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I'm Okay (Trust Me)

The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You

(Jessica's POV)

I walked into the kitchen to see Jack sitting at the table eating dumplings and the tall boy standing at the stove with a red apron on. Red apron. It feels... familiar somehow. I don't know, dejavu, I guess. I saw that he had more dumplings and suddenly got very excited. "OMG POT-STICKERS!" I ran over to the tall boy and almost knocked him down. He laughed, "Oh, hello Jessica. I'm Mikey.Thanks for asking." He said, making fun of me. I smiled at him. "Hiya, Moikoi. Can I have some pot-stickers? Please?" His eyes crinkled as he laughed again and wiped his hands on his apron before tossing some into a bowl and handing it to me. I shivered excitedly and plopped down at the table. I stuffed them in my face as Jack stared at me.
"...What?" I asked with my mouth full. He smirked at me, "Well, at least I know you won't be miserable here or anything. Since Connor and Mikey aren't going to the store tonight, how about all of us go tomorrow morning? We can get more pot-stickers." I nodded almost violently. "Yes! That sounds like so much fun! Mom would never let me do something like that on my own..." Mikey sat down at the table too and the three of us began talking about different stuff. About 10 minutes later, Connor entered the kitchen and started making enough popcorn to feed an army. "Oh, yeah..." Mikey mumbled. "I had almost forgotten." Jack turned to me. "We were going to watch Zombieland, do you want to?" I squealed, "Zombieland! I freakin' love Zombieland!" Connor giggled as he filled a literal storage bin with buttered popcorn. When it was all finally done, the three of us trailed behind him like ducklings, not bothering to clean up our dishes. He went up the stairs and into what I'm guessing is Jade and Kara's room. The wall facing the bed was completely covered by a huge projector displaying the title screen of Zombieland. Connor plopped down on the bed with the tub of popcorn next to Jade while Kara and Mikey sat on the couch giggling about something. Jack sat on the floor and since I didn’t know what to do, I joined him.
Connor pressed play and Mikey and Kara shut up without anyone telling them to. “Rule 1: Maintain Cardio.” All of us passed the giant tub of popcorn and watched the best movie on earth. “Rule 2: Double Tap.” Well at least I know all of us know exactly what to do in the event of a zombie apocalypse. I glanced backward to see Mikey looking at Kara in the most discreet way possible—especially at the part where Columbus was talking about his unexplainable desire to push a girl’s hair behind her ear. I ship it. Then my eyes shifted to Jade and Connor, and I had to keep myself from giggling. She was playing with his hair and making little braids in it while he watched. Okay, now I have two new ships. You can’t even judge me, either. “Rule 8: Get a Kick-Ass Partner.” We were already all the way to 8. Twinkies. Twinkies everywhere. I was trying to focus but it was kinda hard because I was freaking freezing. I think Jack noticed because he gave me a blanket from the couch.

“Rule 32: Enjoy the Little Things.” I literally had to keep myself from crying at this point. I looked around and saw pretty much everyone else crying anyway. I’m gonna fit in here.
The movie ended and Connor, Mikey, and Jack were all asleep. Men. We woke them up and they all shuffled out of the room, still half-asleep. I heard a few thuds, but neither Kara nor Jade did anything about it so I didn't either. “…Where do I sleep?” I said groggily, cheeks wet with tears from the best movie in existence.

Jade rubbed her eyes and pointed to the couch as Kara plopped onto the bed. I laid down where Kara and Mikey had been sitting before and smelled a lot of things. Flowery perfume which I’m guessing is Kara’s, spearmint toothpaste, strawberries, cologne, and coffee. Wow. Lots of coffee. I buried my face in the blankets and breathed in all the smells. “So…” Kara mumbled from the bed. I grunted in response. “What’s up with you and Jack-Attack?” I rolled over to face her. “Hm. Well, our parents arranged our marriage, but we don’t really know each other that well. He seems a little rude, actually…” Jade laughed, “He’s just stressed out, trust me. The Jack we know is far from rude. Although, he is funny as hell.” Kara laughed too, “There was one time when he… he um… he like, locked Connor in a closet and when I came over he was sleeping with his back to the door and Connor was screaming and banging on the door and stuff. And then another time… he uh… Jay, Connor, Jack, and I went to the mall but he forgot his wallet so we were standing in line at Starbucks but we didn’t have money for the coffee and… he…” She giggled, half-asleep, “He forced Connor to sing and dance Lucifer by SHINee in Korean with him. Everyone in line clapped and the cashier gave the coffee to us for free. Connor is still mad at him for that, though.”
I laughed. Maybe Jack isn’t so bad. It’s weird, though. All growing up, my parents always talked about him and how perfect it would be if we got married and bridged the companies together. But Jackson was always just a name to me. “…What did the dance look like?” I asked, suddenly curious. Kara laughed really hard and Jade looked at her, “I’m actually curious, too.” I smirked at her, “Why, wanna picture Connor dancing to it?” She blushed, “What? What are you even talking about?” Kara laughed and slapped her shoulder, “You know what she’s talkin’ about.” She said suggestively. Jade blushed redder. “I-it’s not like that, you perverts! …I just thought it would be funny…” She pouted. Kara high-fived me. “But… I’m sure you would love it if you got to see Mikey dance to it too, huh?”
Jade laughed really loudly and Kara hit her again. “Shut up!” She yelled, smiling. Kara turned the projector back on and typed “SHINee Lucifer” on a little keyboard. She pulled up a video of five skinny Korean boys singing and dancing. The three of us were laughing to the point of crying. By the time it was done we were all just lying there, laughing. Once we calmed down, Kara got up and turned off the lights, saying, “Okay, I don’t know about you guys but sleep is like, my favorite thing ever.” Jade and I sighed in agreement and I snuggled up into the blankets, which smelled like coffee and flowers. I was still cold, but the blankets were nice and the closest I was gonna get to being warm. After a while I could hear the other girls’ breathing deepen and I knew they were both asleep. My eyes got heavy, and I allowed myself to drift off to sleep as well. The people here are really nice, I thought right before slipping away. Yeah…

