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Aww Pickles, My Neighbor is A Hottie

Tell Me All Your Little Secrets

***Karie's POV***

It was around 11PM when I woke up. Gerard had not come home yet which scared me more then it did before. I guess I was believing myself when I said he was sleeping with someone. Who would he be sleeping with? I mean seriously, he was a loyal guy. I sighed and went to go give Bryan his normal medicine. The medicine didn't seem to be helping, but I tried to ignore that factor. I was telling myself that it would act up in the end.

"Bryan time for your medicine." I closed the door behind me as I entered the room. He flashed me a smile, which was nice to see from a sick boy. I sat on the bed and handed him the pills. He flushed them down with a water bottle on his night stand.

"Can I tell you something?" Bryan tapped my shoulder as I went into worry mode again. I nodded at him with a small smile.

"Of course." I tapped his head and laid back. This bed was fucking comfortable. I didn't miss it though because now it was someone who needed it more then me.

"Mr. Shannon isn't just a doctor to me. He is a family member. He told me because he...he hates me." Bryan started to cry. Was this what was bothering him so much? Was it the doctor who was someone he knew?

"Aw baby. Come here," I cuddled him, "Why didn't you tell me before?" He cried into my shirt.

"Because he said if I told you he would hurt you. No one can hurt you. I can take the pain, but you can't." This poor little boy was carrying all this pain on his back because he cared about me. I never knew this much though. I started to cry now.

"What do you mean hurt me?" I held Bryan close to show him I would protect him.

"He would beat you and punch you and kick you." Bryan whined. I felt my eyes widen in surprise and anger. He better not touch Bryan or things will go down.

"Does he do these things to you?" I bit my lip in anticipation for the answer. He shook his head and I sighed in relief. That man better never touch this boy in any harmful way. Wait. Now that I know he has threatened me, he wasn't allowed to touch Bryan at all.

"How are you related Bryan?" I looked down at him. He looked down as well.

"He is my dad..." Bryan started bawling again. I couldn't catch my breath. That man was his dad. The man who beat his wife and son. Who made Bryan live on the streets. I thought he ran away.

"I thought he ran away." I let out.

"He did. He ran to a new job and a new girl." Bryan cried.

"We have you Bryan. He won't hurt you again." I held Bryan and we laid there for a while. It was a lot to take in and I was wondering how Bryan was feeling. He found the man who beat him and had to just take in all his words. He was to scared to tell anyone because he didn't want to hurt me. This boy was the strongest child I had ever met. Not physically, mentally. He could have easily came running to Gerard and me and he kept it to himself for the safety of Gee and me.

"Will he hurt me?" Bryan broke the silence.

"Never. If we have to move a million miles to get away from that bastard we will." I promised. Bryan would never see that face again.

"What did he say to you?" I lightly touched Bryan's shoulder to support him.

"How much he hated me. How much he wanted to kill me. He would tell me that I am worthless and that no one will ever love me. I didn't believe him though because you love me. Right?" Bryan's eyes pleaded for a yes. I smiled warmly and nodded.

"I love you Bryan. Cross my heart and swear to die." I crossed my heart. Bryan tackled me in a hug. This boy had potential at life. He would be smart and would get far. The only thing blocking his future was me. I wouldn't allow him to go to school. That had to change.

"Bryan do you really want to go to school?" I looked at him in the eyes. They lit up immediately.

"Yes." He grinned.

"Well, I will allow it. You need to make one promise. If anyone bully's you, you come straight to me. You need to swear Bryan." I was being serious now. He was as well.

"I cross my heart and hope to die I will tell you immediately." He crossed heart.

"Alright you can go." I grinned at him.


A/N- Sorry for no Gee. Hope you like <3 Vote, Comment, and Subscribe


aww noo! this was my fav fan fic D: hope you get more ideas! <3


@Panic! in algebra class
it's over. I'm really sorry, but I can't continue. I'm working something else on a different website called wattpad. If you want the link, just message me <3

This was the first fan fic that I ever read and I loved it all...miss it...need more...please...


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Famous Dead Famous Dead