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My Dramatic Romance


so I think I like him. Ray. he's the vocalist (don't question me) and guitarist for this band, but he won't tell me the name of it, he just says "not yet" every time I ask him. I really wanna hear him sing.

Me and Ray are quite good friends I think, but I'm not sure he feels the same way. I mean, I only see him once a week! but he's one of my only friends. I wonder what it's like to have lots of friends. I only have him, and two other friends, Gerard and Bob (they are not in mcr in this, so go and hate away, bitches) and I only see them at drama too. it's strange that I live my life like this, and it's depressing, I tell you. I used to have friends at school, but we just drifted apart, probably because I'm just the emo skinny kid who writes creepy messages on my wrists and draws dead people. yup, such an interesting existence I have.

you may feel sorry for me....don't. I hate sympathy. I tell people all this because I hate questions about stuff, they just raise more questions. I play bass, or hope to. my parents say I can have one for Christmas. talking of Christmas, it's tomorrow right?? that means I get my bass on monday, because I have to stay at my grandmas for christmas. but it's okay, I get the cool room. because I'm s loved, when my grandparents planned their house being built, they forgot to make me a room, which sucks, because I need one for when I come to stay for a month every summer. so I get my granddad's music room, which is kinda better than a normal bedroom. still, it's not nice to be forgotten.

but enough about me. I wanna tell you about Ray. he's quite tall, and he's awesome!! he's gay like me, but I don't know whether he likes me, or even if he has a boyfriend or anything. we normally talk about music. although, he did give me a piggy back ride down the big hill outside drama a few weeks ago, that made me feel loved. like he actually wanted to be my friend, and not just someone to talk to before the lesson starts. I won't see him until the next term though, so I guess I'll update more about him then.


so yeah, this is kind of a fanfic, but more like a diary of my life with the names changed. so if yall wanna give me relationship advice please do, that'd be great!! and if you don't like this, then just don't read it. also, if you vote it down, you're a bitch and I will set a psyduck riding a gyrados on you x.0

quack quack motherfuckers,

Kindle xoxo


i just randomly got it hacked off it's like boy short now and i've only ever been allowed to dye my hair pink and a purpley color you're lucky x.0

@xxstraightjacketxx My hair's pretty short because I dyed it loads of colours and hair colour removed doesn't work on my hair

McFabby McFabby


I am bi too, but i've just not told anybody x.0 also, they might guess coz i just cut my hair super short for no reason at all xD

@xxstraightjacketxx Yay!! A friend. The worst part of being bi is all your friends automatically take it as you said that you have a giant crush on them. FaCePaLm.

McFabby McFabby