“Jessica! Jessica Williams! Is it true that you’re Jackson’s fiancé? And if so, why are you sleeping here?!” I woke up to lights flashing right in my face. “Agh!” I yelled, falling off the couch in a mix of fright and confusion. How did reporters get in here?! “W-what—Who—Uh—“ I stumbled over my words. “That’s it, yah nasties! Out!” Kara yelled, hitting one of the reporters. “Yeah, that’s right! Who gave you permission to be in here anyway?!” Jade joined her. I stood up and brushed myself off before pushing my way past the reporters. I ran down the stairs and saw a live news reporter. Are these people insane?! “It’s been released that Jackson’s new fiancé is Je—Oh! Here she comes now! Jessica Williams!” I tried to keep from screaming profanities like I often do when I’m confused and instead called out the only thing I could think of. “Jack! Get your lazy ass out here! Jack!!” I screamed past the camera. I heard a couple of thuds and a second later his door swung open, cameras whirling around to face him.
“What is it, woman?” He yelled sleepily. Relief washed over me, “Get them out of here!” At that moment, he seemed to just notice the reporters bustling about frantically, talking over each other. “O-Oh!” He realized, “Out! Yah! That’s right, back I say!” He said, pushed them and herding them towards the elevator. Despite their protests, he shoved all of them in and let the elevator door close. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. “God, I hate being a Perkins…” He shuffled over towards the TV and turned it on, flipping to a news channel. Yup, there we were. Jack sat on the couch and Connor crawled out of a cabinet under the TV. “Um…” I said quietly as he plopped down next to Jack. I don’t think I should ask.
And strangely enough, Jessica was sleeping on a couch upstairs instead of with Jackson! The news lady with stupid hair said like it was a big deal. Jack groaned and rolled his eyes. “3… 2… 1…” As if on cue, his phone blasted some kind of Korean song. “Yup, there it is.” He said, sighing as he answered his phone. “Hi mommy…” He said like a little kid. I heard screaming on the other line and Jack bit his lip, rolling his eyes. “Yes, mother. I understand. Won’t happen again.” He subconsciously forced a smile even though she couldn’t see him. More yelling. “I understand. Yup. Mm-hm. Gotcha. Can I go back to sleep now?” His mom yelled some more before he finally hung up, “Okie dokie, looks like we’re gonna have to start sleeping together.” I blushed and he seemed to notice. He pouted, “Not in that way, ya little pervert! Geez.” He yawned, ruffling his hair and shuffling to the kitchen. Well, tonight is gonna be awkward...

(Gerard's POV) **I know, I know. "Yay! She's finally writing more of the actual MCR boys." Shut up.**

"Mikes!" I yelled from my bed. I had a killer headache. "Milky Way! Mikaaaayyyy!" I yelled. Instead of Mikey, Mom burst in. "Gerard! Shut. Up. Mikey is in New York, remember?" Oh yeah. "Ugh, can you get me some OJ then?" She put her hands on her hips, "You want me to get you a football player who murdered his wife in '94? Really, Gerard?" I chuckled a little, "Orange juice, ma." She rolled her eyes, "Fine." I love my mama. "Oh, yeah. And aspirin, too!" I yelled. I wonder what Anna's up to. I really like her. She's nice, she likes me, she works at iHOP, and she doesn't care when I look like shit. I grabbed my phone and typed in her name. She picked up.

Annie, hun!

I could literally hear her smile.

Come over! I need your face. Like, nowwww.
Okie dokie, Gee Bear. Is Mikey back yet?
Nah. I swear that damn kid is trying to miss as many chores and homework as he can, so he's still in New York.

She laughed.

Okay, I'll be over in a minute.
You're the best.
I know.

I heard the click as she hung up and Mom walked in with orange juice and aspirin. "I love you so much, madre." I said as she handed it to me. "I guess Anna's coming over?" I nodded and sipped from my juice. Anna walked right in without even knocking. Her long, wavy brown hair fell into her face and she was wearing A Day to Remember t-shirt. "Hallo, dear." I said as she sat on the couch. Mom smiled and rolled her eyes. "You're too good for him." She whispered to Anna teasingly as she walked out. "So what do you want to do, darling?" She asked, laughing. I sat up and rolled off the bed. "Let's go make some coffee!" She rolled her eyes, "Typical Gee." We walked down the stairs and she turned the TV on while I went into the kitchen to make coffee. "Uh, Gerard?" She called from the couch. "Yeeeaaahhh?" I said, watching the pot fill up. "Why are your friends and your brother on the news?"


Okay I ship a lot of things ilysm guys ok



Battery After Battery After

Oh my gosh I can't it's so perfect Marina and Diamonds and Neon Trees too.

LovelyPunk LovelyPunk

Yes okie dokie it's official we will be best friends for lifeeee

Battery After Battery After

@Jade Thomas
Oh my gosh your now my best friend ILY

LovelyPunk LovelyPunk

@Jade Thomas
Oh my gosh your now my best friend ILY

LovelyPunk LovelyPunk