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Jersey's Voice

Chapter 35

“Are you ladies ready?” Star asked as she parked her car and looked and at both Sheela and I. We both nodded at her with giant grins on our faces.

“Masks on girls!” Star shouted excitedly as she lifted her white electric half mask to her face and securing it around her left eye before redoing her peroxide white hair she had dyed to fit her costume. Apparently people took their costuming very serious here in Jersey, even Sheela had done her hair to match her costume. Course it could just be that the people I had come to call friends and family just took Halloween this seriously. Whichever.

“Where are we going to put our stuff since our outfits aren’t exactly made with pockets?” Sheela asked as she fitted her silver gear mask on her face.

“We can bring them up with us all in my purse. We can drop it with our presents for Frankie on the bench right outside front door and cover it with one of our cloaks. That way once we’ve made our entrance we can go and get everything without ruining our look,” I offered as I attached my red pointed fire detailed mask across the top half of my face, adjusting it so I could see out the eyes. Which wasn’t too hard since the eye area was fairly large. But that being said…

“Am I on straight?” I asked Star since her mask was already on and situated.

“Perfect! Now let’s dump our crap into Jay Bird’s purse and get the hell inside! Vinyl is not made to keep you warm!” Star announced as she tweaked my mask once before dropping her stuff into my open purse on the back seat and almost literally kicking her driver door open to get out.

“Let’s rock and roll,” Sheela said with a wink as she dropped her stuff as well into my purse before fluffing her short ridiculous brown hair as she crawled out of the passenger seat.

That left me in the back. Unfurling my legs I opened the back door and handed my present out to whomever grabbed it first, followed by my cloak. I dragged my now heavy purse out with me, taking my present back from Star once I stood up.

I took a moment to readjust my skin sucking tight yellow vinyl suit, making sure everything was in its right place underneath and on the outside. I pulled the zipper under my cleavage up once more, checking it’s security before straightening out my long flame tipped gloves. Smiling at how perfect my costume turned out I waited as Star and Sheela did similar things with their costumes. Star was wearing the lowest cut black vinyl pants I had ever seen, and I had no idea why there was even a belt attached to them. Up top she was rocking a cropped black vinyl and paten leather tank top that only left a little to the imagination, with matching vinyl arm pieces that went almost up to her armpit. Add that too her white electric half mask and her crazy peroxide white hair and she looked perfect for the part. Sheela on the other hand was rocking a white vinyl leotard showing off her cleavage as well, with neon green vinyl tights so to speak. Over it all she was wearing a neon green vinyl jacket, bright navy blue paten leather boots to her knee and her silver gear mask with her flipped brown hair. We definitely made a fearsome threesome for the night.

Once we all had ourselves in working order, all wedgies from the car ride picked, we made our way to Gerard, Sharon and Mikey’s front door.

“Ready?” I asked as we got to the front door where I deposited my purse and present, waiting for their presents for Frankie before I covered it all with my cloak.

“As ever,” Star said with a grin as she deposited her present along with Sheela’s.

With a nod from Sheela I opened the door for the two of them and followed them in, shutting the door quietly behind us. Quietly the three of us traversed the short hallway into the kitchen, passed lookers on who gawked at us that I didn’t know and finally made it to the living room. In a line we entered the loud crowded living room and just stood, all of us posed with our hands on our hips looking the very part of the super heroines and super villains we were. After a moment all talking ended and everyone turned to stare at us. If the music could have stopped on its own I think it just might have.

“Holy fucking hell,” was the first thing said as we stood there.

I grinned at Bob for his first reaction, he always seemed to be the first person to recover in any situation I was learning.

“Fucking hot,” came next from Mikey, for which I gave him a wink. And yet still no one moved in the entire living room.

“Fucking Firestar, Marvel Girl and Faora,” came from Gerard whose jaw had been hanging open the entire time. I grinned even more, I knew he would get it. Well I had counted on him and his brother getting the costumes. We had gone with slightly less known to the public super heroes and villains. But that had been the plan all along, that and I knew Firestar would be the perfect costume to go with my new hair.

