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Jersey's Voice

Chapter 19

"Are you sure you don't want me for the rest of day?" I asked Reta as I untied my apron.

It had been a long day, busy to the gills. It was Saturday after all. And it was only bound to get busier as the day went on. I felt bad, but all day she kept telling me the same thing every time I asked about her letting me go early.

"Do you really want me to repeat myself?" Reta asked, arms full of four orders.

I sighed.

"Alright, fine, I'll go," I said.

"Besides there is a very impatient looking boy standing outside with his arms full of bags, pacing a trench into my sidewalk. Tell him to stop before I charge his rock star ass to have it fixed by the pavers," Reta said as she placed her orders down, head gesturing out one of the windows.

I looked, following her direction and smiled. So there was.

"I don't get him," I said as I took my things with me and placed my order papers behind the counter.

"But I'm pretty sure he gets you Jay Bird," Reta said with a smile as I opened the front door to go outside.

I just shook my head in response.

"Gerard what in the heavens are you doing here? And Reta says, and I quote, if you don't stop pacing a trench into her sidewalk she's gonna charge your rock star ass to have it fixed by the pavers," I said as I approached him, lighting a cigarette.

"MOVIES!" Gerard said excitedly, raising the bag he was holding.

"Channeling a little of Frankie dearest are we?" I asked teasingly as I went to peer in the bag.

Gerard scrunched his face up at me.

"How many movies did you bring? That's a huge bag," I asked as he swerved out of the way so I couldn't see the bag's contents.

"It's not only movies, it's also movie enjoying goodies," Gerard said, finally just lifting the bag up so it was held above my head.

I crinkled my nose at him in defeat.

"You know that doesn't entirely sound PG right?" I asked as I exhaled and started walking to the street entrance of my apartment.

Gerard just laughed.

I let us in, unlocking the door and holding it open for him. He declined and stuck his leg so it was holding the door open and ushered me in first. I rolled my eyes and went in, walking up the stairs ahead of him to unlock my apartment.

"So what's first?" I asked as I put my cigarette out and dropped my stuff from work down.

"First you stick this in the microwave and I'll stick all but two of these in the fridge," Gerard said as he tossed me a box of extra buttery movie theater style popcorn, the bag of stuff still in his hands.

I caught the box and went to do as ordered. I popped a bag in and hit the magical "popcorn" button on the microwave that took all the horrible guess work out of making the stuff and went in search of a bowl. Gerard was busy unloading stuff onto my counter and getting a long platter from the cabinet. I watched in amusement as he dug around for one and finally found it, pulling it down and putting it on the counter. He eventually looked over and caught me watching.

"Go sit and set up that damn television thing of yours for the dvd player, I'll be in as soon as the popcorn and I are done," Gerard said, waving me out of the kitchen.

I sighed and followed his orders once again. Why fight it right?

I set up the television and dvd player in like five seconds flat and finally heard the microwave ding, signaling it and our artery clogging goodness we done. The sound of the microwave door opening were soon followed by all sorts of painful and angry sounds and noises as Gerard attempted to open the steaming bag and dump it's contents without burning himself. Sounds like he failed. I smiled as I watched the dvd screen saver come on, the words DVD bouncing all over a black screen, changing color as it hit a side of the screen. It was amusing. But not as amusing as the sounds coming from the kitchen. Finally they stopped and I heard Gerard walking out to the couch.

"Beer," Gerard said as he dropped two cold glass bottles onto the couch beside me.

I picked them up and placed them on the coffee table.

"One bowl of deliciously bad for us popcorn, with an entire box remaining in the kitchen to be devoured BEFORE the end of the night," Gerard said, the bowl of popcorn coming over my head and into view.

That too I took and placed on the coffee table between the television and us.

"And lastly, me, with a giant platter of all the things out mothers never let us eat," Gerard said as one of his legs came over the back of the couch.

Followed by the rest of him. And as he sat I saw he was holding the platter he had dug out of my cabinets. And it was LOADED with more types of candy than I've ever seen in all my years of Halloween trick or treating combined. And that's saying something as I continued to trick or treat even in college.

"Gerard are you crazy?" I asked as I put my hand in the candy and pushed it around a little, trying to get a better look at it's contents.

"Probably. But I was more geared towards getting nice and fat sitting here with you all day and night, rotting not only our teeth but our brains as well," Gerard said as he picked up a sour gummy worm and popped it into his mouth, half of it dangling out as he grinned goofily at me.

"And for movies?" I asked as I took out a mini snickers and popped it into my mouth, then taking the tray and putting it on the table as well.

"Oh shit!" Gerard shouted as he jumped up and over the couch, the last half of his gummy worm flying through the air.

I burst out laughing, trying my damndest to not choke on the chocolate in my mouth. Gerard finally came back with the bag and once again climbed over the back of the couch and sat down.

"Ta da!" he exclaimed as he turned the bag upside down and dumped its contents on the couch between us.

"We have Pink Flyod's the Wall, a couple of cheesy zombie movies, a few B horror flicks, Robo Cop, Zorro, the City of Lost Children, Eraserhead, do you need me to continue?" Gerard asked as he was pulling up movie after movie and holding them in his hands.

