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let me be the one to save you

somewhere in neverland

Talia's POV

wow he really stayed with me, he is singing to me, he might save me

'HA you are way past the point of being saved' again with the stupid voice

just shut up

' why would I? since when do i listen to you?'

im ignoring you now

'have fun with your boyfriend'

"he is not my boyfriend!" i had to say that out loud, didn't I

"what?" frank asks stopping his song

"oh im sorry im talking to myself" wow good job not sounding crazy

"hey can you grab me my home work from out of my pocket" i asked pointing to my jeans in the corner

"yeah sorry about changing your clothes its just yours were dirty and i thought you would be more comfortable in those" he rushed out while looking through my pockets "i tried my best not to see much" he tried to hide behind his hair but i could still see the blush on his cheeks

"thats okay i-i like wearing you clothes anyways"i said also blushing now

"here it is" he said holding up a piece of folded paper then opening it to make sure he was corect

"umm i-i don't think i was supposed to find this" he mumbles handing me the paper

it said:
well i have had a crush on you for about three years now and i don't mean to sound creepy but i wish that you would notice me at some point but i know that will never happen so i guess i will remain invisible to you
, but the future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary
~ Fun ghoul

fuck fuck fuck its the letter i wrote from this morning now he knows i wrote it and the stupid name i gave myself dammit why am i so messed up

"i-i im sorry you uh you weren't supposed to know that was from me"

"fun ghoul.. i like that"

"its a stupid name i came up with when i was little"

"well i like it, but i like you more" he said pressing his lips to mine for about the fifth time today
and i am not complaining

he pulled away and brushed a piece of hair away from my face a tucking it behind my ear

"you want to watch a movie, fun ghoul?"

"i wanna watch peter pan! and i don't want to be fun ghoul anymore im tired of it i just don't think its me, can you be fun ghoul?"

"fuck yeah! i'll be fun ghoul that awesome!"

"it works better for you anyways"

"but you need a nickname" he said standing up to put in the movie

"umm i donno"

"how about Wendy?"

"no i don't like her Tinkerbell is better"

"fine then you are my little fairy"

"im not little! " i said pouting and crossing my arms over my chest like a little kid "and since when am i yours?"

"you are little, you are shorter than me, and you are mine now because i want you to be my girlfriend"


"Talia i love you and i have for a long time and now that i know you like me to i want to be here to help you and to walk around being able to say that your heart belongs to me and mine belongs to you."

"but i lied i don't like you"

"what?" i could hear his heart break in his voice

"i love you" i grabbed him by the collar of his shirt pulling hm in for another kiss full of passion and emotion that i can't quite name

i pulled away and he climbed on the bed with me and we cuddled and watched peter pan

"your my tinkerbell, never forget that" he whispered in my ear before i fell into a dream filled with Frank and everything about him

i don't deserve this



@Punkypine Shadow

well you were right lol :P

Doomed Faggot Doomed Faggot

@Gerard's Kiiljoy
it sounds cute as fuck man c: and i told you that you would haha

GrymmCreeper GrymmCreeper

@Punkypine Shadow

Thank you, im having a lot of fun writing it :)

Doomed Faggot Doomed Faggot

aww you cutie <3 its really good man, im glad you're writing it c:

GrymmCreeper GrymmCreeper


ill try and update again tonight

Doomed Faggot Doomed Faggot