“Presents!” was the shout that broke the spell we had created on the room as Frankie ran up to us with his arms open. That shout set everyone back to talking and moving about, letting the party get started once again.

“Presents?” Frankie asked as he approached the three of us, standing more in front of me more then the other three. I guess even in costume they still scared him, which I found humorous.

“They’re outside under my cloak with my purse if you’d bring them and everything inside for us. But no peaking yet!!” I scolded jokingly.

“Can do!” Frankie saluted before starting to dash off.

“And by the way, your secret identity is SO much cooler than mine!” Frankie shouted as he gave us three an enthusiastic double thumbs up before dashing off after his presents and my cloak and purse. We couldn’t help it, the three of us burst out laughing at it. It felt good to have dropped a few jaws with our entrance. But it felt even better to be here, with these people, in this house. Something about it just felt right.

“Wow. Is your costume painted on?” K.C. asked as she came up and tried grabbing a part of my sleeve.

“Pretty damn close,” I laughed as she didn’t get very far with the pulling or grabbing.

“Wooow,” was K.C. said as she went to the two others and tried grabbing some of their vinyl costumes as well.

“I heard you have a Mad Hatter who has been chasing your uhm, tail all night,” Sheela said with a smirk and a wink.

K.C. for her part stopped moving and just blushed ridiculously. I didn’t think she had it in her to blush, just like Frankie. Though we had been finding out that Frankie had a tendency to blush when it was something having to do with K.C. so maybe the same was true with her. And she continued to say nothing as she stood there, she just sort of swayed, causing her Cheshire Cat tail to swish back and forth behind her. She had on purple and blue striped tights, followed by a purple and blue striped school girl skirt that came just above her knees and poofed out ever so slightly. She then had on a white button up cap sleeved school girl shirt with a little matching purple and blue striped bolero jacket over it. She had somehow poofed out her blue tipped strawberry blonde hair and put little furry purple and blue cat ears on top of her head. All in all I thought it was the cutest, and quite sexy, little Cheshire Cat I had seen anyone wear. And so to tell her I gave her my best two thumbs up

“Here, let me offer you a little of my fashion advice,” Sheela purred as she leaned in a bit and undid the top buttons of K.C.’s shirt. Not as far down as mine to say, but low enough that a hint of her navy blue bra could be seen.

“Go get ‘em tiger! Or erhm, cat!” Sheela cheered as she turned K.C. around to face where Frankie had just entered, smacking her on the ass to send her hoping a few steps his direction .

“Whoa,” was all that came out of Frankie’s mouth as he stopped in front of where K.C. had ended up, presents in his hands suddenly forgotten.

I turned back to Sheela just in time to see her high-fiving Star after Frankie’s reaction.

“My work here is done. Now let’s go find some drinks. Because I am going to need to be drunk to live in this costume all night. Or maybe I just need to get drunk and find someone to take it off. Ninja boy over there could be cute!” Sheela announced as she dusted off her hands from the “work” she had just done and grabbed Star steering the two of them off towards alcohol. I just stood there and shook my head at my foolish friends before turning back around to glance at the rest of the room, trying to decide where my next move was. I grinned when I saw the spot where Frankie had come in and encountered K.C. was now vacant, all that that remained was the pile of three gifts he had brought in stacked on a table top.

“Makes me wish I had gone as Wolverine after all,” a voice whispered woefully into my ear from behind me. I grinned.

“But you look ever so dashing in your get up why would you ruin it with blue and yellow spandex?” I asked as I turned to face the voice.

“Well Wolverine is the best of them all. And there seems to be a super hero and villain theme tonight that I wasn’t given the memo about,” Gerard supplied as he nodded at the two I had come in with and the other various super heroes and villains about the house, including Mikey.

“True, but I find Sherlock Holmes just as amazing. Besides, what girl doesn’t love a man in suspenders?” I answered cheekily as I flicked the suspenders Gerard was in fact wearing.

He did seem to look quite ravishing and fit the part perfectly. He had on clothing perfect for the time period, right down to the suspenders, hat, bowler, cravat and vest. If it hadn’t been Gerard in the get up I might even had considered him worthy of taking home for the night. But as it was he was in fact still Gerard, who not only was my best friend in this state but also attached to Sharon whom I considered a friend as well.