"No, no. I think we're good," I said, placing my hands on his to stop him.

"Alright then lets start this party," Gerard said as he leaned forward and dumped all the movies on the little remaining space of the coffee table.

A handful skittered and fell off, piling on the floor, as he took a random one and popped it in the dvd player before sitting back on the couch. I pushed the play button on the remote as Gerard got up once again and pulled the curtains closed over the window, and even went the extra mile by hanging our hoodies over them to make it super dark. I shook my head and reached for some popcorn as the menu for City of the Dead came on the screen. Gerard sat back down, put his arm on the back of the couch, opened a beer, grabbed some popcorn and dumped it into his lap and we watched the movie begin.
"Ugh," I said roughly five or so hours later.

"What?" Gerard asked from beside me.

We had gravitated to the middle of the couch by that point, sitting side by side. We had devoured a good portion of the candy, two other bags of popcorn and four beers each on top of our first. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I think I'm going to explode," I whined, hands clutching my stomach in protest.

"Nah. Let out a good release and make room for more," Gerard said as he proceeded to poke my stomach with his finger.

"Ah! Hey! That tickles! And my stomach is full to the point of bursting, it will probably make me hurl on you," I said as I leapt back a little from his poking fingers.

"I'm willing to risk it," Gerard said as he leaned over and started poking my stomach and sides.

"Ahh. Sta-ah-op!" I shouted as I squirmed underneath his fiendish fingers.

"Never!" Gerard shouted as he pushed me down and started to full out tickle me.

I was going to die.

"Ger-ard," I managed to get out in broken speech as I was laughing.

"What? What was that? I thought I heard something? Guess not," Gerard said as he smirked down at me, straddling my waist at this point, as he tickle tortured me.

I was laughing so hard there were tears in my eyes. Though from the tickling or the fullness of my stomach now being sat upon by Gerard I couldn't tell. And then I belched. A big one. REALLY loud. And Gerard stopped and started laughing uncontrollably. I glared at him and pushed his laughing ass off of me and then sat up and crossed my arms across my chest as I watched him laugh. I glared at him. Though he had been right, my stomach felt better, and a little less full. I reached for my fifth beer and took a sip after I wrenched off the cap and scowled at him.

"Oh, ow. Sorry. But I was right," Gerard said as he wiped laughter tears away from his eyes as he finally calmed down.

"Loser," I grumbled as I took another sip of my beer.

"Belching queen," Gerard teased, his eyes still sparkling from his laughing fit.

"Damn skippy!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Damn sexy!" Gerard exclaimed just as loudly.

"You're such a dork," I said as I stood up and grabbed some of our garbage to deposit in the trash in the kitchen.

"Why am I a dork?" Gerard asked as he too got up for the same reason.

"Because you find belching sexy," I teased as I walked towards the kitchen, garbage in hand.

"Damn straight I do," Gerard answered from behind me.

I could feel his eyes on me as I walked ahead of him. I deposited the trash and went to the fridge for the rest of the cold beer to bring it out. I felt Gerard come up behind me and peer into the fridge as well, resting his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around my waist. I pushed a few things aside as I felt his breath against my neck, making little goose bumps rise. It was warm compared to the cold air coming from the open fridge. Items found, well item singular as it was the remainder of our 18 rack and only had six beers left in it, I stood and closed the fridge. Gerard stayed in his position.

"You know this makes it awfully hard to walk," I said as I turned my face to look at Gerard's on my shoulder.

Our faces were mere inches apart and I could feel his warm breath tickling my face.

"Fiiine," Gerard groaned and then proceeded to get off me.

I cast him a cheesy grin and walked back to our places on the couch. I was only a little wobbly, hey I was only into my sixth beer, not that much. I plopped down onto the couch, back in the middle, placed the beer on the coffee table, crushing some of the dvd cases, but figured they were fine. I waited for Gerard to come back and sit so we could start the next movie. When he didn't crawl over the back of the couch I turned my head towards the kitchen and saw him still standing there. Staring over at me.

"What?" I asked, sort of laughing when I did so, you know how it goes.

"Nothing," Gerard replied, still looking at me.

"Well then come on already. The couch is getting cold and I'm bound to stretch out and steal your spot for my legs if you don't hurry up," I said and made to stretch out.

Very dramatic when all was said and done. But it worked. As Gerard a second later came flying over the top of the couch and landed in a pile, partially on my legs.

"Weirdo," I sighed as I sat straight and pushed play on the next movie, reaching for more sugar.


Yay for a day filled with nothing but popcorn, movies, sugar and beer!!!
Those are my favorites!


Aw, I see you’ve abandoned this. I wish you hadn’t… it’s really good!

Pinkgirl16 Pinkgirl16

Pleeeease update

Name of Misery. Name of Misery.

ohmygod please update this is SO GOOD D:

kkday21 kkday21

You really should start this story again. It really is amazing. I only use this site for your story now and not even as fanfic or anything. It's just an all around amazing story. I really hope you'll start writing it again.

Lucyriverstone Lucyriverstone
OMFG! you neeeddd to start updating this story again! i love it!