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He's not mad, he only looks that way.

Never Let Them Take The Light Behind Your Eyes

I was frozen in shock. Frank was here? I blinked, rubbed my eyes, squeezed them shut and pressed my fingers to my temples. He had to be a dream, he must be, my mind must be playing-
"Gerard, are you okay?" I'd forgotten that Natasha was stood next to me. In fact, she was knelt next to me, picking up the art supplies that had fallen out of my hands. I hadn't even noticed dropping them. Natasha was still talking. "Gerard, come on, we need to get you back to your room... Do you know him, that man there?"
I nodded vigorously. Of course I know him, stupid woman, why else would I be... Wait. I turned to her. "You can see him? He's really there? Not a hallucination?"
She had looked thoroughly confused, but her face cleared up when the dreaded H-word came out of my mouth. She understood. Her hand rested on my arm, and she said in a soft voice, "Yes, Gerard, he's there. He's really there and he's very real."
That was all I needed to hear. I shoved hard on the door between us, ready to see him, to hold him, to kiss his perfect little face... And was met with resistance. Goddammit. The door was locked, of course it was locked. I examined it frantically, and saw a slot on the side, the kind that a keycard would be used on. I looked back at Natasha, with a hopeful-looking keycard around her neck. But the minute she saw my eyes go to it, she tucked it inside her shirt. I gazed at her pleadingly. "Please, please let me see him. You don't understand, I need him. He's my whole world! I love that man more than it should be possible, and he's right there, you can't keep me away from him."
Natasha's eyes were starting to fill with tears at my desperate words, but she shook her head. "I'm sorry, Gerard, you know I can't let you out there. I-"
Whatever she had been about to say was interrupted by a pounding noise. We both turned to the door, and saw Frank slamming his fists on it, face pressed against the glass. He looked frantic and desperate and angry and so many other things, but most of all, he looked beautiful. Even in the stress of the moment and our situation, he was mind-blowing and I couldn't help but appreciate it. I stepped forward and pressed my face against the glass, leaning down a little so that I was at his height. He pressed his own face level with mine, so our noses would have been touching. Over his shoulder I was vaguely aware that the receptionist was staring daggers at him and yelling down a phone, probably getting hold of security. But I didn't really care. I was looking into Frank's eyes and that was all that mattered.
"Can you hear me?" he asked through the glass. He was muffled but audible. I nodded. "Listen Gee, I am going to get you out of this place, I promise. I'm going to make them let you out and get you back with me if its the last thing I do."
I smiled. The first genuine smile I'd given since I got here. "I'm working on it from this end, too. I'll get out of this shithole and back to you, I swear it." I laughed a little. "I mean, you've got my art stuff. Can't be doing without that, can I?"
He pulled a mock sad face. "Its that what you wanna come back for? The art stuff? Thanks!"
I smirked and poked the glass where his nose was. "You know its not the art stuff," I said softly. Then I let my grin widen again. "Its my clothes too!"
He rolled his eyes, and then focused on me very suddenly and intensely. "I love you, Gerard," he said earnestly.
I let my smile slip. "I love you too." I meant it so much, the passion rang out in my voice.
We stayed like that for what seemed like seconds, staring into each others eyes. He had such pretty eyes. And then all of a sudden, a burly hand appeared on his shoulder and he was pulled back violently. I could have ripped that hand off its adjoining arm, how dare it touch my Frank like that? Two large and scary-looking security guards had him in their grip. He looked so small and delicate in comparison, but that didn't stop him putting up a fight. He kicked and screamed, threw punches, bit, scratched, anything he could. But all his efforts didn't stop them dragging him out of the main doors like a puppet. I should have tried to get to him. Maybe I could have force open the door. I don't know, I could have done something. But instead I stood with my forehead pressed against the glass, and watched my precious Frank be dragged out of the building with tears streaming down my face.
As he was dragged out, I saw him shout something at me. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but it sounded like "never let them take the light behind your eyes".


Finally, right?


i seriously cried, this was just incredible! :D

This chapter was so sweet :')

Silent Scream Silent Scream

I have missed this so much you don't even understand

Yay! You updated! I love uuuuuuuu! :) Xx

I've only just found this, I know right? Where have I been? Well, I don't know, Mars maybe? Anyway, I found it, and read the whole thing, so far, in the last 3 hours, and I'm now, officially, obsessed with this story, and I can't wait till you update again! I think this is my new favourite fic, and yes, I do keep changing my favourites day to day, but please be happy this is my number 1 at least for today! You're a wonderful writer, and I'll read anything you write from now on!! :) Xx