“Suspenders may be sexy indeed. But it doesn’t take the place of a good batch of vinyl,” Gerard whispered, seemingly lost in his own world as he traced shapes on my side right above my hip. It tickled. And it also didn’t tickle, at least not in that way.

“Gerard,” I hissed between my teeth as I kept a smile on my face.

“Hmm?” Gerard answered, as if still not with reality.

“AronShay,” I said through still closed teeth. Which worked like I had hoped. Gerard’s head snapped up and he dropped his hand from my waist which allowed me to exhale the entire amount of air I had been holding in the entire time right before Sharon got to us.

“I can’t believe your costume!” Sharon exclaimed excitedly as she approached the two of us. I grinned happily at her, my slight awkward moment seemingly forgotten.

“Thank you! I love yours as well!” I answered back. Honestly too, as she had on a beautifully rendered dress and hat that fit perfectly with the time period Gerard was portraying as Sherlock Holmes. They made quite a pair. Which only momentarily made me realize that I was without a mate in this whole costume extravaganza.

“Thank you! I do so love my top hat! So, who are you suppose to be?” Sharon asked as she quizzically looked over my attire.

“Oh I’m Firestar,” I answered with a smile, resisting the urge to put my hands on my hips like some horribly stereotypical super hero from the seventies would.

“Who?” Sharon asked, her confusion written all over her face.

“Uh,” I faltered, not knowing how to explain who I was. I had just assumed that whomever Gerard was with would have been as big a comic book and super hero freak as he was. And I guess I had assumed wrong. Luckily Gerard saved me.

“Come on, I’ll show you who she is. I have her in a comic book or two,” Gerard said as he veered Sharon away towards his comic book collection I could only assume.

“Do you know what happens when rubber and vinyl get too close?” a voice whispered against my neck as a rubber clad arm wrapped itself around my waist. I grinned as I leaned back against the chest I felt behind me.

“And what is that?” I asked, not looking back but still staring out at the party going on around me.

“They fall off, completely on their own accord,” the voice whispered before placing a kiss on my neck. I smiled and turned to face Batman behind me.

“Mikey, you remember my stipulation,” I said as I ran a finger over his rubber upper arm, Halloween or no I still didn’t have the head space for something serious at the moment.

“Just friends, I remember. But that doesn’t mean friends couldn’t enjoy a night together. It is Halloween after all. And I’m in no danger of forgetting that we’re just friends. Besides if you say no I may need to change my costume later on,” Mikey smirked at me.

I had no idea where this side of Mikey was coming from, but if he had no problem with remembering that all I wanted was to be friends I didn’t think I would mind. Besides it was Halloween after all and I was without a partner for the night and I didn’t fancy finding someone I didn’t know to be with for the night.

“I wouldn’t want you to ruin your costume now would I,” I smirked up at Mikey as I let my hand continue tracing the rubber detail to his Batman costume. It really was quite perfectly done.

“Shall we get the lady hero Firestar a drink then?” Mikey asked as he kissed my earlobe.

“I think a drink may be exactly what I need,” I exhaled quickly, not expecting the rush from Mikey nibbling on my earlobe.

“I do believe drinks are this way,” Mikey supplied as he steered me towards the kitchen, an arm wrapped tightly around my waist. Rubber and vinyl they say eh?


Happy Birthday to you Dark Violet!
Okay, so totally wrong parts of the year but whatever.
I just think it's funny that the two events seemed to coinside so perfectly!


Aw, I see you’ve abandoned this. I wish you hadn’t… it’s really good!

Pinkgirl16 Pinkgirl16

Pleeeease update

Name of Misery. Name of Misery.

ohmygod please update this is SO GOOD D:

kkday21 kkday21

You really should start this story again. It really is amazing. I only use this site for your story now and not even as fanfic or anything. It's just an all around amazing story. I really hope you'll start writing it again.

Lucyriverstone Lucyriverstone
OMFG! you neeeddd to start updating this story again! i love it!