawed, imperfect, those who differ from others? They are the true brilliances in life. They are jewels, the diamonds in the rough. They are society’s gems and yet they are tossed aside like trash, mistaken for filthy coal instead of the precious gem they are. look past superficial exteriors and have your mind opened to so many new things, so many amazing and wonderful and incredible things that you ma never experience without the strength and necessity of an open mind. Society lacks this critical thinking skill, their minds too dense and closed and focused on the shallower things in life. Petty desires such as money, or a beautiful partner, or a nice car, or a fancy house, or anything of the sort. We need to open our minds, and to see the world for what it truly is. Beneath all the muck and gunk. Because it’s beautiful. You just have to know how to look.


SO yeah. Oneshot. I don't really know what to classify it as. Hopefully it made some kind of sense.

x imakilljoywannabe x


Cool :) I'm near DC in Virginia, at first I called it Washington DC then got used to just saying DC as it took away the confusion with the state and was just faster to say.
Heha, I'm from Washington state. I usually say 'America' too. But mostly Yakama native, I always bring that us, so sorry.
Carbon Titties Carbon Titties
America. Or if you're in the US too, Virginia.
@Justin Bieber
It's okay. I thought it was funny. Don't worry about it. It's all good. Wait, where are you from?
@Hannah Montana
Yeah... Sorry about that. But I'm glad you like the story :)